Saturday 6 November 2010

Faceplates - faceplates, smartphone

Can't really complain too much about this, looks exactly like it does online. Fits my Sprint LG Optimus PERFECTLY! The only reason why it didn't get 5 stars was the fact that it's EXTREMELY difficult to remove. But that in turn means it's very secure!

AND! Notice the hole for your speakers! I had purchased a silicon case, and it didn't have that hole! Little details make a HUGE difference! Protector Phone Cover Case for LG Optimus S / Optimus U LS670 - Spring Flowers

It's a solid case. Not too bulky, openings in the right places, snaps into place easily. It's also very pretty.

I would love, like another reviewer has mentioned, if it came with a protective screen cover. I tried ordering the LG Optimus S Screen Protector (LG LS670), Mybat 2-pac but those turned out to be a fiasco.

One thing I didn't like was that the cherry blossom pattern between the front half and back half of the case is disconnected. Basically, the seams of the case are where the cherry blossoms get cut off. If the back half has cherry blossoms on the edge the front half may have a blank white spot. I which the design had more continuity. It seems like a small oversight that would have made the design more holistic and fulfilling.

It's a beautiful cover, it's secure and I dont see why anyone would want to remove it! lol! It's fashionable while adding weight and grip to your phone so you wont feel like dropping it. At least I dont! :D I love this cover! :D - Faceplates - Lg Optimus V - Smartphone - Android'

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Faceplates - faceplates, smartphone lg optimus v Faceplates - faceplates, smartphone

Black And Decker

I read all the reviews and I still bought it. Fact is, I hate getting on my knees and scrubbing with my hands while constantly banging my knuckles against the tub. My wife hates it, too. This thing is a huge welcome relief as long as you keep a few things in mind.

Firstly, yes, the batteries will eventually run out. This is how all rechargeable batteries are. The most you can do is charge it fully for the 1st 16 hours, then use it until it's drained. Then repeat the process *forever*. Don't ever plug it in while it still holds a charge or you'll risk creating bad 'memory' in the battery. I just cleaned the upstairs tub in 5 minutes and it still has power.

Secondly, don't bother putting fluids into the fluid reservoir. I personally put water in it to rewet the areas that have Comet/bleach.

Finally, the thing works. It cleans and it cleans well. It's RPMs aren't that fast, but it's a strong, slow turning that will clean all that grime off. It's handle is extremely comfortable to hold and well thought out. Just watch out for the backspray while cleaning. After a few minutes you'll get the hang of it, though.

If the batteries die on this thing, I don't care. I'll buy another. Either way it has a 2 yr warranty so hopefully Black and Decker will own up. Regardless, I can't ever see myself scrubbing with my hands again. I found mine on sale at the local Tar get for nearly half the cost as this site.

As usual, be sure to keep an eye out for the idiot reviewers on Amazon. The ones that are never happy and expect perfection in everything they buy. And the ones that keep the thing plugged in every day, all the time and are surprised when the batteries no longer hold charge. Take care! Black & Decker S700E ScumBuster Xtreme Cleaning Tool with 3-in-1 Extension Handle

I've used it twice now - it's not bad. The handle isn't really long enough to be that effective. Sometimes the handle turns when the power of the scrubber yanks it to one side - but not bad on the whole. The whole squirting feature I gave up on. It works, but it's just easier to squirt with a bottle on the side. The product is shown scrubbing behind the toilet, which I tried, and it works great - except that after you're done scrubbing, you need to wipe up the solution - so you have to get down on your hands and knees anyway.

The whole purpose of the scrubber is to scrub - which it does just fine. I got so into it I scrubbed just about everything in my bathroom (cold and flu season, you know). I was extremely pleased with the results. It makes cleaning a bit easier, but it's still a chore.

The shape of the brush scrubber works well, but it's too big to get into corners well - I believe there are other brushes you can purchase and I'll look into that. The scrubbing pad is great for flat surfaces, like tile and shower doors.

For a guy, there's nothing like the satisfaction of using a power tool to clean your tub, especially if it's got the Black & Decker logo on it. I used it to cut through soap scum on my glass tub door in less than 5 minutes - a process that used to take 30+ minutes, and the less I'm exposed to cleaners, the better.

