Saturday 11 June 2011

American Sign Language - baby signs, parenting book

We began using signs with our son off and on since he performed his very first sign at 7 mos, "waving bye-bye," and thus demonstrated that he was ready to begin learning sign language.

There are basically 2 different methods for signing with your baby: Joseph Garcia's (you're teaching American Sign Language) & "Baby Signs" (you're making up your own sign language). Through the first - Joseph Garcia's system - your little one is actually learning a second language.

The advantages to his method are:

-ASL signs are nearly universal

-many childcare centers are teaching ASL and will reinforce at the center what you are already teaching at home. In other words, you won't have to teach every teacher or different caregiver, relative, etc. the special "Baby Signs" that you and your baby have created to communicate.

-There are a lot of supplemental materials with this system as well -like videos to watch with your baby, cute little posters at teacher-supply stores, books to read and practice signing with your baby, and even flashcards (I highly recommend using supplemental materials).

On the other hand, the disadvantages are:

-You, the parent, are also learning a new language and it is very time-consuming to study these signs (you really have to dedicate yourself).

-Also, some ASL signs are simply too complex for babies to learn...

Which is why "Baby Signs" was created. This is a method where you basically "wing it." You can either use the suggestions for signs offered in the book, create your own, or follow your baby's lead when he invents a sign, but you're supposed to be consistent. The advantages to this method are:

-They are much easier for baby to learn - so you wind up communicating faster with them.

-Also, during those spontaneous "teachable moments," you can create a sign right then rather than running over to your book or looking online for the sign and totally missing the opportunity to communicate right away.

However, the disadvantages are:

-Baby Signs is relatively new so very little supplemental material exists (I think there may be 1 video in the works right now and a few books).

-Nobody else will know this language that you and your baby have created -so if you want caregivers & relatives to understand your baby, you will have to teach each and every person.

-Your child will just be learning how to communicate with you temporarily and will not be learning a 2nd language that can be used for life.

We began teaching our son "Baby Signs" (with the Baby Signs book) and switched over to the Garcia method when we realized that our son would eventually be attending a daycare staffed by teachers fluent in ASL. We also realized that when ASL signs are too complex for babies, they will create their own easier version anyway and eventually develop the ability to form the proper sign -you just have to pay careful attention to what they're doing. Sometimes, what you think are random hand motions, are really their attempt at a sign of which you introduced to them the previous week;-) The Garcia video is a superb introduction to signing with babies, 100x better than the "Baby Signs" book we read. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND purchasing this kit as early as you can, preferably months before your baby reaches the 6-7 month mark, but remember: it is never too late! The video is the best place to start because you'll have the opportunity to see babies doing their various versions of signs -so you'll know what to look for. After the video, you'll need some sort of reference book that illustrates signs. The book & reference chart, included in this kit are decent. The book includes an intro on sign language and a small dictionary w/ illustrations of common signs. Though we found the book's explanations for signs somewhat confusing at times, we visit

the ASL online dictionary to see an actual person performing the sign.

There are literally dozens of books, videos, and other materials for sale on Amazon that you might also consider. The Signing Time video series sets 1-6 (for babies to watch) and the Sign Babies ASL flashcards sets 1-4 are bestsellers.

Hope this helps!!! SIGN with your BABY - Baby Sign Language (ASL) Kit: Includes Book, How-to DVD, Quick Reference Guide

About a month ago, we ordered the "Complete Leaning Kit", which includes the book, companion video and sign language reference card. As recommended, we started in when baby was seven months old by demonstrating the signs for a few simple key words like "milk," "eat," "drink," "more," "finish," and "change," as in, "change your diaper." The signs are all very easy to make, and we both routinely repeated the signs several times in context to reinforce the associations.Fast forward to tonight: this evening we were at the mall doing some shopping for baby clothes when we happened to look down at baby seated in his stroller. He was making the "change" sign all by himself. A hoist and a sniff confirmed that he was right! It was time to change his diaper. A few minutes later he also signed "eat" to indicate he was hungry. He's also been making the "milk" sign for about a week at appropriate moments, and by eye direction and excitement level we know he also knows more words like "Mommy," "kitty," (we have a cat), and several others.I can't tell you how thrilling this is! If you have or are expecting a kid, or know someone else who is, you really ought to look into it!

Review Update: This set goes well with the "Signing Time" video series. There's also a "Signing Time" website, which may have products similar to Garcia's. I still have the handy 3-fold sign reference card from Garcia's set. It is marked with the dates of when a sign was introduced & when it was actually used by each child (I have 2 kids). It was handy for babysitters & relatives & is now a cherished momento of my kids' babyhood. The "Signing Time" series is great for kids, and Garcia's is good for adults as an 'all-in-one' reference with 'just the facts'. I think he even has an alphabetical sign list in the back of the book & the signs are listed @ the end of the video as well. Hope he has a DVD version - VCRs are so outdated these days... 10/12/2010

Well, I tried Baby Signs and found it to be full of talk about using Baby Signs and short on instruction on when, where, how and why to use Baby Signs. Making signs up was very frustrating - I'm not a creative-type person. I want a system that's proven and works. Then I found Joseph Garcia's book here at Garcia's book is excellent!

Garcia's book is clearly written. It tells you exactly why, when, where and how to use American Sign Language with your baby. Garcia also reviews several studies reporting the benefits of sign language for hearing children. The instructions on how to teach the signs and how to make the signs are quite detailed and specific, so you'll know exactly what to do. (But not so detailed that you're lost!) Garcia also discusses how children sign differently than adults and how their signs may change as their signing ability improves. This is useful in "detecting" a child's first attempts to use a sign. If you're not watching carefully, you'll miss them!

The video is enjoyable and well-done - it's broken up into short, easy segments. It adds another dimension - you see many examples of children signing so you'll know what to expect from your child. More tips are given for teaching signs, including specific recommendations for additional signs to teach later. Garcia performs all the signs at the end of the video as a reference library of sorts. Seeing the signs in action was very helpful. Illustrations of signs can only show so much. The signs are timed so you can forward to the exact point where a sign is for easy review. It's also a neat way to show the signs to your child.

Lastly, the quick reference guide is very handy. It's much quicker than fumbling through the reference section at the end of the book. The guide is laminated, so baby won't tear it up easily. There's also a place to mark which signs you have shown baby and which signs baby can perform. It's useful for showing relatives or babysitters what baby is "saying" to them. You might want to get a spare guide just in case.

In summary, I've found the book, video & laminated reference guide to be very useful and helpful. I highly recommend them all! - Baby Signing - Baby Signs - Parenting Book - Sign Language'

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American Sign Language - baby signs, parenting book sign language American Sign Language - baby signs, parenting book

Mailing Labels - mailing labels, 5160

Now that I am the committee secretary for my son's Boy Scout troop, I volunteered to set up a troop newsletter. Well, writing the newsletter turned out to be the easy part - the hard part was either hand-writing the envelopes, or stuffing the envelopes through my printer one at a time. Now that is no longer a problem.

