Saturday 27 September 2008

Austrian Economics - capitalism, free markets

Don't be fooled by the [Audio CD] format advertised here. This is an "audible download" only, and I just spent an hour trying to get this to my Ipod. Ridiculously complicated software, obviously written by teenagers...

If you want this product, go to The Austrian Case for the Free Market Process: Knowledge Products (Great Economic Thinkers) (Library Edition)

Not sure what happened to the other reviewer and if I had read his review first, I would have not ordered it. I did order, and received the Audio CDs, not the download version.

This is a three CD set. The first half is about Von Mises and the second half about Hayek. The Economists are free market thinkers and strongly believe in a small government. These CDs are great for getting a feel for their thinking, but only scratches the surface. The economist's words are spoken in an Austrian accent, which does take some adjustment.

If you like this type of economic thinking, I would highly recommend the book, Economics in One Lesson by Hazlitt. Von Mises had a great deal of influence over Hazlitt and he put down his thoughts in a short, easy to read book.

If you are looking for a primer to understand their thinking, then this is a great audio book. If you want to go deep into their thinking, first get Economics in One Lesson, then read the Austrian economist's books.

Hope that helps.

Randy - Capitalism - Libertarianism - Economics - Free Markets'

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Austrian Economics - capitalism, free markets capitalism Austrian Economics - capitalism, free markets

Mechanical Pencils

I had high hopes for the Sharpie Liquid Pencil, so I was rather elated to find my local stationery/office store carrying a small stock of these near the register. I purchased a pair of two-packs and decided to give them a try.

Perhaps my expectations were too high. I've tried writing, to varying degrees, with all four pen(cil)s and the result is the same for each of them: inconsistent ink/graphite flow. The pen itself is comfortable to hold, with a nice rubberized grip, and I was pleased with the extra erasers provided in the package (eight total, including the pair already installed in the two writing instruments). But, the ultimate purpose of a pen is to provide clean lines and steady ink flow. Based on this, I'm afraid I cannot recommend the Sharpie Liquid Pencil without reservations. The liquid graphite seems to be too thick or lumpy for the ball-point delivery system, as blobs of the stuff are continuously shed onto the page, leaving your handwriting with a "gooey" look. Plus, the flow is unsteady at best. About 75% of the time, the written line is solid and legible, but this is marred by occasional ink drop-outs, where the liquid graphite simply ceases to flow from the tip, forcing you to go back and rewrite what you've already written.

The erasability, which is arguably the primary selling point, is the real deal. The liquid graphite erases cleanly and evenly, leaving nary a trace on the page. In this respect, it is far better than the previous generation of erasable pens, which tended to leave a residue on the writing surface. I've also noticed that you don't even need to use the eraser to erase the lines. If you take your finger and rub firmly, the liquid graphite will simply flake off the page. This does require a bit of force, however, and simply brushing your hand over it during the normal course of writing will not cause accidental erasure. After about a day, the ink becomes mostly permanent and the Liquid Pencil does exactly what it claims to do in that regard.

Overall, I'm pleased that this product meets Sharpie's claims, but I'm disappointed in its writing performance. It's a mixed bag. If the cleanliness and consistency of your writing is important to you, I would suggest that you skip the Liquid Pencil. But, if the erasability is important to you or you plan on just carrying this around in your glove compartment or pocket as a tool of convenience, then perhaps you may want to give it a try. Sharpie Liquid Mechanical Pencils, 2 Mechanical Pencils (1770244)

Sharpie has come up with a great product idea: a writing implement that includes the best features of pencils, pens, and permanent markers. Unfortunately, they did not deliver on that idea. Instead, they've created a product that includes the worst features of pencils and pens.

This pencil doesn't even write well. If you press down while you're writing, it writes like a cheap ballpoint pen that ran out of ink a year ago. The pencil does erase pretty well immediately after you write with it, perhaps even better than regular pencils. But unfortunately, it erases just as well days later. Contrary to the marketing hype, this liquid pencil does not become permanent after a few days. As an added annoyance, when the writing tip is extended, the eraser-end of the pen floats loose, making it cumbersome to erase.

Save your money and use regular pencils or pens. The Sharpie Liquid Pencils I bought are now in the trash.

Disappointing ink flow and poor writing performance. This pen lacks the smoothness of either a pen or a pencil, but instead offers a somewhat gummy writing experience with poor lines. Some letters in a word will be completely unmarked by this pen. I had high hopes, but it's not worth purchasing.

You should instead find a mechanical pencil, the Staedtler Elite 9705 or the Faber-Castell Grip 1335. They are nearly identical and nearly perfect.

The Sharpie Liquid Pencil meets my expectations. I'm not having any of the clumpiness issues reported by other reviewers. The flow is consistent for the most part. I see traces of fading in the parts of my handwriting that have weaker strokes.

My primary reason for choosing the Sharpie Liquid Pencil is because I work in a call center and take down a lot of notes while I'm on the phone with customers. I prefer writing with pencils because I have an issue with most pens: they either bleed out or smear. Either way, I tend to end up with ink all over my hands after a long day of taking notes. So I figured I'd give these things a shot. I ordered from Amazon and even though I was told it wouldn't ship for a few weeks, I got an email notice the next day from Amazon saying it would ship sooner than expected. I received my two-pack within 3 business days.

