Tuesday 12 April 2011

Professional Reference - book, art book

Although I have had some background in perspective drawing there are alway situations that may trip me up. I like the way this book demonstrates these concepts from a basic viewpoint without being condescending or overly technical. I have used it to successfully teach perpective drawing to interior design students who had no previous experience. I think this book is useful as well to budding illustrators and artists. Perspective for Interior Designers

This book takes perspective to another level. I have been taught perspective before with 1, 2, and/ or 3 vanishing points, so I thought that I knew what I was doing. But sometimes I just had to eyeball some of the perspective in my drawings, because objects would look too distorted. This book showed me what I was doing (and taught at art school) that was acceptable but not perfect. Within the first few pages, I easily learned the correct rules to doing perspective from a floor plan at any point of view that I choose. I am a graphic designer for retail interiors and "Perspective for Interior Designers" has made my life so much easier. It's very easy to understand and follow...a must have!

I am an Interior Designer in SAudi Arabia and was asked to teach a drawing class on short notice. No problem! What I didn't realize was Perspectives were part of the course. I went book shopping. In Saudi Arabia that is no easy ordeal, besides there are so many realy bad perspective books out there. Anyway I had an old copy of "Perspective for Interior Designers" and guess what? It is still the best and easiest book out there! It's straight to the point. It is great for beginners. It takes you step by step through constructing a complete One Point, and Two Point Perspective. It also deals with trouble points, such as stairs, ellipses, cones etc... Great Book! Could not have taught the class without it. I ordered this book as an official text book for the " Foundations of Drawing IDES 1303" Class. Two thumbs up.

This book's truly great, easy to understand, walking you through lots of examples with graphics that make sense. As an interior design student in my 3rd year, no instructor has thus far been able to teach 2-point perspectives, and the handouts copied from other textbooks were even more confusing. Pile's book is like a breath of fresh air-- walking you through examples (how to place floor plan in relation to drawing, etc.), how to draw circles in perspective, plan perspective, 2-point perspectives, 1-point, it's all here in the simplest, easiest to understand version I've come across. I recommend the book to all my friends at college. Buy this book would be doing yourself a really big favor if you need to draw perspectives.

For any one who loves perspective drawings rather than CADs, this book, small, simple, straight forward, not redundant at all, gives you many methods and tips for perspective drawings starting with principles and then building some extras. if you follow it to the end, you might not need any other []book. it might need some more effort on producing a second edition, as the examples are really old but they serve the purpose anyway, but you kind of feel that it is not from our time that's all, still it is highly recommended.

When I first started looking at the explanation for perspective I thought it was pretty good. But as it went on, I thought no one is going to pay me to take this much time to do a rendered drawing! This book could be good for developing your eye and understanding of perspective but there are short cuts that will give you better than acceptable results. There are also books that have more to offer in terms of rendering the presentation. I have found that no one singular book completely communicates everything you need. This one, I could have done without.

This book is a helpful tool for those of us struggling with perspectives. Page by page written and visual instructions assist in not just drawing perspectives, but really understanding how they are put together! Even for those who are new to the world of drawing and explaining concepts via drawing! THANKS!

I have found this book to be of great value in teaching the subject. The success factor depends on the mental laziness of the student. I have had to veer away from the book as a textbook temporarily to return to the grid format for those who are less quick. Once the slow learners are up to speed on the subject, I will return to this book. It does require a basic understanding of the controllong factors of perspective and the use of some ingenuity in areas but overall, it is a really good book.

In my professional life as an Interior Designer, It is my preferred reference.

John Pile presents the two point perspective in a simplified, clear, concise manner yet it's very extensive in content. I would highly recommend it for any Interior Designer wanting to know more about perspective drawings. - Design - Art Book - Book - Professional Reference'

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Professional Reference - book, art book book Professional Reference - book, art book