All I have to do now is feed a sheet of these labels through my printer, and I can print up a batch of mailing labels and be all ready. Setting up the format through my word processor was quick and easy, and the actual printing is a snap. So far, I have printed quite a few pages of these, and I have experienced absolutely no problems with labels coming off inside the printer or anything like that.

So, if you need to address a lot of envelopes, get these labels, they will make your life MUCH easier...they did mine! I highly recommend this product. Avery Easy Peel White Mailing Labels for Laser Printers, 1 x 2.62 Inch, Box of 3000 Labels (5160)

I have the Avery address labels 5160. My wife asked me to print some Christmas labels (which I have done in the past). This time however, several of the labels came off the sheet in the laser printer. I was able to get most of them out of the printer, but at least one is still in the printer because whenever I print a page, I can see its outline on the page. I think the label is stuck to the drum and ruined the $600 color laser printer. Beware if you use these labels.

been buying these labels for awhile now to handle my thousands of shipments per month and they are flawless. the labels don't peel away in transit and the new feature with scoring on the edges of the columns make it a breeze to peel away from the template. yeah...i guess you can find cheaper labels than avery so if you're looking to save pennies at the expense of quality look elsewhere but if you want to avoid issues like paper jams (never happenes in my brother printers)and sketchy adhesion just step up and spend the extra few bucks and you won't be reminded 3,000 times that you went cheap.

These "easy peel" labels really are easier to peel. I bought these as a replacement to some generic Office Depot brand labels, and these Avery brand labels are worth the additional money. The labels print much more clearly, print easier, and are easier to peel. - Address Labels - Mailing Labels - Labels - 5160'

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Mailing Labels - mailing labels, 5160 address labels Mailing Labels - mailing labels, 5160

Highly Recommend - highly recommend, hdmi

I have an Apple TV and Blu-ray player but only one HDMI port on my TV and I was getting tired of manually swapping the HDMI cable between the them. I was also worried that over time the HDMI cable/port would degrade from the constant handling so I began hunting for a HDMI switch.

After comparing HDMI switches, I finally decided to go with the 3 port HDMI smart switch from Mediabridge. My main reason was based on price and the reviews. I'm very happy with this device (I don't usually go through the trouble of writing reviews so that says something)! It's not as expensive as a lot of the others I found and does exactly what I need it to do. It's compact and silent so I can discretely tuck it behind my TV with the rest of the cables and doesn't require an external power source (yay one less cable).

It includes an IR receiver and remote to manually switch between the 3 ports but it's a 'smart' switch so I was happy to discover that I didn't have to bother with using those accessories since it switches between my devices automagically. Apple TV owners will discover that it constantly outputs a signal (even if you put it to sleep), so the switch will constantly make the port the Apple TV is plugged into the active port. I put my Apple TV on port 3 and my Blu-ray player on port 1. When I power up my Blu-ray player, port one automatically becomes active without any intervention from me. After I power down my Blu-ray player, the Apple TV resumes making port 3 active. I love how it seamlessly switches between the two without me needing to do anything. The only caveat is I have to power on/off my Blu-ray player, which I do anyway so not a big deal. The switch also has a button on it you can press to cycle between the different ports if you need to, but as I already mentioned it switches automatically for me so I don't use that feature.

I'm also very happy with the video and audio quality I get with using this switch. It claims to have full HD 1080P Support and supports HDMI 1.3 which I can't verify since my TV only supports up to 720p but I can say that I have not noticed any degradation in video or audio quality while using it.

Keep in mind that you may need to purchase additional HDMI cables as none are included with this switch. You need one cable from the switch to your TV and an additional HDMI cable for each port you use on the switch. I picked up 2 Mediabridge HDMI cables for about $10 each with my order and they work great with my setup. Mediabridge - 3 Port Smart HDMI Switch

I purchased this switcher because of the set up I have at my house. I have my 52 inch Sony wall mounted with my Verizon Fios and Blue Ray about 35 feet away from the TV. I wanted to get a switcher to eliminate pulling a new HDMI cable and fishing the walls again. This product is very easy to install and is very user friendly.

I strongly recommend this product to anyone that wants a quick and easy solution that produces great results!!

Checking out and Shipping were great also!!

Hello I'm a PC Enthusiast/Gamer for most of my life and the reason I purchased this switch is because I own a 32" Samsung LCD TV that has 3 HDMI inputs but for some reason beyond me Samsung decided to make it so that you can only use this television's native resolution which is 1360x768 on HDMI input 1. On the other two HDMI inputs you can only use the conventional resolutions such as 480i/p or 1280x720. So I already had my PC using up HDMI slot 1 but I wanted to run my Xbox 360 at the tv's native resolution instead of 720p because I'm so picky about the image quality being perfect.

So I just received the switch from shipping a few hours ago and so far I'm absolutely loving it. I just plugged my PC and Xbox 360 into slots 1 and 2 on the HDMI switch and then ran my third cable to the tv from the output slot and it was ready to go. I can be on my PC and if I decide I want to play some Xbox I just turn on the console and the switch automatically jumps right over to my 360. Then when I power off the 360 the display goes right back to my PC, I love that I don't even have to bother getting up to press any buttons and if I do decide that I want to switch back over to my PC while I still have my 360 powered on I can just grab the handy little remote that comes with it and switch back and forth to my hearts content, lol. Oh and I haven't even mentioned how impressed I am with the picture quality, everything is pixel perfect as if you're doing a straight HDMI connection to the television, no signal loss or problems whatsoever and audio through the switch is perfect.

I also want to mention that before I purchased this switch I bought the same thing except Philips brand at Walmart for $35 that did not have a remote or auto switching and it was junk. It only had the button switches on the front and when I switched through sources it would sometimes leave artifacts on my screen and if I had my PC and Xbox 360 plugged in at the same time my PC would only display if I had my 360 turned on which made no sense at all so I returned it to Walmart and ordered this switch and I couldn't be happier, $10 cheaper and works 10x better.

I highly recommend this switch to anyone that just needs more HDMI inputs or on the rare occasion has a tv like mine and is picky with their resolutions and needs it for that reason. I wanted something like this ever since I bought my TV a couple years ago but every time I shopped around for one they were always priced so high at $100 and over, I think I actually saw some for around $200 which I think is ridiculous. I can't believe how amazing this one performs considering it's only around $20. I'm seriously thinking about ordering another to put up for later. - Hdmi Switch - Mediabridge - Hdmi - Highly Recommend'

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wireless presenter - wireless presenter

I always wanted a mouse that works in the air, but there is one problem - cost. They almost always cost well above $80.

Also recently I had to give quite a lot of presentations, so when I found this for a low price I said what the hell and bought it.

When it arrived I immediately unpacked it and started testing it. It the package I found a set of batteries, remote, the dongle, wrist loop and a pouch. So you are ready to go right out of the box.

When you connect the dongle it is recognized as a mouse, a keyboard or both (depends on your system, my MacOSX recognized as both and asked me to define what type of keyboard I connected and showed new mouse connected).

