Saturday 26 March 2011

Voltage Converter

This kit is good for traveling all around the world, it has all the plugs you need UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, US, Japan and more.. But you have to be very careful what you use it for. The included converter has two settings: 50W & 1600W. On the 1600W setting it acts as a solid state converter which is designed only to support up to 1600 watt for purely resistive appliances (heat producing) such as hair dryers but not flat irons which require transformers. You may ask why? because most hair dryers are purely resistive, they only have heating element without any kind of electronics components. On the other hand flat irons now have electronic chips that control the heat. Thus using the solid state converter such as this on a 1600W setting will damage the converter and the flat iron. Now, on the 50W setting it acts a transformer for small electronics up to 50W. 50W is enough for small items such as battery chargers and shavers. But 50W is too low for something like flat iron because these type of products surge when they are switched ON and most of the times exceed 200W. The plugs are very handy for use with dual voltage products such as my laptop, cell phone charger and ipod. Plugs can also be used along with this converter for your 110V only products. 50-1600 Watt Travel Voltage Converter Transformer Kit with Worldwide Socket Plug Adapters- Step Down 220/240V to 110V/120V- Great for travel overseas

I bought this to take with me on a two week trip to Spain and Portugal so I could use my curling iron and charge my notebook computer. The first time I used it (curling iron) all went well. The second time, I was charging my notebook (on the low setting of course)while answerinig email. Something suddenly smelled hot. Then, big pop, and all the lights went out. The hotel sent a maintenance person who reset the breaker switch. The next morning I decided to try one more time. The second the metal of the converter with plug touched the metal in the outlet....pop.....lights and power out. This time I reset the breaker. So this converter failed completely on the second use. It was impossible to use it any more, and I threw it away. What a waste of money! Don't buy this one.

My wife took this converter and a 1400 Watt hairdryer that she wanted to use to England. The hair dryer burned up on the first use, converter was hot and smelled badly. She tossed both the hairdryer and the converter in the trash. All the rest of her electronics were portable devices with transformers compatible in both the US and Europe. A simple plug converter worked for the cell phone, MP3 player, and cameras.

This product started out promising, and it did everything it advertised. However, a few little things cropped up right away. First, many plugs in certain areas in Europe are vertical instead of horizontal. Since this is a pretty heavy item, it slowly bent the prongs when used this way. Not a huge issue, but a minor annoyance. The deal breaker came on the 5th day, when my wife was using the hair dryer, it all of a sudden just popped and started smoking. It tripped the circuit in the room, and stopped working. I don't know if it was just a bad unit, but definitely was a pain to try and find another one while on vacation.'

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