Fully charged it has LOTS of torque, and doesn't stop spinning if you press down on it, which is a big plus over many other "autocleaners" I've seen.

This great tool has two shortcomings, however. First, the battery cannot be removed, which is a big drawback if you run out of power. There's just enough power to super-clean your average tub and sink though, so overall this isn't too bad. But it also means that when the battery eventually wears out it's adios for your tool! Second, the built-in sprayer is a joke... just use the can and save yourself the effort.

By the way, the best cleaner I've used is actually a normal car buffer/polisher (any brand will do) with a scrubbing sponge hotglued onto the faceplate. Works like a charm and no batteries to worry about - just keep it away from the water if using in your tub!!! And once it's clean, WAX THE TUB and watch water and soap bounce harmlessly off the walls, making your next cleanup a snap.

This works well for me. After reading what others have said I have not tried the spray. I have a bad back and knees, so I cannot stretch far or kneel to clean my shower/tub. My husband is handicapped so he cannot help with it either. For this reason my tub/shower has not really been cleaned well for over a year. There is soap scum,etc that nothing with a handle has worked for. This reached well and did a good job. Finally, I can get the tub clean! As others have said, wish you could get a new battery when it is needed and not toss the whole thing. Not very good for the environment and a bit pricey for me to just toss that way.

I had the smaller Scum Buster unit in the past and I liked it. I like this one much better. I have a huge hard plastic garden tub that the brush attachment cleaned in a snap. The flat scrub pad did a wonderful job on the side tiles and the sink. The extension handle does help a lot.

Make sure it's fully charged before using and if you are using the handle extension make sure it is locked firmly into place by turning the clamp and all will be well. Unit holds power well and does not bog down too much with extra pressure applied. I'm very happy with it.

I hate cleaning bathrooms, particularly the tub. Our tub is probably 15 - 20 years old, so I wasn't afraid that the stiff bristles would hurt my fiberglass tub. We are a family of 4 and I probably clean the tub 3 times a year. So we are talking about a lot of black scum around the base of the tub. I have found that the best cleaner for a tough job like this is Easy Off Fume Free Max oven cleaner (No joke). Nothing touches the amount of scum I have to clean like this product. I don't know that I would recommend it for a new fiberglass tub, but I don't notice any harm using it on my old tub. I sprayed the entire tub and surround and let it sit for 5 minutes, wet the ScumBuster Xtreme with hot water and went to town.

I usually use a kitchen sponge with a plastic scrubber and do it by hand. This tool saved me a lot of back and wrist pain. It turns just fast enough to do the job without too much splattering (Can't avoid splattering with an open scrubber). The handle was long enough for me and could get to most places with its round head. It is aggressive and lasted about 40 minutes, but that is bearing down on it fairly hard to remove the scum. I wish I could have got another 10 minutes out of it, but if I cleaned my tub more often, I wouldn't have to use it for so long. I finished tight corners and the bath mat with the scrubby sponge. Now I need to find something to remove rust stains from the bottom of shaving crème cans and razors. I have two teenage boys, and they don't put things where they belong.

I charged it the first time for 24 hours and when it lost enough power to really do anything, I rinsed it and left it on in another room over night to really drain it. The battery it uses has the memory effect, so I highly recommend using it until it is dead and leave it in the on position over night to thoroughly drain it, and then turn it off. Charge it the recommended amount of time before you need to use it again, and run it until its lost enough power to be useless, and repeat the process. I use battery operated tools and I achieve the longest life using this method.

My next test will be to do the bathroom floor and maybe the kitchen floor if the battery lasts long enough. It looks like its shape will do fairly well around toilets, under base cabinets, and under the front of the fridge and stove. But to do it right, they should be moved out. But this would be good for a quick job if company is coming over at the last minute. Of course you have to wipe down after you use it. After all, it's not a mop. I used the long sprayer hose in my shower to rinse the tub and surround.

I did not bother with the built-in sprayer. I didn't need it for this application, so I can't comment on that. I could not find any problem with this unit after using it one time. It saved me a lot of hand scrubbing and lasted long enough to do the job (less the bath mat). But my tub is probably a lot dirtier that most.

I'm 5' 11'' and the handle seems too short for long periods using it to do kitchen floors, but I will give it a whirl.