The dongle is small, but I would not leave it in a computer while transporting it. It is about 50% larger than the logitech nano receiver. It also conveniently stores in the presenter itself. Also when the dongle is stored in the presenter it turn itself off extending battery life and preventing accidental laser to the eye.

Now for the main course - the remote.

It is in a simple oblong shape with 5 buttons - left, right, start/stop, and button that appear to be shutting down the screen. On the underside it has a toggle between the mouse and presenter. In the mouse mode the left, right buttons double as a right and left click.

It fits well in a hand and holding it for a long period of time is not a problem. All of the buttons are easily accessible. I've had troubles with toggling between mouse and remote, but with a little adjustment to the grip I was able to overcome that.

With a simple slide of the toggle you switch between the remote and mouse. The gesture mouse is fairly good and precise. You won't be able to do everything with it (like with a normal mouse, dragging dropping etc) but you will be able to point and click and do some basic gestures (after some practice I was able to browse my web fairly easily using gestures, the one thing that is annoying and a hindrance is scrolling). Also annoying is inability to recenter the mouse on the screen. For example you reach the end of your screen but you keep moving the remote. Next time you move it you will have some offset from the previous orientation. I one time ended pointing at 90 degree angle from the screen. I was facing the computer and my hand was pointing at the wall and moving the mouse. You can realign it by shutting down the mouse, aligning it with cursor and turning it on again.

The laser pointer is also good. It was visible in well lit room.

Now you ask why 4 stars not 5.

First is the instruction/manual. It is printed on a newspaper paper (tissue thin) and probably similar in size(if not bigger) and then it is folded in about 15 different directions to about the size of the matchbook just a little thicker. So when you unfold it you first going to rip it apart then you will not be able to fold it back.

Next thing I think it might be lacking a little in quality. The battery cover was either misaligned from the get-go or I deformed it by incorrectly putting the wrist loop in (because i destroyed my manual by accident). In most of the things that have wrist loops you loop the loop through itself to stay but here there is a hook that you have to catch it on, otherwise you will not be able to close the cover. I've only noticed the misalignment on the battery cover so it might be might fault.

So to summarize it is a solid little device, that does what is supposed to and does it well. If you need a presentation remote then I would certainly recommend it. Philips SNP6000/27 Professional Presenter

I removed the label re: "laser hazard" from the back and tried using GooGone to remove the adhesive. GooGone stripped the finish off the case, and I threw the product away due to its disgusting appearance. Well designed in other respects. - Wireless Presenter'

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Work Book - workbook, work book

This is a great book to use to work with your child a little (10 minutes) every day during the summer months to keep the basic math and language skills up to snuff. It has lots of motivating rewards built in and my kids actually agreed to do it, in order to get the rewards. It was also a good opportunity for me to sit down with each of them and learn what they did and did not know from the expected grade-level skills. And to focus on the short-falls. I have used each of the books in the series now for the last 2 years and will again this year. Summer Bridge Activities: 4th to 5th Grade

We've used the Summer Bridge series for 4 years with our kids and love the product. The series covers math, reading, and writing with equal emphasis. There are occasional activities that are fun rather than just educational. As a parent and educator, I would highly recommend this.

We started using the bridge books between Kindergarten and 1st grade. This books are wonderful for helping maintain and sharpen skills over the summer. Each page takes no more than 20 minutes to do. I love the spelling lists and the reading lists that are in each book as well.

Like most kids my son does not look forward to having to do a little work over the summer but this book gives you maximum results for minimal effort. He enjoys setting a goal and reaping the rewards that come from it. The tracking charts in this book make it very easy to do.

The Summer Bridge series has always been our favorite way to retain skills that were learned the year before over the summer break. This workbook is no exception. The exercises are comprehensive, alternating writing, math, geography, history and logic activities in a fun and challenging way!

I bought this for my son this year because his forth grade teacher kept emphasizing how the work in 5th grade is much more challenging. I think that 95% of the activites are grade level appropriate. I agree that some of the geography and social studies assignments can be challenging as the provide little or no resources for the student to complete the task (example the seven regions of our country. As an English teacher I really disliked the contractions assignment. There are twelve and in Ohio we only actually use 4 of them in our everyday speech. I had never heard of win't or who're. So that assignment was tough for us. :) Other than that I think the workbook has been very beneficial for simple weekday homework. I would recommend this book to others.

Great way to keep the kids from watching too much TV, while grandma' watches them during the summer. At my house we have a Summer Prize Jar, which includes various summer activities we can do as a family with little or no cost (i.e. hiking, bowling, skating, camping in the backyard, etc.) When they complete a week's worth of their Summer Activity workbook, they get to choose a prize. It keeps them motivated, excited and most importantly learning!!

After many summers of inconsistently creating my own academic work for my children to complete, I decided to try the Summer Bridge Activities books. I purchased the 1-2 book and the 4-5 book for my boys. We are only through week three, but I am very satisfied and will continue to purchase these books in the future. The grade 4-5 book has a nice balance of busy work and thought provoking writing assignments. The structure of the book seems to take the pressure off of me, so I don't feel like I am hounding them to do their work. I put the books out at breakfast and they are usually finished in 20-30 minutes. I think they will cruise right into the school year without a hitch.

I was very happy with this book for my son going into 5th grade. I wanted him to keep up his math skills - the book is wonderful for that! There are some sections (social studies, history) that I ended up crossing off because I thought it was just too hard. Some of the writing I changed up a little to make it more interesting for my son (who doesn't want to write!) I will definitely do this again next summer. - Workbook - Work Book'

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Electrolytes - organic, magnesium

I have been drinking coconut water for one year now. It has really helped me improve my health. I get far less headaches that is for sure. I used to wake up with terrible headaches and after tracing everything it could possibly be and getting rid of those triggers, I still had headaches.

Now, I drink at least 10 oz of coconut water per day and my headaches have been cut by 75%. At night, I will often hydrate before bed. At the gym, I put it in my sports bottle. It is so much healthier than the Alligator Ade and colored vitamin waters. During gym days, I'll drink as much as 22 oz.

It's just pure coconut water with so much potassium. Low potassium can cause muscle cramping and cardiovascular irregularities. A can of this stuff is perhaps one of the quickest ways you can hydrate and help yourself if you are experiencing symptoms of heat stroke or severe dehydration or JUST feeling a bit sluggish. It has been an amazing experience for me.

Google "potassium and health" and you will see all the benefits of just a few guzzles. A banana has about 450 mgs of potassium while 10 oz of coconut water has 650 mgs.

Also, it is soothing on my stomach and doesn't exacerbate car sickness and IMO, is best very cold.

About this brand, "Nature Factor". I purchased it here on Amazon as it was on sale. I like the can (vs. the box) because it chills in the frig better, but I would have to say it's not the best coconut water. It's not bad, it's just not YUMMY. It has a satisfactory taste, almost a non existent taste. Whereas other coconut waters, such as "O.N.E." and "Harvest Bay" brand tastes really good and "Vita-Coco" tastes sour-horrible.