After a couple of days of use, I haven't noticed any clumpiness or gunky build up. The ink (or liquid graphite) does not easily smear across the paper and there is no signs of bleeding ink. My hands are not stained by any of their liquid graphite. Erasing works like a charm. I actually think the liquid graphite erases much better than a lead pencil. The eraser is not too harsh on the paper either. The two-pack came with six extra eraser heads.

The only reason I am deducting one star is because the clicking mechinisim on the pen is very loose. This causes the pen to be noisey to write with as the top half of pen rattles around from your pen strokes. I stuck a piece of tape on it though as a quick remedy to reduce the rattling noise. I would definately like to see Sharpie address this, though...even if it's in the form of pen and cap version as opposed to a retractible pen.

I'm a Sharpie fiend - I've bought every pen and marker they've released at least once, in every color. I love their products.

Correction: I love their marker and pen products.

The Sharpie Liquid pencil was a dream come true:

-mechanical pencil that's erasable

-will become permanent after a few days (no smudging)

-I get to give more money to Sharpie

And life would have been good if this product wasn't utterly useless.

Problem 1: It's not permanent. It's well documented with a response from Sharpie here: [...]

So the permanence (whether 1 day, or 3 days, or 5 days) is a complete load. Look, I don't mind if you can erase what you wrote - the eraser could use some chemicals that break down the graphite whenever. The only thing I wanted to avoid was inadvertent smudging by hand.

Does the Sharpie Liquid Pen prevent accidental hand smudging 3 days after writing? Absolutely not. Sharpie can argue the finer points of ISO certified permanence 'til their eyes stay blue, but an errant hand swipe can still render your notes unreadable.

Problem 2: OK, so it isn't permanent. Worst case scenario it's an overpriced mechanical pencil, right? Wrong. The writing angle on this pencil is terrible. What I mean is that I use my sharpie pens at a very low (~30 degree) angle from the paper. These pencils will not drop liquid graphite onto the page for anything less than 60 degrees in my experience.

In general, to get good graphite flow you're forced into a near-upright position - dangerously close to a painful and awkward 90 degree perpendicular angle for best results. It's a roller ball system, but unlike ink roller balls this one is terrible from almost all angles.

That, and generally it won't "ink" reliably for most of the first word if you'r not immediately continuing a sentence.

tl;dr: It doesn't write as good as a pencil and it doesn't stay as good as a pen. We expected the best of both worlds, we got the worst instead.

Note to Sharpie: I'll give you another change - just perfect Liquid Pencil 2.0 and MAKE IT WORK before you release it.'

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Pet Grooming Tool - pet grooming, shedding

In our 10-animal household (dogs and cats), fur is everywhere. I thought I had found the holy grail of grooming tools in the Zoom Groom (they make different models for dogs and for cats), which removes a lot of fur without giving the animal an unpleasant experience. Now I think the Zoom Groom is a great little brush, but when it comes to amount of fur removed, it's got nothin' on the Furminator. Even my long-hair cat who dislikes being groomed will let me use the Furminator on her for a good long stretch.

How does it work? Excellent question; I still can't figure it out exactly after extensive use, but I can tell you what it does NOT do. It doesn't pull or cut the hair; the comb-style "blade" does not have a sharp edge. Also, it doesn't cause discomfort for the animal; mine all seem to enjoy it very much, like it gives a pleasant scratching sensation. (I ran it along my own arm as a test, and experienced the same.)

If you go to the Furminator website and watch the grooming videos there, you will see tremendous amounts of fur being removed from dogs and cats after they have been groomed using a few different styles of grooming tools. These videos are not faked; I could not believe the piles and piles of fur I removed from my critters with the Furminator, even after using a fine-toothed flea comb on them. Their coats are so soft after I groom them, and the amount of hair shed on my furniture and floors actually seems to have decreased! Plus the critters -- especially those with heavy undercoats for winter warmth -- are way more comfy in the summer heat.

A downside -- the manufacturer does suggest you will need to buy replacement blades to maintain the performance of this tool; I am not sure how one can tell if the blade is "dull" but perhaps it will become clear after more use. All in all, however, the price is well worth the performance of this high-quality tool.

UPDATE: I wanted to add that this tool is designed to be used on clean(ish), dry, tangle-free fur. If the coat has more than a couple of burrs or tangles, use a different kind of tool (scissors or a comb) to remove these first before grooming, as the Furminator will just skim right over these areas. Also, it will not work very effectively on wet or really grubby fur; this is not the tool to reach for right after your dog's been swimming! FURminator Large Yellow deShedding Tool with 4-Inch Edge

I live in Minnesota and have a twelve-year old German Shepherd who lives indoors year-round. Her undercoat EXPLODES in the spring and fall when the weather changes so drastically, and there is simply no way to keep up with all of the brushing and vacuuming that is needed during the shedding seasons. Until... along came the FURminator!

Believe me that I had tried everything on this dog for eleven years - shedding blades, slicker brushes, rubber brushes, metal combs, pin brushes, bristle brushes, the rubber Zoom Groom, rubber curry combs, shed-reducing diet-supplements, shampoos, conditioners and sprays... every product on the store shelves, and every new product that came out on the market I thought could help with the endless shedding. But alas, every brush and comb and glob of goop was as worthless as the last in the fight against the fur.