If you are buying this product to scrub your tub and surround, bathroom floor, and around the toilet, and you don't wait too long in between cleanings, it should do just fine. The bristles are course, so if you are not thorough enough, it may miss some lines of dirt or scum. But I needed something aggressive because I wait too long between cleanings. I just went over the tub and surround in opposite directions to get everything.

I would have given it 5 stars, but the battery didn't last quite long enough for me. But like I said, my tub is dirtier than average. I think it would last long enough to do a tub and surround, and maybe the bath floor if you don't let things get too dirty. Like they say, you're your mileage may vary.

I've only used it once, so I can only go by that. I think I will be using it to clean the tub more often now because of my bad back and it makes cleaning the tub so much easier. My first impression is that I like it. It scrubs hard, and lasts just about long enough for a really dirty tub and surround.

Don't forget what I said about the Fume Free Easy Off MAX oven cleaner. It really loosens up the scum. That said, I have an old fiberglass tub, so I can't recommend it on a new one. I don't know if it would ruin the finish on a new tub or not. Best to clean your tub and surround thoroughly, let it dry completely, then apply a good car wax to make the next cleaning easier.


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Black And Decker Black And Decker Black And Decker

High Definition - indoor antenna, terk

Having spent a bundle acquiring a Sony LCD HDTV and upgrading our Dish service to include its limited set of HDTV channels, we were anxious to see what an Over-the-Air Antenna might add.

In all, we tested 5, including the highly rated Zenith log periodic (about $40 at Sears), an amplified Samsung (about $99 at Best Buy), an outdoor Terk 32 (about $80 at Circuit City), our old roof mounted VHF/UHF antenna (circa 1985), and the amplified Terk HDTVa (about $50 at Radio Shack). The Terk HDTVa won hands down; no contest, blowing away the much touted Zenith.

We live in the sparsely populated, low hill countryside of Western Massachuetts. The THDTVa effortlessly brings in between 20 and 30 analogue and digital (incl hdtv) channels broadcast most from 12 to 45 miles away, and some as far as 65+ miles away in Connecticut. Some digital OTA channels actually come in more sharply than some of the (Dish) satellite digital channels.

This is definitely a keeper: a great value, gem of an antenna. So good, in fact, we are debating giving up our $50/month Dish service, putting $15 of that to Netflix to replace HBO, and banking the remaining $35. Terk HDTVa Indoor Amplified High-Definition Antenna for Off-Air HDTV Reception

I'm in SF Bay Area, about 30 miles from Sutro Tower. This was my first antenna and it worked out of the box for me. It is not perfect and I'm holding between 70 and 90% signal strength on all the majors with better reception than satellite. I can't compare it to any others but to say "it doesn't work" is insane. You won't know until you try it. This is not an all or nothing deal. It will work great for some, not at all for others and anywhere in between.

To check your specific situation, I recommend you try Click button on first page, enter your full address and you will get a report unique to your home about how/where your channels are broadcast, including a map showing exactly how you should point your antenna. In my case, all my required channels were "yellow" and all in the same compass direction. If you are very far from broadcast source or channels are coming from many different directions, it may not work. However, with good return policy, it can't hurt to try.

I'm a first timer at getting OTA HDTV. This has been an experiment in progress for the past 5 weeks. I have gone through four antennas (they are all here as I write this) before finding something that's satisfactory (rather than tolerable).

I live around 25 miles from Manhattan, where the towers of most TV stations are located. I am also aware of the directional information from [...], and have experimented accordingly with its effects on reception. My apartment's windows all face north, while the signals all comes from southwest. I cannot get signals from where it comes from, and thus needed to get signals from deflections perhaps off nearby buildings and trees. It's a very poor circumstance for over-the-air reception, maybe just slightly better than being underground. Signals are weak, and are affected by weather. Stormy and windy days have shown effects at disrupting signal reception.

With this said, and without going into much detail, let's talk about the antennas. Now all these antenna have been tested with the same equipment, setup, directional adjustments, location, etc. etc. and have been tested through good an foul weather, day and night, to observe differences.