I do not buy the waters with added sugar. That defeats the purpose of the healthy drink and it really doesn't need any added sweetness if it is a good, clean coconut water.

Also, instead of stocking my earthquake emergency stash with water, I have stocked with cases of coconut water. Think about it. If you need to hydrate during an emergency situation where resources are limited, wouldn't the electrolytes and benefits of coconut water be better than just plain old water? Each gulp would be 5 times more beneficial.

If you are curious about coconut water, this is a decent enough brand to give it a try. Since they all taste so different, it's interesting to try all the brands to see which one you prefer. Good health to you all.

I used to get several cases of ZICO on subscription here on amazon. But Zico changed their packaging AND processing (instead of fresh, it's now from concentrate). If it had still tasted the same, I prolly wouldn't care it was from concentrate, really. But when does a "from concentrate" drink EVER taste as good as natural. Have natural tangerine juice, then drink one from concentrate? Yeah, not the same.

So, I've tried O.N.E. and VitaCoco and assorted brands found in supermarkets and Latino stores over the years. But I always went back to Zico. Now that Zico is horrible (tastes and smells funny), I needed a new coconut water for my daily fix. I decided to try this since amazon offered it to me in a Gold Box Deal. Well, it arrived today and I LOVE IT.

It has a nice sweetness and a clean taste and it's got that refreshing quality that chilled coconut water gives. Heck, I even like it at room temperature. It's not the stinky-sour horror Zico now is.

I also like that it's organic. That's a bonus!

I agree with the other reviewer that the can is great for chilling it up real cold.

UPDATE: Apparently, this brand pasteurizes at quite high temps, so there is a legitimate concern that it loses nutrient content. I therefore recommend that, for those who want more than just a great taste, you either email the company and confirm if they have switched to flash pasteurization, or switch to Amy and Brian's (which flash pateurizes and has a BPA free container).

I disagree with the reviewer that says those other brands are tastier. I grew up drinking coconut water (my dad would split them open with a machete for us to sip straight out of the coconut), and this one tops O.N.E., which has been my Zico substitute until now, and VitaCoco (which I do agree is sourish and way down the choice list). But what "tastes good" is subjective and we won't agree on best taste. But I can tell you this tastes really close to real coconut water fresh from a tree in your backyard (though nothing beats the real, fresh thing). I'm assuming changes in flavor are to be expected since coconut water will vary from nut to nut. Even Zico was not consistent formerly, sometimes sweeter, sometimes more water, depending, I assume, on the batch of coconuts. Any drink that's from actual fresh juice will have variations (and I guess Zico went to concentrate in part to standardize the flavor). So, I may just have a crazy good batch here in my hands. :)

I've just signed on for a subscription and three cases are on their way to me, yay! Thanks, Amazon, for this alternative now that I'm exiled from Zico. Heh.

Update: I tried Amy and Brian's CW after this one, and I actually prefer the A&B due to the sweetness. It has that lovely light, clean, fresh taste that Nature Factor has, just sweeter. That may not be the best for everyone (some folks will want it less sweet, not more, due to the difference in carbs). But for me, I love sweetness, so I'm hooked. But you can't go wrong with either NF or A&B. Enjoy either or both--as I will. So great to discover fabulous new beverages that are healthful.

Addendum re Potassium: This possible potassium-compromising may end up being great for those who want, not just organic, but to minimize potassium intake but enjoy coconut water (ie, those on Ace Inhibitors or potassium sparing drugs, those with kidney function issues). I'd check with the company first--definitely-- to make sure of actual postassium content before considering it safe for the K-avoiding crowd. Something to consider, though, what with so many Americans on high blood pressure meds. But until the company confirms or denies or makes clear what it's ACTUAL end-product electrolytes/Potassium content is, K-avoiders should avoid all coconut water unless your docs okay it. - Coconut - Electrolytes - Health - Magnesium - Potassium - Organic'

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Roku - roku xds, wireless

I bought this device for my father as he is somewhat technically challenged. He kept telling me that he wanted to watch Netflix on his 52" LCD television. He was under the impression that he had to buy a Blue Ray player to achieve a high quality streaming experience. I figured it would be nice to buy a Blue Ray player since he'd have the player for all the DVD's he owns and the Netflix streaming would be gravy. After pricing the BR players I realized that if I wanted WIFI built in, I'd have to buy an off brand unit to be at a comfortable price point. Further research revealed the Roku XDS which is a fantastic piece of tech. It is extremely easy to set up. From the time you open the package to the moment you're watching a movie streaming from Netflix is around 15 minutes. You could probably even do it faster, but I was tinkering with some of the other channels that Roku has to offer.

Since WIFI connectivity was an extremely important feature, I quickly went to that screen in the setup sequence to make sure I had a good signal. Since my router is 10 feet from the Roku box my throughput is very high. I could have ran a cable to the ethernet connection but then we're talking more wires. I hate wires!!! I put in my WEP password and the box promptly started updating the firmware. In order to link your Netflix account the Roku will show you an alphanumeric code. You just go to [...]and input the code that appears on the screen. Within 15 seconds or so the Roku screen will advance and you are now fully integrated with Netflix. There is no need to do this again unless you reset the Roku back to factory settings. The same procedure is used for Pandora and other channels offered on the Roku.

There are dozens of other channels that you can add to Roku. If you have an Amazon VOD account, it integrates just as easily as the Netflix account. Then you have the ability to add Hulu + as well but I don't recommend that. The cost is $7.99/month as of this writing and since you still have to watch ads, I don't see the value. Lastly, if you're on the fence about which Roku to purchase (there are three) you should consider the top of the line model or the second tiered unit. Do not consider the cheapest model because it lacks WIFI and will not transmit in HD.

I happen to own the new generation of Apple TV (nearly same size as Roku). The reason I have the Apple unit is because of how it tightly integrates with iTunes and the iPhone 4 which I have. I can easily recommend the Roku player to anyone who wants to add a nice piece of tech to their multi-media systems. Best of luck and thanks for reading my review. Roku 2100X XDS Streaming Player 1080p

Like a lot of people who use Amazon, I own all kinds of electronic gear. Every once in a while, you get your hands on a device that really stands out in terms of ease of use and performance. When I first hooked up my Slingbox, for example, I realized that it was unique and was going to add something truly useful and impressive to my audio-video set-up. When I read a description of the Roku box, I had a similar expectation. Could it be as easy to use as advertised? Would it perform on a level that would really satisfy? Would it be one of those "stand out" devices? Now I can say in all honesty that the Roku player is everything I hoped and more. When the description says you will be up and running in just a few minutes, you can believe it. I opened the box, plugged in the power cord, attached a cable to my high speed router, and ran audio to my amp. I turned everything on and immediately saw the set-up screen for the Roku player. To run a quick test, I tried streaming a video from Netflix--it worked perfectly. This initial set-up and test took no more than 10 minutes. After several days of using the Roku, I have yet to have even the slightest problem. I have added a couple dozen channels and all work as expected. My only moment of hesitation came when I saw how small the Roku player is. It is tiny sitting there with all the other components, but when I saw what it could do, the size became inconsequential. The Roku player truly is an impressive device. While not necessarily a replacement, the Roku XDS Streaming Player is another serious alternative to cable TV. By the way, for those traveling outside the USA, where Netflix does not allow the streaming of movies on your PC, there is a way to connect the Roku player to your Slingbox. You then have access to Netflix through the Roku wherever you have an internet connection.