So when FURminator came out, I thought, why the heck is this brush so expensive? Could it really be worth the money? I saw that advertising image they use of the dog sitting with his fur in a giant half-circle on the floor all around him, and his coat looking flat and smooth. I wanted my dog to look like that! I imagined all of those piles of fur being slowly embedded in the carpet throughout the house over the course of the shedding seasons, and the constant battle to vacuum it all up. I was tired of that, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I've had the FURminator for about a year now, as I wanted to really test it out and make sure it continued to be as impressive as when I first got it, and it has. Every time I take it from its peg on the wall, my dog knows that it's time to get all that itchy, yucky, uncomfortable fur out of her coat for good, so she stands as quiet as a princess as I pull out heaps of hair (outdoors, of course.) The tufts of hair are so light and fluffy, that I also get the added joy of watching birds come pick up the puffs to build their nests in the spring. It has cut grooming down to about a quarter of the time I used to spend, with better results than I ever got before, when I armed myself with my box of brushes and sprays. This is the only brush I will ever use on any undercoated dog.

The FURminator is more than a brush - it is truly a grooming tool. You will not be disappointed.

This product is great for shedding dogs and cats but does not work well for specific breeds of dogs. I have a Siberian Husky who sheds his undercoat like crazy in the warm weather months. This brush barely got through his thick, artic breed type outer coat hairs to reach those pesky undercoat hairs. Works well on soft, long haired breeds like Goldens and Collies, etc. Definately not for Artic breeds!! Stick to your typical undercoat rake and a shedding blade for them.

I feel compelled to balance the...interesting...comment below. This tool is not meant for humans; likewise, it (as with any other intensive grooming tool) should not be used repeatedly over one area. Because it pulls coat, it can irritate the skin with overuse. *It does not conntain any blades.* However, cats can be very skin sensitive (I haven't tried it on my cat, she doesn't like much handling).

Having used it now on four dogs, I can say that dogs *love* the Furminator. Even my former-stray, who is hestitant about grooming because she had skin problems when I adopted her, will follow me around wanting to be groomed when I pick up the Furminator and stay calm and relaxed while I use it. It also pulls more undercoat than any tool I've ever tried, so I happen to love it too! However, despite what it says above, it does not appear to accomplish much with short-haired dogs (which makes sense, given their lack of undercoat). - Shedding - Pet Grooming - Dog Brush - Deshedding'

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Pet Grooming Tool - pet grooming, shedding deshedding Pet Grooming Tool - pet grooming, shedding

Roadtrip Grill Cover - grill, roadtrip grill cover

This is a very heavy duty cover. It is made to fit the largest RoadTrip model (Pro). I have the LXE model which is smaller, but the cover fits nicely and does not seem too large. It stays in place even in high wind conditions. The cover is easy to get off and on. Coleman RoadTrip Grill Cover

heavy weight cover but I wish it were a zipper type bag instead since we store our grill in our trailer and use it for camping-this cover really does not get used the way it would if it were a zipper style carry bag for that reason and because we keep our "kitchen" under cover when camping any way. If you use your grill on your deck or store it outdoors all the time this would work perfectly. If you are using this grill as a "take along" item only then you can do without it.

I was curious to see how cheezy this cover would be after looking at the ones in the store and to my big surprise, this thing is super-thick, durable, and heavy! This will protect your WHOLE grill all the way to the floor! I live in Florida and get massive storms with massive winds and let me tell you this cover doesn't move! It is super thick to protect it pretty much from limbs or small items dropping on it, it's heavy too so the wind doesn't kick it up and blow it all over, in fact it doesn't even really move. I also love how the materials they use are super durable. I am really happy with this product and would gladly recommend this for anyone with the RoadTrip Grill and to top it off the price is worth the product!

Well made cover, made of heavy material. I keep my Coleman Roadtrip Grill on my apartment balcony and wanted something that would not be flimsey. This met my expectations. Also has velcro straps that help make a tighter fit. Worth the $30.

A very well made grill cover that fits our unit just

fine. It did blow off our outdoor grill when the wind got up to 25 miles per hour.So i put a bungee

cord around the cover near the bottom,and now it stays on when the wind blows.

I am very happy with this grill cover. It is much heavier than I anticipated. We use our grill on a 2nd story apartment deck and sometimes it can get pretty windy. It is very heavy and very strong. I thought maybe the price was too high until i received the product and now think it is an excellent price. - Accessories - Coleman - Roadtrip Grill Cover - Grill'

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Kindle Power Adapters - kindle 2 wall charger, kindle international

The adapter does what it was designed to do, but I question why there was a need to include the USB cable with it, as one is already supplied with the Kindle. This item could have been supplied a bit cheaper. In addition this, bearing in mind I'm in Australia, I have since found that I could have purchased just the plug without the cable, locally, and a lot cheaper. Amazon Kindle AU (Type I, Australia) Power Adapter [Fits Kindle and Kindle DX]

why did i bother to buy this item? the kindle's battery life is amazing!! IF you turn off your wifi connection when your not using it. i have not even used this item and probably wont. so if you have access to a computer at least once a week then i would not buy this item.