1.Terk HDTVa Terk HDTVa Indoor Amplified High-Definition Antenna for Off-Air HDTV Reception- After reading some rave reviews and high ratings at [...], log periodic types (looks like a fishbone) seems to be the way to go. I got the Terk HDTVa first, thinking that the amplification and VHF antenna should nail my reception problems at the start. However, after more than two weeks of fidgeting around ad nauseam (directions, locations, amplifications, different devices, etc.), I only managed to pick up two ATSC channels' signals, and even those don't have strong enough signals to display anything. I thought maybe it's just my poor location, and that I should probably give up on the attempt. The included in-line amplifier dongle doesn't work at all. Powering it on makes no difference in signal strength readings, which hovered around 5-10%.

It is well built, looks nice, good concepts, but it just didn't work.

2.Phlips PHDTV1 Philips PHDTV1 Digital HDTV-UHF Indoor Antenna- The venerated "silver sensor" which was previously sold under the Zenith brand also had great ratings and reviews. It's in fact nearly legendary. I decided, in desperation, to try it out, even if it doesn't have amplification. It seems all my local HD channels are in UHF anyway, so I won't miss the VHF dipoles.

The unit has startlingly poorer build quality compared to the Terk. It has paint bubbles, hairs and dusts trappings in the paint, sharp edged cheap plastics and much thinner metal blades that's covered in oil and has some dings and bendings. I wasn't impressed with the quality, and didn't expect much from it as I set it up.

To my surprise, it picked up 9 working channels (note: the terk got two channels' signals, but they didn't work) from the start, even if it's randomly placed. It's thrilling as it was the first time I saw OTA HDTV. After some adjustment and location experiments, I was able to receive 19 channels. However, not all of these channels work well given the same direction.

The directionally sensitive antenna needs to be adjusted as I switch channels. e.g. NBC and CBS seems to work well in one direction, while ABC has its own favorite direction, which works also with FOX. I tried as best as possible to find a compromise point where everything works. I couldn't. It just needs to be adjusted constantly.

The transmission is often dogged by reception fluctuations. Signal quality tend to fluctuate quite a bit, especially affected by weather. That means the TV playback would get choppy at times, with its severity dependent on the direction I point the antenna at. I didn't think fluctuating signals was a characteristic until I tried the latter two antennas later. I also found that I had to constantly play with the directional positioning to get a stable signal from each of the stations.

It works, and I was impressed, but then in retrospect it could only be best described as a "tolerable" HDTV experience as I struggled for a smooth signal delivery.

3.RCA ANT111 Basic Indoor Antenna- While shopping in stores, I saw this basic and classic RCA loop/dipole antenna for less than $[...]. I couldn't resist the temptation to try it out, just for the heck of it. It is also a different type of antenna than the previous two.

Again, I was surprised. This cheap antenna worked well, especially considering how it's only a fraction of the price of the two I'd tried. I ended up getting 17 channels, a few less than the PHDTV1, with the same location and setup. Some channels also don't work, even if signals were detected. The quality of the signals seems to be the key.

So what's so special about it? It strangely had better signal delivery for the channels that worked. It's not as choppy, and quality level is very steady. It is also not as affected by directional positioning. I was for the first time able to view FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC without adjusting the antenna. However, the lack of directionality also makes it ambiguous when I lost the signal. It seems that there's no "favorite direction" for the channels, which also means I can't pull in stronger signals at my choosing. It is also quite susceptible to weather changes, particularly wind (which probably affected signals reflected by trees?)

The signal strength also seems to be a little weaker, though the signal quality tend to be higher in general. That probably contributed to the smoother video delivery. It also tempted me to get a similar design that has amplification.

4.Philips MANT510 Philips High Performance Amplified Indoor Uhf/ Vhf/ Fm Antenna- This unit has a "digital TV optimized, patent pending UHF panel array". I thought I'd try it out just for the slightly different antenna design, if not just for the adjustable amplification.

Well, it works, and works quite well. The antenna doesn't work without power, and with amplification turned off it works a little less than unpowered PHDTV1 and ANT111. Yet with the amplification turned on, I get 24 channels, with strength up to 81% (compared to 3-10% unamplified, and quality consistently above 60 and usually in the 70-90%+. That generates the most reliable video delivery of all the ones tried.