I have been looking for an alternative to cable/satellite for awhile. The ROKU XDS is the closest thing to it. With the support of Netflix streaming(some episodes even in HD), and with Hulu plus coming in the fall, the ROKU XDS is all my family needs. Also, if you look at the ROKU forums, developers are creating other private and premium channels. This is something that cannot do. They also mention on their website that with an update in November you will be able to play video off USB. Setup took only minutes and the picture in awesome on my 1080P LCD. The only draw back would be if you watch a lot of sports, currently they only have As soon as Hulu Plus is added I will be dropping my $90/month satellite bill and pay $20 a month for Hulu and Netflix.

So picture this.... Here I am, paying over $110/month to a cable company for internet and cable. I have a thousand channels, but yet every night when I get home from work I struggle to find anything to watch..

Then I discover Netflix streaming on my Wii. Well I was so enamoured that I decided to look into set-top boxes that could bring Netflix and more to my TV (the Wii remote is just a pain to use as a TV remote).

I did some research, and came across the then upcoming Boxee Box. Well I just couldn't wait to try it out, but I didn't have a tv with an HDMI, so I kept looking and saw the Rokus support any tv hookup and if you have the tv its in 1080p too! (where available). So I bought the XDS. I was instantly impressed on how easy it was to set up. I had my Netflix, and all of a sudden I was choosing from a hundred different channels of content from Hulu + to live streaming 24 hour news out of Russia, France, and England. Needless to say I was impressed.

Even though I was happy, I still really thought about getting the Boxee Box and returning the Roku because I had used the software on my PC and it was so slick, and with the addition of its browser I figured how could I go wrong? Well once that BB was released and it was lambasted in the reviews, I quickly realized the Roku was exactly the right choice!

True there are its deficiencies, (no product is really going to be EVERYTHING) one of them being local playback. It doesn't support the breadth of codecs that others do, but pop in a thumb drive of videos in mp4 and you can watch personal files on your TV too! That's the extent of my local library so local playback isn't very important to me anyway. Other than that, all I know is for the price of Netflix and Hulu ($17 combined) I canceled BOTH my expensive cable and internet, plugged in an antenna for OTA local channels, and picked up a DSL package from my phone company for $20. So for $37/ month,down from $110, I have infinitely MORE to watch on my own schedule... Well I couldn't be happier. My only complaint is there is almost too much I want to watch!

If you are looking to save some $$$ from those cable provider rip-off artists, actually want MORE for your money not LESS, and aren't really concerned about local playback, then my advice is to definately buy the Roku.

EDIT 03/23/11:

Since my initial purchase I have also purchased another and a WD Live Plus. I can honestly tell you that the WD is great for local streaming, but is far out-shined by the Roku for internet streaming.

I have created approximately 1.5tb of dvd .iso files which my WD will play with full menu support. Roku has just recently begun officially supporting its USB channel for the XDS, but file support for video is basically limited to WM9, MP4, and MKV. I get alot of use out of the XDS USB port, but obviously it won't support all what the WD does. That's great when I want to watch something I already own, but there is so much available from Netflix, Youtube, Hulu Plus (not on WD) and now on Crackle (also not on WD)that most of the time the WD remains unused.

I have even developed a number of channels myself for the Roku of live news, just that capability of individual users to create channels and bring more value to everyone's purchase throws it over the top for me. If you are reading my review, just click "add to cart" because you will not regret it. - Wireless - Streaming - Roku Xds - Netflix'

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Kindle Covers - kindle covers, kindle 3 cover

I had purchased this because I loved the Targus Truss ereader flip case I purchased for my Nook at Best Buy for almost $40 which had the same flip-style. While the Targus case was beautifully made, it was also larger, heavier and didn't fit the Kindle very well, even though it claimed to fit the Kindle 2, Kindle 3 and the Nook. It did, however, fit my Nook perfectly. Perhaps this was a good thing, because I found that I actually like this one better and it was significantly less expensive!

I love this style of flip case because the cover is designed to flip around to be used as a flat base to stand the reader on rather than using a swing out arm. I like to read in bed, and this allows me to place it on my stomach or chest while still having a relatively stable, flat base which other flip-type cases do not do. You can also fold the cover of the case back on itself so you can hold it in one hand if you prefer.

The case itself is well made, with tight, straight stitching and two VERY tight elastic bands at the bottom corners. It was a little tricky getting the elastic bands across the bottom of my Kindle because they are so snug. No buttons are covered by the elastic and, once you get the Kindle secured, it will not accidentally fall out of the case. There are two leather edge covers at the top corners. When I first got my case, the right one did not seem to fit as well as the left, so I took the Kindle out, manually maneuvered the strap to be the shape I wanted with my fingers by pushing out the edges and drawing the center forward, then reinserted the Kindle into THAT strap first, then the other and it seems to have resolved the fit issue. This doesn't appear to be a flaw, it was just initially creased the wrong way and since leather has a bit of 'memory' it merely required some manual reshaping to fit correctly. The straps are made of soft leather (think 'glove leather') so they are very pliable. Once installed, the Kindle lies tightly against the case, yet I am still able to fit my M-edge book light between the reader and the case.

The leather on the outside is soft and the suede interior will keep your reader scratch free. I also purchased a Decal Girl Matte Finish skin DecalGirl Protective Kindle Skin (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle) Quest (Matte Finish) and it compliments the case perfectly. The wide elastic band that secures the cover to the back to close it is tight enough that there is not fear of it coming loose, yet elastic enough that you don't have to struggle to close it.

The only negative point I can think of is that the case must be open to charge the reader or access the audio port and volume and on/off rocker button at the bottom of the device. I didn't deduct any points for this because that's not a problem for me, but you may want to be aware of this if it's an issue for you.

Final Note: The free LED book light that comes with this is a joke. It's cheaply made and the light is harsh and uneven. I wouldn't let the book light be a factor in your purchase, because you'll just want to purchase another one once you see how hard it is to read by. I can recommend the M-edge Luminator2 M-Edge e-Luminator2 Booklight for Barnes & Noble nook - White only because I own and love it. It IS pricey though, but if you're a night reader, it is a good investment as it is one of the only book lights I've used that provides even lighting.

Edit 12/4/10 -

My husband liked my cover so much that he chose to buy one for his Kindle, too. We now own two and they are the same quality. Acase Vintage Acme Brown Genuine Leather Case with LED light for Amazon Kindle 3 (Latest Generation)

I waited for awhile to buy a case for my Kindle because none of the ones I saw intentionally gave you the ability to stand it up. I like to eat and read, or just not hold it at all depending on how I'm sitting... and this case is perfect for doing anything while reading. It gives you multiple options for the angle of how you want it to stand up. It looks great, it's nice and puffy. After getting used to holding the bare kindle for so long this actually feels much more comfortable.