It certainly does all that is needed. Not sure why: 1. it wasn't offered when I bought my Kindle - just a couple of months ago and 2. why it comes with the USB connector cord which is the same as the cord that came with my Kindle. But there you go! Certainly makes my Kindle more useful as I can now charge it up from a power point!

I bought the product because it showed as US$4.99 when I processed the purchase but I was finally charged US$19.99. Not worth the money as you can get a suitable adapter from JB HiFi or similar for AUS$9.95. The unit comes with a cable that you can use with a universal adapter.

Amazon is making a big mistake here with this non US power supply for their Kindle ~

> for people living outside of the United States they automatically receive the US power supply without being given any choice as to WHICH power supply they might like ~ US, European, UK or AU. That means these people have to purchase an ADDITIONAL power supply at the exorbitant cost of $20. Why? No seemingly good reason.

> If people want additional power supplies (for the new 3G Kindle that can update through the Whispernet in a number of other countries), they have to purchase a whole new additional power supply at the exorbitant cost of $20 rather than being given the opportunity to just buy the different plug. After all the original design of the power supply is made so this can be the case.

Amazon, usually does a great job of making their customers feel looked after which is one of their very good features, but here they get it wrong.

I recently bought this in conjunction with my new Kindle 3. When bought together the charger is only $5. I figured it would be easier than leaving my computer on overnight while the Kindle was charging, or finding a computer when staying at antiquated relatives' houses.

Yes, it does exactly what it should do. An additional benefit is that I can now charge any of my USB devices from the powerpoint. I would definitely recommend it when buying a Kindle.

This item does exactly what its meant to. It charges your kindle from a wall outlet. It has a small profile, is light and straightforward to use.

My only gripe would be that it should be included with the kindle and not a separate purchase. Unless you are going to carry a computer wherever you go, including on your travels, you are going to need one of these to charge your kindle.

The power adaptor (Type I for Australia) is a must have for travellers who don't have access to a computer to charge their Kindle. Long overdue for Australian users. Charges the Kindle very quickly. Very pleased with this product. - Kindle International - Kindle 2 Power Adapter - Kindle Power Adapters - Kindle 2 Wall Charger'

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37 Inch

Our television was terrific until about the third month when it started flashing, regardless of what channel was being viewed (DVD, Roku, cable, etc.). We looked on line and this is not an unusual problem apparently. Vizio offered to send out a serviceperson, but we decided to take it back to the store. That's too fast for a problem to occur. VIZIO E371VL 37 Inch Class LCD HDTV

Okay this tv is great, the picture quality is better than my LG and Sony, the sound is equal to any other tv. Better than my lg my Sony has it beat in that department. I bought one of these my mother has one and my best friend has one. I have had mine for over a year no problems and as far as I know nobody else has either. My only complaint.... not a complaint really, its the amount of hdmi hook ups this tv has only two. I would like three but again that's just nit picking! For half the price and equal quality you can't beat Vizio! I also think anyone who gave a bad review is nuts, I have friends like that if it's cheaper they look for anything they can find wrong, but try as they might Vizio makes a solid product!

This is our second VIZIO flat screen TV and we love it! We think it is a great TV for the price, clear picture, great sound, all around good quality. Also, there is another review about the lighted VIZIO logo, it really isn't that bright and certainly does NOT interfere with TV or movie watching. We would highly recommend this product!

After powering up this television, I was shocked to discover it has an eye piercing, illuminated "VIZIO" nameplate right below screen.

This is a big distraction for most television viewing, especially movies. I don't object to the name being on the product, but holy Neon Sign Batman!

In addition, this television has NO S-Video input! This locks out billions of devices currently in use.

I have no quibble with the picture and sound of this television. However, deleting the S-Video input in order to save VIZIO $0.50 is a poor design choice.'

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37 Inch 37 Inch 37 Inch

Usb Network Adapter - wireless n, wireless adapter

Installed and running well since 01-14-11. Here's my take on it:



** It really, really works like mad. **

- It's very cheap cost-wise for the great performance it gives you

- It's small(ish), though it will look big connected to your laptop

- Comes with a 3' USB extension cable which I definitely recommend using. It helps position the device, and keeps it from crowding your laptop or from being destroyed by being knocked out of your PC's front USB port.

- Has a diffused green LED under the white plastic to let you know it's working, instead of the blinding blue LEDs that everyone uses these days. The light turns off when it's not powered (like when you hit Standby on your PC)

- The software is relatively simple to install and use, and allows you to use other products to manage your WiFi instead.

- The current driver, software, and documents come on a mini CD and are all up to date with what's available on TP-Link's web site

- The documentation is good, even though it could use some more detail.

- For those who use Win7, it appears to now be compatible. The software and doc reference it.



- The TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility is very functional but could be a little better, a little more intuitive. A configuration "wizard" would be a good improvement for manual configs.

- Manual configuration (which you need if your network is securely hidden and requires a pass code) isn't fantastically documented, though you will be able to get it to work with the document, and maybe a little trial and error. If your setup is totally open security-wise (this would be BAD), you will have no problem with the software.

- Even if the driver is installed incorrectly, the client utility may report enough information to make you think it is installed. When in doubt, do a complete removal of the software and drivers and re-install.

- It's a minor thing, but the QSS software that comes with the device is ONLY usable with other TP-Link products. Don't bother installing it unless you have a TP-Link Router/Access Point that has QSS built in.