While thunderstorms still managed to distrupt signals, it's much less often and only momentarily. I also don't have to worry about hunting for signals as I just point it in one general direction and I get everything but three NJN channels (they are even further from here.. maybe a good 50 miles).

I finally can just set the antenna and forget it. It lets me focus on the programming rather than antenna adjustment. While it needs to be powered, it gives me the confidence to finally enjoy HDTV, rather than tweaking and tolerating it. It's good enough that I can probably stop searching. I hope it'll be helpful to you who may be going through the same purchasing decision nausea as I have. - Antenna - Indoor Antenna - Hd Antenna - Terk'

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High Definition - indoor antenna, terk terk High Definition - indoor antenna, terk

Bicycle Accessories - bicycles, comfort bike

This is your typical sporting goods/department store comfort/hybrid bicycle. It has a near bottom of the line Shimano RD-TZ30 rear derailleur, a front Falcon derailleur / Suntour crank combo, SRAM MX twist shifters, linear pull V-style brakes, an adjustable seat shock, front shock, and an aluminum frame. The seat tube length is 18", the top tube length is 21", and the stand over height is ~28 - 30" (top tube slopes down to the seat tube). From the seat tube and stand over height, this bike is sized for someone with a 30' - 32" inseam.

The bike comes partially assembled. You have to put the handlebars, front wheel, seat, and pedals on. You will need metric size Allen wrenches. The gears were adequately factory set, but the brakes needed to be adjusted.

I purchased it for occasional street recreational riding. For this purpose, this bike is average. If you want something with better components (more expensive) then look at the GT Nomad / Timberline, Schwinn Sierra / Voyageur, or the Giant Sedona.

Pros: Better price than I found at a local sporting goods chain store and free shipping. Amazon shipped it double boxed. Light aluminum frame. Comfortable seat with adjustable shock tension. Linear pull V-style brakes. Adequate for recreational street biking, which is what about 90% of us do.

Cons: Components, but you get what you pay for. Front and rear wheels are not quick disconnect. One size, if your tall or short this bike will probably be a bad fit for you. Mongoose Placid Men's Comfort Bike (26-Inch Wheels)

My husband and I each ordered one of these and are happy.

ASSEMBLY There is some putting together that you have to do, but it's fairly simple. Sorry, no more details there--I left that to the honey.

HEIGHT Even at its lowest seat setting, it seems a bit tall for me (I'm about 5'2 or 5'3), but that's not the bike's fault I guess.

GEARS It has lots of gears, which is helpful for going up and down hills. We both find that the gear changes are jerky and delayed.

SEAT The seat is not bad as far as bike seats go. My husband got a wider, cushier one at Target for $20 to replace the one it came with. I think I'll stick to the one already on it.

GRIPS The handle grips are comfortable and also provide some grip, so your hands don't slide around if they sweat.

HANDLEBAR The handlebar shape is great--you can sit up straight and ride it, which is why I got it (I have a bad back).

TREAD Tires have nice tread for a non-mountain bike.

ACCIDENT Incidentally, I took mine out for a spin a week ago without my husband (who keeps me going at a slower pace). As the speed demon I am, I was rolling downhill awfully fast when I saw that the sharp curve ahead would not be navigable at my speed, so I braked quickly. The breaks work--er, well. Perhaps too well--I skidded and fell, and am still bandaging my wounds (one of which is equivalent to a 2nd degree burn--ow!). But I am convinced this was "user error," perhaps exacerbated by the fact the seat is a little too high for me. And while I have cuts and bruises in multiple places, the bike suffered only three very small scuffs. So it's surely durable.

OVERALL IMPRESSION A great value, especially with Amazon's free shipping.

I was happy to get what I thought would be a perfect bike, at a great price, and when it arrived, I had only a few minor issues with the assembly. But then I realized it was way too small for me--my feet hit the front tire on turning. I measured the frame--17 inches. I would need a 19 inch frame

Nowhere in the product descrption is there an indication of frame size, or any warning that there was no choice; so beware, if you are six feet or more, this will be much too small, and it might be too big for shorter people.

I was worried at first about buying a bike on the internet, because I hadn't tried the bike out, or even actually seen it. All I saw at purchase was what you see next to the price above. Blue, black, silver? Cool.