The only thing is that the leather has a strong smell, not a leather smell but processed/chemical kind of smell.

This case is so amazing. It's really comfortable to hold and I love the soft leather and all the cushioning it has to protect my Kindle. Originally, I'd purchased one of the Amazon leather cases and, after the metal clips caused the machine to reset over and over, I really wanted something lacking in any sort of metal. This fit the bill perfectly. I was tickled as well that the case reminds me of a vintage bowling bag. I've gotten a few compliments on it already, including one person with an iPad hoping they made a case like it for his machine.

The case gives you a little bit of bulk to hold onto while reading your Kindle. Personally, I like this because the Kindle, by itself and in one of the thinner Amazon cases, wasn't very comfortable in my hand. The thinness caused my hand to tense up for some reason (first world problem indeed). Even though the Acase is bulkier, it is definitely not heavier! I really surprised at how little weight this added. And no metal bits! The Kindle is held firmly in by the leather corners and very tight elastic bands - it's very well made.

As other people have said - toss the little light they include. The case alone is completely and utterly worth every penny. The light isn't worth the labor it took to construct it. It would be easy to clip almost any book light onto this case, so if you need one, plan to get it elsewhere. I bought and wrote a review on a different Acase "leather" product and now I am in the middle of my next minor headache from the noxious odors of this case.

Folks, I have NOTHING against "ACase" in fact, it seems to be some kind of TREND amongst Kindle case manufacturers to out-and-out lie about the material used to make Kindle covers.

Roocase has complaints of fake leather. Acase has complaints of fake leather. CrazyOnDigital has complaints of fake leather.

All claim "leather" and it seems they are banking on very few realizing this crap is actually some iteration on vinyl.

One dead giveaway on this one was the sides of the little "leather" straps at the top: a shiny, plasticky and obviously molded edge. Oh and did I mention the "ultrasuede" backing to it? Yeah, clearly phoney.

My wife got one of the (vaunted) M-Edge Go! cases with her Kindle 2...right out of the box it smelled like a brand new pair of Italian leather shoes.

Now I hear even M-Case is not using leather, although they don't make the scurrilous claim that theirs is. They just call it a case.

I almost never have problems from products purchased on and fulfilled by Amazon. THIS class of product, however, has been PATHETIC.

I am extremely unhappy and am sending both of these ACase products back for a refund. I hope I don't get my account banned, but this is just completely unacceptable product vetting.

Maybe they are giving leather-bound versions to early purchasers and to Amazon, but if that's the case, there is a huge Bait and switch going on here.

- Matt - Kindle Covers - Leather - Acase - Kindle 3 Cover'

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E-book Cases - galaxy, android

1. Perfect size. It has that custom made feel for my Galaxy Tab.

2. Outstanding fit. Slips in the side, velcro it down, done deal. It gives it a skin tight leather-ette case look.

3. I like the material. Its not exactly a smooth grain which I prefer since now it gives my Tab an actual good grip to it.

4. All my Tab's immediate usable buttons, on-off-lock, volume, connection ports, camera windows, etc., are cut accurately for accessibility and where it should be. For my AT&T version Tab, however, the SIM card and microSD card ports are blocked (no cut holes) which is a good thing.

5. Buttons on this case are perfectly aligned and snaps easily. I prefer this to trying to pull on velcro to open it up. Also, somehow I don't think magnetic snaps should be around this type of circuitry. Just a wild guess here.

UPDATE,14Jan2011: Also bought this from Amazon, very nice indeed!!!

Luxury Convertible Carbon Flip Case For Samsung Galaxy Tab - Black (Free Screen Protector) Offered by HandHelditems Protective Felt-Lined Easy-View Stand Case for Samsung 7 inch Galaxy Tab P1000 * Includes Accessory Bag

Very nice fit, compact, nice stand. Would give it a perfect five stars if the leather was smoother and the flap closure was magnetic and without the single snap! Still a very nice case. Nice job! BTW, a NEAR exact case sells at Case Mate for $50!!!!!!!!!

Initially this case was one of the nicest covers for a tablet I had ever seen but as a ive used it over a couple of months ive found the fatal flaws in this item. Firstly if you are hoping this case is going to stand on its own as its shown in its ad you will be greatly disappointed. It will shortly fall flat and keep you wondering why isnt this cover infused with a stiffer material or a better design. Aside from that I did like the fit and look of this case. If you re looking for a nice cover for your tab this one is ok just don't plan on it standing on its own for very long.

This case is very compact and secure, as there's a Velcro tab that locks it into place. Then a snap closes the case. Unlike the Samsung case, there is a cutout for the camera. All the cut outs fit well and the case is snug. I'd gotten a Samsung case, but this one fits better.

The leather or leather bond isn't as nice as the Samsung case, but it's also thinner, so it's more compact.

Because the back cover snaps into place, if you're not using it as an easel, it folds back behind the Tab for easy one handed holding. The only problem I've seen with the case was after a prolonged ebook reading session - some of the black color from the case rubbed off on my hand.

This case is great. It's thin and light, all functions are accessible while the tablet sits in the case (camera, speakers, volume control, SD card, etc.). The fact you can fold it and conveniently watch videos in landscape mode is a very nice feature.

The only drawback to me is the quality of the material. The touch is pretty cheap and I wonder how long the "leather" is going to last at the folding area.

Overall an OK product, obviously benefiting of the lack of competition in the galaxy tab cases market. Good value for the price anyway.

Cover quality is good, fit is good i only rated it a 4 because when u stand ths tab up it bends the case in an odd way and the tab also sits at an akward angle were it can fall over pretty easily. I would definately reccomend it for the money though.

Anyone investing money into an android will certainly want to purchase a protective cover for it. This was the case when I bought my Samsung Galaxy Tab. Stores will sell this same cover for $50 or above but I found the exact same leather cover on Amazon's web site at a great price ($20) and I couldn't be more pleased. The leather is strong, it fits the tablet perfectly and all the buttons and plugs are exposed and accessible. What I love about this particular cover is that it can be used as a stand for the tablet which frees your hands to do other things while watching or listening to your program. It easily snaps open and closed and the handy accessory bag holds the charger and ear buds. I highly recommend it. It is good protection for your android at a great price.