You can stop here unless you want to read my experience with it.


A friend of mine needed a WiFi adapter since she moved to a location that wasn't wired, so I recommended this to her based on the great reviews it's received. She successfully and easily installed this device on her work laptop, and was extremely impressed with it's ability to drag a much better signal out of the almost inaccessible 802.11n WiFi router located down stairs, the signal of which is blocked by many walls and turns.

She also needed to install the device on her personal PC. Unfortunately we spent hours over chat trying to get it installed and working, and FINALLY got it done after completely removing the software and drivers that she had installed, and then reinstalling those drivers with my guidance. It was only at this point that she said, "Oh yeah, I kind of passed over that part" where XP asks for confirmation to install an unsigned driver. AHHHHHHH! Well, now it works. :) The signal is not fantastic, but it's 4 times better than it used to be (for her laptop) and is good enough for her PC. It definitely works. So one lesson for you is: Please do yourself a favor, and let your operating system install the driver properly. ;)

The night I helped my friend with her WiFi, I received and installed my own TL-WN722N adapter, to help her through the install process and to replace the D-Link 4300 router I was using as a WiFi receiver (firmware v1.8 has bridging).

After installing this little thing and adjusting the antenna, I got download speeds almost twice as fast as before to the aging Linksys 802.11b-only wifi router downstairs. I then spent some time replacing that Linksys device with the D-Link 4300, turned on Super-G, and got almost 13Mbit down and 1.7Mbit up, which is more than four times what I was getting before on download and upload. The download speed varies between 8Mb-12Mb - it probably hits 12mb because of Super-G infringing on other people's signal space :P - but the upload speed has been really constant at 1.7Mb or so since I installed it, even to the Linksys router. The download speed is almost as good as I can get by plugging in a 75' network cable directly to the router.

So this little thing really rocks!

FYI, DSL Reports has an excellent set of speed reporting tools, as well as info on increasing network equipment and WiFi performance. Check it out! I'd enter a link, but Amazon would probably only delete it.

That's it, another novel for my reviews. I'll update this over time if anything new happens... TP-Link TL-WN722N 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter

I am very happy with this adapter. It's cheaper than most competitors, yet performs much better. I have a half dozen different wireless adapters in my house. I bought all different models to test them out. This TP-LINK is by far the best performer. It sees more wireless networks and maintains a better connection.

It is much bigger than most USB adapters, especially with the big antenna sticking out the side. But that's the price you pay for better performance. I also had to install drivers on my Win7 64 computer. Most USB adapters are plug&play.

It has my respect for two reasons.

First, It pulls in a signal from somewhere, not on our acreage.

And secondly, anywhere I've tried it, it has an outstanding, full five bars signal.

This is paired with an AT&T 2wire wireless G router and has no loss, I can find.

The Only con is you must D/L Win 7 driver from their site, which took 30 seconds to locate and download. XP and Vista drivers on disc supplied.

It made my first wireless box happy, the rest remain hardwired, "for now".

Simple, Painless, Secure.

If you are looking for something reliable, this is currently $20 shipped to your place.

Get you one.

To test I had 4 secure pages and 2 different HULU channels playing and a few web pages, all open concurrently, and each was clear and fluid. - Usb Network Adapter - Wireless N - Wi-fi - Wireless Adapter'

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Barry Pepper - crime drama, drama

In my days at a young age, a pre-teen boy might simply aspire to a Scout merit badge. In KNOCKAROUND GUYS, 11 year-old Matty has already demonstrated to his father, Benny Chains (Dennis Hopper), that he doesn't have what it takes to join the Old Man's business. Benny is a Chicago Mafia kingpin. So, by the time the boy's a young man (now played by Barry Pepper), he's completely without direction. Matty has long accepted the fact that he hasn't got what it takes to work for and impress Dad, and he can't seem to land a legit 9 to 5. So, now what?Then, opportunity knocks. Benny needs a handbag picked up at the Spokane airport and brought back to the Windy City. Matty begs for, and receives, the assignment. Rather than go himself, he gets his friend, Johnny Marbles (Seth Green), to fly his Beechcraft to Washington to make the connection. Marbles, who has the reputation for being a screw-up, is also a mobster's drifting kid. On his return flight, Johnny manages to lose the bag - filled with $500,000 - on a gas stop at the tiny airport that serves Wibaux, Montana. (Yes, Mabel, there really is a Wibaux - on Interstate 84 just west of the North Dakota state line.) Matty and two other discontented pals of Mob lineage, the dapper Chris (Andrew Davoli) and tough guy Taylor (Vin Diesel), arrive to help recover the dough before Benny goes ballistic. That's when things really go into the toilet.KNOCKAROUND GUYS is a coming-of-age story with a twist (albeit at an unusually late age for such Hollywood fairy tales). Part of the film's attraction can perhaps be traced to the viewing public's current love affair with such murderous offerings as THE SOPRANOS. Certain scenes in KNOCKAROUND GUYS are decidedly violent. And then there's the challenge of perceiving any of the main characters as likable enough to root for, much less invite home for Thanksgiving dinner. Perhaps we should instead be looking for personae of interest. Taylor and Teddy are the most watchable. Vin Diesel as the former is more substantial in a supporting role than his "XXX" lead. Taylor's just a buffed-up, uneducated, street-smart brawler. But, he's intensely loyal to Matty, and has no illusions about how he's wasted his life to the present. John Malkovich is mesmerizingly venomous as the psychopathic Teddy, Benny's right-hand Good Fella. There's one delicious scene in which Teddy bemoans the fact that, whereas before a hit man could just get the job done, now one has to be concerned with everybody's feelings.After viewing KNOCKAROUND GUYS, I was mildly surprised to realize that there was no actress in either a lead or significantly supporting role. There's no romance here. Not even any vaguely warm and touchy-feely moments. This is a hard-bitten Guy Flick for the boys on their night out. Knockaround Guys