I wasn't disappointed when my bike arrived--it was all in one piece--that is, it was dissasembled--but nothing was broking or missing. The bike felt great, the seat was a surprise, featuring its own form of suspension. Front suspension was present as well.

Problems arose when I rode on the bike. I had a lot of trouble changing the 1-2-3 gears, but I eventually figured out just how hard I had to twist the handle. The only major problem I had with the bike was the pedals--I don't know if I need to fix it, but the cranks kept "snapping" when I "stood" on the bike to gain speed. I.E., when I took my butt off of the seat and pedaled hard, the crank snapped. When the crank snapped, it would simply give way to my weight for a movement, making a bit of a banging sound.

Overall, I'm satisfied with the bike. It needs some fine tuning, but it came at a great price, and I can see myself riding it for years to come.

The ride of this bike is like floating, bumps, holes and whatever the bike trails could throw at the Placid could not get my rearend sore after a full days ride 28 plus miles. The front suspension holds up and does not wander. The seatpost suspension is a real help on bumpy rides. All in all a great bike for the money.

I bought this bike and its twin for my wife and me last summer after our gastric bypass surgeries and the large weight loss, as a present to ourselves, and apart from the cold of Vermont's winter, I've been riding it just about every day. The bike is very comfortable and with a little maintenance rides smooth and easy.

It comes partially assembled and it took me about an hour to put it together. It should have been about twenty minutes, but the manual is shared between a lot of models, and you have to do a lot of picking through complex directions to find the relevant ones. The manual is not always clear during assembly and sometimes refers to terms without defining them. (However, it's a great manual otherwise, particularly the section on tuneups and maintenance, once you figure out the terms and which directions do and don't apply.)

The ride is comfortable, though the seat could be a little bit better, but otherwise it's smooth and steady. The construction is solid; it has no problem with my still-high weight and never feels like it's even challenged by me. The brakes and derailleurs needed some adjustment, but once they're adjusted they run pretty smooth. (Though 21 gears seems a bit silly; I almost never use anything but the top four or five.)

I've used the bike on a bike path, various roads, some dirt paths, and some of Vermont's infamous dirt roads. Also taken it travelling; it was wonderful on the Maine seacoast. The tires are good at handling all these terrains.

There really isn't anything I'd do differently about this bike. It's as good as bikes two or three times the price, and better than some. The only room for improvement is in the manual (and maybe the seat). - Comfort Bike - Adult Bicycle - Mens Bicycle - Bicycles'

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Gift Idea - cook, cute

My boyfriend & I always say to one another that we are 2 peas in a pod cause we are so much alike. Since Christmas is coming I was looking for a little gift that had something to do with 2 peas in a pod.

I came across the magnetic S&P salt shaker set, but they were sold out. I kept the link under my favorites and was checking on a weekly basis. I was thrilled when it popped up and they had a few in stock. I immediately ordered and before I knew it, it was in my mailbox.

I opened the package up and it's just so precious. I am tickled pink over it and I'm sure my boyfriend will get a kick out of it at Christmas. And I love the fact that one is a girl & the other is a boy. Perfect unisex gift. Two Peas in a Pod Salt & Pepper Shaker Set, Magnetic, Green & Pink Ceramic

I bought it for my boyfriend and I last Christmas after searching high and low on any and every website store possible, and found it here. It might have been the last one in stock actually. The box was all bent in when I received it, but the peas and the pod were still in mint condition. They are absolutely adorable, and my boyfriend loves them. A friend just came over to visit 2 weeks ago, and saw them for the first time and thought they were extremely cute, and he's a guy! Great item. Great gift. A definite buy.


Super Cute

Nice size


The magnets are strong enough to keep them on the pod if you are being gentle but if you were bumped on the way to the table with it I would assume it would fall and break.

The peas are very light which makes me think they are thin and might break easily.

General Info

The peas are about an inch tall, a little over an inch big--the pea pod about 3 inches wide.

There are two small magnets on the bottom of each pea and 4 magnets on the pod to keep the peas there.

Overall-they are just way too cute to not like. I'm not the most graceful person in the world so their fragility makes me wonder a bit. However, I would completely recommend them because I think it's very unique and sweet.