After reading the other reviews for this case I ordered one and received it today. It is a great fit for my Samsung Galaxy Tab. What I particularly like about it is that is is a slim fitting case, and doesn't add a lot of bulk to the Tab. I like the snap to hold it closed rather than a leather tab like most cases have, because when the case is open that leather tab is in the way. I like how the cover of this case easily folds all the way back, so I can still hang onto the Tab with one hand. This will be really nice for Kindle reading. The stand function works great. I would have preferred a case in a fun color, but am glad I chose this case - it's well made and a great fit. I ordered this for $20 through Amazon from a company called Accessory Genie. It arrived a day earlier than their first estimated delivery date. - Samsung - Galaxy - Case - Android'

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Teen Vitamin

I wish I could review this effectiveness of this vitamin, but they will never be taken at our house. Completely wasted money, so in the interest of giving others a heads up - The pills are one inch long ( yep, my daughter measured them) and you have to take THREE. I kept getting push back from my teens about how big they were, so tried to take one myself. They are huge and just gritty enough that they don't go down easily.

Off to find a one serving vitamin or at least one that is easier to swallow...:) Rainbow Light Active Health Teen Multivitamin Food Based Tablets 90 tablets

This is a very good vitamin. I've looked it up on several vitamin research lab websites to make sure the contents are what they say they are. My son has a hard time with digesting most vitamins and this one is not a problem. Since it has digestive enzymes, he takes them after having a few bites of food and makes sure to take them with meals. He's been taking them for quite a while and this winter, he has had less illnesses than he usually does. We do eat well, but he seems to burn off the vitamins faster than I can get food into him! I'm not sure about the "acne clearing" components, but his face is less broken out (but this was never a huge problem with him, just small break outs). The nice part about Rainbow Light vitamins are they are food based, gluten free, with no sugars or any junk! Our doctor recommended these as they are what he and his family take.

This multi vitamin has done wonders for my son's skin. No matter how much he cleaned his face he still had breakouts. After using Active Health Teen his face is really clear.These vitamins have herbs that help clear teen skin problems. I'll be ordering these monthly from now on.

Yes, they are large. Still, my 12 year old son (who is an expert on complaining) takes them faithfully. A spoonful (cupful?) of chocolate soymilk or fruit juice seems to help the medicine go down pretty easily;) Vitamin-wise, this is one of the most complete I've found and we feel like it does a great job of squaring his sometimes junky pre-teen diet.

Have both our teenagers on these vitamins for the obvious nutritional benefits. Our 16 year old saw a real difference in reduced acne after about two weeks on the vitamins and continues to take them with success.

I got these for my teenage daughter, but they are pretty big and she has a hard time swallowing them. They should make them smaller for teens. I wish I could say more about how they work, but she hasn't been taking them regularly to know much.


So my 19 year old daughter came home from college and she could handle the size of these- she has the worst acne of all my children, and it has cleared up after she started taking these! She has always struggled with trying to get rid of her acne! She only takes 2 a day- one in am and in pm. Very happy with them and her skin looks great other than the scars/blemishes we are working on healing from when she had her acne! Only gave 4 stars as I think some younger youth might not be able to swallow them.

I have been buying these vitamins for my teenage daughter for almost a year now, all of the brands I bought at the drug stores or Wal-Mart/Target upset her stomach. These vitamins have never upset her stomach.'

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Ironman Watch - gps, heart monitor watch

Watch is the same as you would expect from a Timex Ironman. The watch is very comfortable. It looks like a regular sports watch. It appears to be well made. I am sure that it will only last about 2 years but that is alright for the money. Usually the timex ironmans tend to get beat up looking before they actually die. The interface is very intuitive. It works like a standard Ironman. You can display the heart rate in many different ways. I like that the time is visible while the heart rate monitor is functioning. I also like that you can display the heart rate in a bunch of different ways. I don't really use all of the fancy features. I did use it once just to see how it worked- it worked fine. (Avg hr, peak hr, blah blah). All that I do is keep my heart rate between 140-160. I would not count on the calorie counter to work. The recovery heart rate is a handy feature that is really easy to use. I think that measuring recovery heart rate is one of the best measures of heart health.

I bought this watch to replace an Omron that I bought off of Amazon for $32. The Omron was alright, but it was telling my that my heart rate was 220 plus beats a minute once in a while. And I wanted to see if I was going to have a cardiac arrest. The timex is coded, so I don't get any interference from the equipment or other heart monitors. The timex road trainer is superior in every way to the omron.

The only real downside is that the chest strap is a little short for big guys. I am 6'2" 240 lbs with a wide chest (48") and it is a little snug on me. I am hoping that it stretches out after a little while. This is a small annoyance that I don't mind dealing with for how well this watch works. Most people won't need to worry about that. I would say that only if you are bigger than me that it would be a real problem. It is nice to leave the watch on all day and then just throw the strap on when I go to the gym. During the day, the watch reminds me to hit the gym after work!

The heart rate is very accurate and reliable on this watch. It works consistently with no problems what so ever. This is definately worth the extra money. Using a heart rate montitor is a must to get the most out of cardio workouts. I will always use one from now on.

I had a polar a few years ago, and that thing was no where near as user friendly as this watch. This thing beats my old polar in every way. Also- I wouldn't be caught dead wearing the polar outside of the gym! Timex Ironman Men's Road Trainer Heart Rate Monitor Watch, Grey/Red, Full Size

I had previously purchased a heart rate monitor with an analog transmitter system, and it would only work if it was nowhere near any electrical equipment (e.g., fluorescent lighting, television, or treadmill). The Timex heart rate monitors (including this unit) that have a digital transmission eliminate this electrical interference issue.

I have never been particularly fond of excessive bells and whistles, perhaps because I am technologically challenged--I have never found a use for all the extra features, much less been able to figure out how to use them. This unit does lack some features that some users may have preferred to have-- it doesn't retain more than one workout in memory, for example. I am also unsure whether the transmitter is compatible with treadmills and other equipment that work with Polar brand transmitters. But if you want a reliable heart rate monitor that provides real-time guidance of where your heart rate is, then this unit fits the bill.

I purchased this watch one month ago and have been very pleased. If at first you don't understand the instructions can go to YouTube and check out the tutorials some people have been kind enough to make. The only negative is the chest band which is tight on me (48" chest). I researched for months which watch to buy a friend was trying to talk me into a Garmin with GPS but it seemed like overkill. This watch is perfect for those who do multiple sports are serious about improving their conditioning. It is definitely priced right and has a ton of features I am glad I made this choice.

Moving from a very simple and outdated Polar, which only showed heart rate, I appreciate all the integrated functions of this Timex. Just after a few workouts, I have found the integrated heart rate monitor and stopwatch with laps and recovery rate to be practical and easy to use. The display is easy to customize with combination stopwatch/heart rate or just large heart rate. The chest strap is comfortable and easy to adjust. I have no complaints at all and am happy I purchased this model.

I completely recomend this product. This was my first HR Monitor watch and I've had it for a couple of weeks and it has revolutionized the way I train and practice sports. I know when to push harder and when to slow down and it's easier to track your progress. The only downside it has is that it doesn't include a way to download the information into your computer for easier tracking, but you can purchase additional equipment to do so. But if data transfer is a must for you, I recomend you look into the Timex Ironman Race Trainer line. It is practically the same watch, with the ability to transfer your data.

I needed a heart monitor for my workouts. This works great. I would like it better if it kept track of time in each zone but that is not a big deal. I am quite satisfied with this products performance and ease of use.