Knockaround Guys didn't spend much time in the theaters (at least not around here), but it is a movie I wanted to see badly. And it doesn't disappoint. Barry Pepper gives a great performance. Vin Diesel actually acts in this movie, rather than just relying on his size and 'action-hero' status. Seth Green's performance is uneven, but more often than not he plays his role (as an unlikeable guy) very well. Dennis Hopper plays Benny Chains, the mob underboss. There's nothing spectacular about his performance, but it is solid. John Malkovich is brilliant, even if his accent is not. Tom Noonan is the breakout star here. He plays his role as a crooked sherrif great (and very dark). This is Brian Koppelman and David Levien's first time at directing, and they also wrote the film (Lawrence Bender produced it). All in all, it is a pretty good movie. Well worth seeing. It's a mafia movie that is both what we expect and something new. The dvd contains a handful of deleted/alternate scenes (with and without commentary) and an insightful commentary track by the directors.

Summary:Matty Demaret (Barry Pepper) is the son of a New York mob boss who has been convinced he has no stomach for his father's line of work; mostly by his uncle, Teddy Deserve (John Malkovich). Mobster children not having a stomach for the work is apparently as common as bananas in Central America, so this shouldn't be a big deal, but Matty still wants to work. The problem is Matty's family name prevents him from finding work elsewhere. Thus, the movie begins with him finally convincing both his father and his Uncle (who is his father's second in command) that he can handle a job for the 'organization' since it is only going to involve transporting something and not killing anyone.The mission is to transport some money from the Midwest back to New York. The money is a loan from a friendly mob to help Matty's father as he plugs some of the holes in his operation (someone is stealing his money). One of Matty's close friends, Johnny Marbles (Seth Green), is a pilot, and Matty gets him to make the run. But on the way back to New York with the money, Johnny has to temporarily ditch it when he stops for gas at an airport to avoid the suspicion of some authorities. When he returns for the bag of money, it's gone.Matty then gets two of his closest friends, Chris Scarpa (Andrew Davoli) and Taylor Reese (Vin Diesel) to join him and Johnny in podunk Montana to track down the money. Two stereotyped skateboarder airline employees found the bag and have begun to treat themselves to some of the money. But the father of one of the boys, Sheriff Decker (Tom Noonan), catches up with his son and finds the money. Quickly realizing why Matty and his friends are in town, the Sheriff decides to split the money with his deputy and kill the Knockaround Guys (Matty and his friends).The Knockaround Guys, meanwhile, have begun employing mobster style tactics to get the money back, but Matty has also had to report to his father, resulting in his Uncle Teddy coming out to solve the problem. When everything comes to a head, only Matty and Taylor walk away alive, but with the money. And, as it turns out, Teddy was the one stealing from Matty's dad.My Comments:I guess this is supposed to be a new twist on the mobster story as the movie is about a bunch of mobster children discovering what it really means to be mobsters. But novelty isn't enough to make for a good story. From the beginning the movie is riddled with problems. Why would Matty's dad trust his son's junkie friend to transport $500,000 when he knows he's a recovering dopehead, and a scrawny one at that? I wouldn't trust the guy with a rock, let alone half a million dollars. And if Matty's dad is virtually all-powerful, why doesn't he just put on a little pressure to get him a job somewhere? Am I naive to think that might work? And then there's the whole Uncle Teddy embezzling from the father thing. Maybe I was the only person that that hit from out of nowhere, but it sure seemed to me there was no set up for this twist. One minute Uncle Teddy was a nice guy, the next he was stealing money from Matty's dad and had every intention of killing Matty himself. It was absolutely unconvincing. I'm thinking it was thrown in there just to make the movie interesting. There are numerous other plot problems as well, including Scarpa deciding not to run and some very slow sequences while the Knockaround Guys are waiting for the sheriff to deal.As far as the acting goes, it wasn't terrible, but neither should it be up for any awards. John Malkovich was a little unique, but I think it's just because he isn't standard mobster material. Seth Green was silly, but hey, that's Seth Green. The rest of the cast was bearable, except when they attempted to deliver philosophical monologues, which just don't seem right coming from someone like Vin Diesel.Overall, the movie is watchable but not recommended. It's slow, full of plot holes, and not particularly surprising or interesting. I might recommend it for Vin Diesel or John Malkovich fans, but everyone else should stay away. - Action - Barry Pepper - Drama - Crime Drama'

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Combination - keyless deadbolt, mechanical