I'm not usually an impulse buyer, but I absolutely fell in love with these and had to have them. They're just as cute in person, and are a cheery bright green. They're well-designed, too, with the magnetic bases so they don't roll off their pod. Highly recommend.

My biggest concern when i first opened the box was that they were so small trying to balance on that leaf that I would drop and break them... then I found out that they're held in place by a magnet!! They are so sweet and lovely, i get compliments on them all the time. Everyone loves them and wants to know where I got them from.

It's as cute as the pictures displayed, and the color is bright and nice. As for how well the shakers work, I guess they work as well as shakers can, except that they're small and have little capacity for salt and pepper; but that was expected as I read the description of the product, it doesn't bother me at all because either my boyfriend or me adds salt and pepper to our food very often. So I guess if you just want a cute gift for your significant other that you can put on the dinner table and see everyday, it's great. But if you want "real" salt & pepper shakers, well, get some real ones. - Peas - Cute - Fun - Cook'

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Gift Idea - cook, cute cook Gift Idea - cook, cute

Canon Photo Paper - photography, canon

This photo paper is Great. Using my Canon MP620 printer, I was able to print out amazing pictures that I created using my SLR Camera. It captured the colors perfectly and it has a nice glossy look. In fact, the printed photos looked so much better than what I saw on my LCD. This is half the price of the Pro Platinum, and I must say there's no difference in quality. By far Amazon have the best price anywhere and for less than ten dollar per 100 copies, it beats any other photo paper brand out there in term of price and quality. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes to print high quality pictures while saving their money. Canon Photo Paper Plus Glossy II, 4 x 6 Inches, 400 Sheets (2311B031)

This Canon Photo Paper Plus Glossy II is absolutely beautiful IMHO. I printed five pictures after I received my new Canon PIXMA MP990 Inkjet Photo AIO Printer today. WOW! The resulting prints are better than anything I have seen from a photo lab in my lifetime.

The colors are vibrant and true to the original picture when used with the PIXMA MP990. I printed a Desktop background from Mac OS X Snow Leopard - a picture of the Earth in space. The blackness of space is what amazed me - black as you can imagine. Impressive! When I get close to running out I will buy more of this excellent photo paper from Canon. Getting 400 sheets for $31.00 is a great deal too.

Hey this paper works GREAT with my Canon Printer. The quality of the print is of the utmost quality, you would think a professonal had printed the pictures at a professonal print shop. I have given many prints away and always the same comment "what printshop printed these" So easy to use and VERY affordable. I figger it costs around $.15 to print each picture after buying paper a printer ink. Again I can not praise this product enough. Of course you got to have the Canon printer. I have the Canon "PIXMA" MG5220 printer. It also is very much worth what you pay for it !!!

the paper is fantastic. Quality and price wise. You can't get that much photo paper for the price in Canada. The only beef i have is that the size seems to be off. I have to do some trimming to get the photos to fit in the photo album.

Excellent photographic paper. It preserves the original colors very well, the picture doesn't lose the colors in the time and it maintains its clarity. This paper works very well with any inkjet printer.

Canon makes excellent photo papers, definitely one of the best, and although there are other higher grade papers out there (and even from Canon), I feel these are the best value.

Unless you want to print your photos to 8"x10"'s (or 8.5"x11"), you don't need to go to the top grade papers for the highest quality, as at 4"x6" the paper thickness and coating won't make much of a difference.

For about 3 "Hamiltons" for 400 papers, that's an excellent deal.

Before start advising you NOT to buy this paper, I must say that it is a HIGH QUALITY paper, and the prints are really good.

However, there is a problem of compatibility between this paper and my HP6280 All-in-One (not a picture printer, but it has a photo paper tray). The problem is basically the inability of the printer in pulling the paper from the tray (and it pulls other papers easily), and the only way I got it to pull the paper correctly was to sit by the printer and to put one sheet at a time and re-try a couple times for every print. Quite annoying, and I don't think it is worth the price difference from other papers (such premium HP, for instance).

Even though I'm really annoyed with it, it deserves 3 stars because my mom and my parents-in-law are VERY happy with the pictures of the baby...

If you decide to buy this paper to use in your HP printer, try not to leave all the paper guides loose, because sometimes it helps... - Photo Paper - Canon - Photo Quality Paper - Photography'

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