Just what I was looking for. All of the functions that I need in one place.

Previously, I had a Heart Rate Monitor for one wrist and Watch for the other. While effective, it was cumbersome. With this monitor, I have both Time and Heart Rate at the same time.

Instructions are straight-forward (can download from Timex). Features include Lap Times, Cumulatives, etc. Avg HR by lap and total Time-in-Zone (within a particular range) are excellent features.

Some have had problems with the chest strap. No problem for my 42" chest.

I am concerned that there are no replacement bands. With my previous watches/monitors, I replaced the band every 2-3 years. I would like to know that I can replace this one if/when necessary.

In Summary, I'm very pleased with this purchase. - Heart Monitor Watch - Gps - Ironman Watch - Heart Rate Monitor Watch'

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Compact Camera With Hd Video - camera battery, battery

There's not much to say about a battery, but I just wanted to drop my 2¢ for anybody who, like me, thought this deal looked too good to be true and was suspicious it might be an aftermarket or even counterfeit battery.

It certainly appears to be the real deal -- Genuine Sony -- shipped in that annoying blister packaging with all the cardboard inserts.

I felt this was worth mentioning because the price seemed a little too good to be true, and the photo Amazon is using looks a little faded and... phony. And a quick scan of "that auction site" reveals a bunch of 3rd party and outright fake Sony batteries.

So, good going Amazon and "Dependable Resource," whomever you are. Sony NPBN1 Rechargeable Lithium Ion Type N Battery Pack

I know enough to carefully read product descriptions on items such as batteries, looking for telltale signs of deception such as "for Sony" or "Sony type" and the like. No such wording here, it was represented as a Sony battery and instead was a cheap no-name product worth about $2. Beware! - Cybershot - Camera Battery - Battery - Sony'

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Compact Digital Camera Case

I tried several cases for my new Canon S90 and this case had the best snug fit for the S90 without being too snug. It will provide a modest level of protection for the camera without adding unnecessary bulk. The outer pocket will hold an extra battery and/or memory card. Case Logic TBC-302 Ultra Compact Camera Case with Storage (Black)

I recently purchased a Canon S90 to complement my 5DmkII on a safari in Tanzania. Throughout the trip I had the S90 on my belt for quick and easy access; the case isn't bulky and seemed to protect the camera well enough from the occasional knock as the land cruiser hit big bumps.

On my last day in Tanzania I was walking through the streets of Arusha when suddenly I felt a hard tug that almost spun me around. I turned to see a man starting to flee. I started off in pursuit--concerned more about the memory card than the camera itself--but after a few steps realized the camera was still at my side, only a slight rip in the strap indicating anything had happened.

Recommended as a sturdy carrying case with a reasonable amount of padding for impact protection (you won't want to drop it from very high or expose it to strong blows).

This case happens to be a good fit for the Canon S90. If you're hiking or are on vacation, it'll get you that crucial amount of padding plus room for 1 or 2 spare batteries and SD card. I particularly like the fact that the belt loop is fixed (not a clip), so once you put it on, you can be confident that it stays on, no matter which woods you're cutting your way through. Use a wider belt if you have one, the case wiggles a little with slim belts.

If you're out in Metropolis though, the "outdoor factor" may be just a tad over the edge. You can remove the metal hook and cut off the bright label with sharp scissors, but it'll still look a bit too dorky for, say, the opera or sushi gathering. For such occasions, you'll do better with Canon's PSC900 Deluxe Leather Case.

I read this was a good case to get for the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7 so I ordered one at the same time I ordered my camera.

I got them on the same day and was happy.

I like the case, it is padded and has a little pocket in the front, but I was hoping the pocket was a little bigger. You can't really fit anything in there.. maybe a SD card, but it can't have to bulky a case and there is no way a battery will fit in there.

As for the camera, I liked it at first, it has a snug fit and seemed perfect, but then I realized how unperfect it was. I put the wrist band on it and all the sudden it was way to hard to close, I was afraid I'd scratch it trying to get it zipped. I found a way around this by turning the camera backwards facing away from the pocket.

Another thing I noticed and I HATED was when it was turned the right way with the wrist band on (not sure about without it.. only noticed after I put it on) is that the fit was TO tight that sometimes when zipping it up the zipper hits the on off switch and tries to turn it on.. which isn't good cuz the lense has no where to go! Again, turning it backwards seems to help with this, but I still have to be real careful when putting it up to avoid hitting it...

I like the snug fit but at the same time I wish it was a little bit bigger, I'm afraid if I am in to big of a hurry I might accidently hit the camera with the zipper or something.

I just purchased a Canon SD4000 and wanted a good case to secure the camera. I went with Caselogic TBC-302 and I love the fit.

I had many different cases and every time I get frustrated of keeping the camera in the case because it doesn't fit in my pocket.

Usually, I would just keep the case in my bag and the camera in my pocket.

The TBC-302 size fits comfortably in a regular pair of jeans.

Enough room for a spare battery and SD card.

Purchased this on advise from other reviews for the Panasonic Lumix ZS7 I purchased. Case holds the camera and an extra battery in the main section, and the memory chips in the small section. Has a loop to be attached to your belt. It is very small and a tight fit for the above, but it is perfect for what I wanted. Sturdy construction and has a little bit of padding to keep the camera secure. Perfect case for this camera and the few esstentials you need to bring along.

I just purchased a Panasonic Lumix ZS7 from Amazon and am looking for a case to protect it. I read a few reviews on this case that referenced Panasonic Lumix and/or ZS7, so I ordered one. Don't make the same mistake I did!

This case is too small for the ZS7 (or any similar size model). Once you cram it into the case, it really takes some effort to get the zipper closed. I'm afraid of the zipper scratching the new camera. Since return shipping costs almost as much as I paid for this case in the first place, I'm stuck with it or selling it online elsewhere.

I'm giving the product a good rating because I do like the case, it just doesn't fit my specific camera, which I had no way of knowing until after ordering it. There could be more cushioning, so like others have mentioned, I wouldn't expect it to protect the camera very well if dropped from several feet. But to protect from scratches and average jostling around, it's decent enough.

Update: I checked out a few stores in my area, taking my camera along with me for a fitting.

If you like the looks of this case, but want one for your ZS7 or similar size model, check out the Case Logic TBC-303. The camera will fit, with room to spare, plus has the zippered storage pocket on the front. Similar to the TBC-302, it will hold the camera and offers some protection from bangs and scratches, but isn't likely to protect your camera much if dropped. The big-box store that starts with a "W" is selling it for nine bucks in my area.

If you want something with more cushion/protection, I would recommend the Case Logic QPB-202. It has a plush interior with thicker cushioning along with a hard molded front. It wil fit the camera inside and has a mesh pocket for memory cards and an extra battery. Definitely feels like it would better protect the camera if dropped from a few feet up. I'm buying it from Amazon for less than ten smackeroos. The "W" store didn't carry it and the office supply chain had a higher "Max" price, over thirteen bucks.'

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