These Lockey digital Locks are the BEST. I was so sick and tired of keys, keys, keys everywhere. Then I had an employee lose the office key and she had to call a locksmith $$$. So I started researching electric battery locks. They did not seem to be very reliable, and what about when the battery dies. These Lockey Locks are high quality and easy to use and are totally mechanical, no batteries. You punch in the code and turn the knob, and yes, you can change the code. If you make a mistake, it is easy to clear the code by turning the knob and start over. You can even tell if someone has tried entering a code and not gained entry. The first thing you do when you approach the lock is turn the knob (this clears codes or mistakes), if you hear clicks, you know someone has tried entering a code (unsuccessfully). The lock comes with a pre-set code from the factory, but it is very easy to take the back off the lock and set your own code. Now my office, my home and even other buildings have these locks with the SAME CODE. It's wonderful. I could not be happier with these locks. Lockey Digital M210 Mechanical Keyless Entry Bump Proof Deadbolt Door Lock Satin Nickel Finish

The review "What more can you ask for?, October 5, 2009" wishes for the ability to use 6 "digit" key presses, implying that that would result in more security. This is not so.

Given a mechanical key press "digital" keypad:

10 different buttons ("0".."9"),

only able to press a button one time,

order of pressing buttons makes no difference;

then, the most unique combinations possible is 252.

Here is a quick table of all possibilities:

Count of Key presses = possible unique combinations

0 = 1

1 = 10

2 = 45

3 = 120

4 = 210

5 = 252

6 = 210

7 = 120

8 = 45

9 = 10

10 = 1

If you allow a burglar 15 seconds to try one of the possible 252 entry sequences, it will take only 1 hour and 3 minutes to run through all possible combination sequences. It is a trivial matter to write down a list of all possible combinations and just start keying them until the burglar hits the one that opens the lock. This kind of a lock is fine for a storage shed or office bathroom. I wouldn't want to use it on my house.

Look at this [...] for an easy to understand math on why this is so. This is not a defect of the product. ALL mechanical key press devices are like this. If you want keyless entry with thousands and thousands of possible combinations, you have to use a safe type rotary dial lock or an electronic push button type.

I have always been a big fan of keyless entry deadbolts. We have used an electronic one on the front door of our last 3 houses because they are so convenient. You don't have to keep your keys with you if you go for a walk. Also, if your company shows up at your house before you get home, you can just give them the code so they can go in and make themselves at home. Well anyway, I wanted to get a keyless entry for our shop building, but the door is much more exposed to the weather and the electronic ones can short out if they get wet. This lock is completely mechanical with no electrical components. The satin nickel finish is very attractive too. We installed it several months ago and it is working out great. The only reasons I gave 4 stars instead of 5 are that it was a little on the pricey side and my husband did say that it was a little harder to install than the electrical ones. All in all though, I'm quite happy with the purchase.

This lock is great. I purchased the Satin Nickel finish and it looks great. Switching the door-handedness was simple, changing the code and adding a digit was simple, and installation was as simple as any other standard deadbolt.

It's a little misleading that it has the word "digital" written on it, as it's entirely mechanical, but that's not really a concern.

The one con I can think of is that the order of the code isn't important. If you code is "1-2-3-4", you can enter it as "1-2-3-4" or "4-3-2-1" and it will work both ways. Minor complaint. I also wish they let you bump the code up to 6 digits, but alas, the max is 5.

This lock is a little tricky to install, but once is on it seems like a very solid lock. You will have to drill additional hole so if you are ever going to go back to traditional lock this will have to be patched.

To change the combination the lock needs to be taken apart so be careful , who you give the combination to. Lock change is not hard but it's not something I'd want to do on a weekly bases .

I suggest one reads the directions first before getting mad about the lock fitting doors that open one way or another. It will fit either, just have to read how to change sides.

Everyone who looked at this lock for the first time has noticed how solid and tough this looks.

I am very satisfied with this purchase and would recommend this product to anyone who doesn't need frequent code changes.

I purchased 4 keyless locks in the last 10 years. The 3 electronics one broke already, while this mechanical one still works perfect. Not only that, it doesn't even need batteries. This is one of the few items in the world that the electronics should be removed. I wish the price was cheaper though, but I'm happy to pay this higher price for the included lifetime warranty.

This item was dented and scratched in it's box when delivered to me. It looked like a used part. I installed it anyway, because I was in need. But I suspect the seller on this issue, more than the manufacturer.

The item itself is good. It can be a little tricky to hit the right buttons due to the viewing angle of numbers to buttons, in low light. Also, I wish there was a key override.

Before writing this review, I gave the product a good 2 weeks or trial before making any determination. So let me be clear, this is the best way to deadbolt/lock your doors end-of-story.

I replaced a standard deadbolt lock with this excellent product. It took only 15 minutes to drill an extra hole, change the combination and install the lock.

The only weakness in the product are the smaller screws on the back of the unit for changing the combination, they're made of soft metal, even with a proper sized phillips head they have a bit of give for my taste. I replaced them with hardened steel versions immediately to avoid any future issues for when I want to change the combination. This doesn't change my stance on the product since Home Depot is just down the street from me.

What makes this lock so great is peace of mind. Visiting relatives will never lose a key on me again! I'm putting these locks in all around the house as they really are the next step in keyless entry for you home. The fact they don't require power makes them worth it. - Keyless - Mechanical - Dead Bolt - Keyless Deadbolt'

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Hand Saw - pull saw, woodworking

In the construction of my house, I found a regular handsaw somewhat exhausting to use. A circular saw creates an incredible mess. To finish my basement, I bought this Sharksaw. What a find! Using this, instead of a circular saw, kept the sawdust from flying all over the basement and the rest of the house. The saw cuts wood incredibly fast on the pull stroke! No longer do I get worn out from using a handsaw to cut multiple boards.I cut through hundreds of boards(2x4, 2x6, 1x3, plywood, treated) with ease, leaving a near perfectly smooth cut edge every time. The saw is very easy to start and guide a square edge with. When ripping, it is more difficult to guide. But it does ripcut.The blade is very narrow, so it cuts not much wider than a pencil line. The blade is very sharp. Treat it as you would your sharpest meat cutting knife. It comes with a plastic cover for the edge and a cardboard sheath. It has a hole in the blade to hang on a peghook.This saw features compact size, ease of use, accuracy of cut, and easy clean up. This will be my only handsaw. I love it! Shark Corp 10-2312 12-Inch Carpentry Saw

I was very skeptical about this saw, so much so, that I thought about not purchasing it. After using it, I wish I had purchased it long ago. This saw is one of the easiest to use, with an aggressive "bite" and comfortable handle. It is the first saw I turn to for general carpentry use, and is my favorite in my tool shack (garage). For those of you who do not use saws a lot, this is an excellent beginner saw as well as an excellent saw for pros.With most saws, if you mess up the teeth on the blade, you would have to throw the saw away. I messed up the teeth on my blade by loaning the saw to my son (who promptly left the saw out in the rain, and having tried to saw through a nail), but was able to use it for another 6 months before I had to buy a replacement blade (#01-2312).This saw is an excellent addition to any toolbox/shop.

Light, sharp, easy to use -- you can't run out of good things to say about this great saw. The thin blade cuts through wood, particleboard, PVC, whatever -- with virtually no effort. And the pull saw is very easy to control to get precise cuts with minimal effort. I like this saw so much I often find myself using it instead of my circular saw. A perfect tool.

Shark 10-2312 12-Inch Carpentry Saw - This started me on my addictive path to get every one of the Shark line of pull saws. From the first cut (not very straight, but that was my fault), I was sold. This is a work-horse saw. For anything other than trim, I pull this one out first.

These saws are: 1. sharp; 2. affordable; 3. easy to use (after a short learning curve).

These saws: 1. cut a thin kerf; 5. are very sharp; 6. allow you to do precision cutting.

And: they are very, very sharp (keep bandages with them - even though you've been warned - you'll have to find out for yourself).

I have moved ALL of my other hand saws to the back of the shop. These are a joy to use. I want to have each type (and have probably bought more than I have a need for). You will have to make a new miter box because these blades are too thin for any you have.

Some tips: 1. Don't pitch them in your toolbox or truck bed. These are precision tools and though they are quite strong, they are easily damaged. Use the blade guards that come with them. 2. Don't try to "muscle" them through a board. The old adage of "let the tool do the work" has never been truer. 3. Don't place the blade edge anywhere you don't want a mark left. I think I mentioned that they're very, very, very sharp.

(Since I don't know which review you might see first, I have left the same general review for each of these I own and added any specific thoughts for the individual saws.)

This is the BEST handsaw I have ever used. My brother has owned one for about five years, and put it through more abuse than I care to mention. Despite years of use, neglect, and among other things, cutting roots in soil, his saw still cuts almost as well as a new one. I finally got one for myself, and it is a joy to use. A handsaw that actually cuts effortlessly? Yes, this saw is it. It takes less than 20 seconds to cross cut a 2x4, and that's if you're trying to cut a straight line. A rough cut takes less time. Wet pressure treated lumber isn't a problem either. Takes a bit more time, but still a breeze. With so many power tools these days, corded and cordless, hand tools are often overlooked. However, the convenience of a hand tool can't be dismissed. Instead of having to drag out a bulky, heavy, noisy power saw, you can use this awesome saw and make a few quick cuts in the same time it would take to get ready to make the cuts with a power tool. The blade is thin, high carbon steel with hardended SHARP teeth. Easy to change too! The handle is comfortable in the hand. With a thin kerf and teeth this sharp, the pull stroke cutting action allows more precise control. Just an excellent tool. Make sure to keep the blade gaurd on the teeth when not in use to protect them, and yourself. Made in Japan.

This is far and away the best small saw I have ever used. I have a lot of experience with pruning and log cutting hand tools, and I have spent a lot of money getting saws that work well. This is not a pruning saw, I use it for carpentry, but no other saw I have used compares to this one for the smooth and fast and effortless cutting it will accomplish. But be aware, if you accidently saw a nail, this saw will self destruct, not just get dull, but actually break off the teeth. It is such a wonderful saw that I bought a replacement right away and I am very happy to take the extra care of keeping the guard on the saw and storing and using it with care, because it is such a wonderful small saw to cut with.

This is a great pull saw at a great price. It has a replaceable blade which is very handy. If you have ever been frustrated while sawing using a "western" saw because the saw buckles than this is what you want. It cuts on the pull stroke. I would highly recommend any pull saw but this one wins out because of its price. - Woodworking - Saws - Pull Saw'

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Hand Saw - pull saw, woodworking pull saw Hand Saw - pull saw, woodworking