Tuesday 9 November 2010

Kindle Reading Light - mighty bright, reading light

The company that manufactures this light is called Mighty Bright, and for good reason! The lamp gives off more than enough light to read by in a pitch black room. It has two brightness settings, one with both LEDs and another with just one. The LEDs in this lamp are so bright, that only one is really needed, having two is an added bonus. I'm not using a power adatpter, I'm running off of 3 AAA batteries. LEDs use such a small amount of power, those batteries should last me a year or more. Overall I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality of this light. With such a fair price I didn't think it would really hold up, but I'm definitely going to recommend it. Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 Light (Silver)

My wife who loves to read in bed after I have gone to bed, has tried many, many book lights over the years. The complaints have been many about each one, and pretty much the same. Small circle of light, have to move it from side to side to see good. So last Christmas I went on an internet hunt for the ideal book light. After a few days of research, I decided on this one for her. Now 7 months later she wants me to buy one for our daughter, and a spare for her (in case I lose or break it) cause she says could not live a night without it now. True story. It is bright and evenly covers an area of two pages of a large book without trouble, no hot spots. Seems to be the perfect book light. Battery life is excellent with the LED bulbs.

I have purchased MANY book lights in the past, but never have I owned one that was actually bright enough to read by. I usually keep moving the light around and around and around so I can see the page . I ordered the power adapter but it hasn't arrived yet, I am using 3 AAA batteries and this is a awesome light. It has 2 lights in the head you can use both or just one, the light spreads across both pages of a paperback in either mode one light or two, I haven't tried a hard cover book yet, but I really don't think this light will have any problem at all. Very Very Bright. I definitely recommend this light .

Know what is as essential in my luggage as prescriptions or deodorant? My book light! A book light is essential to a reader, or at least to me.

Whenever I go overnight or longer, my book light is packed. I don't sleep at night as most people, especially in "strange" places. So I rummage, actually, no, I don't rummage, I always know where exactly where I packed my book and my light, and slip off to the bathroom, get comfy on the bathmat and read until I get sleepy. I don't need to turn on any lights because my book light points the way. In another place I can go to the living room and snuggle in a chair, clip on the light, and read away. Last time I stayed at my mother's I tip-toed into her walk-in closet, found comforters, and read away. She's used to me.

But the best reason for a book light is when the lights go out as they are wont to do during thunderstorms or ice storms. My book light and a flash light are right in the drawer next to my bed. There are two other flashlights stashed around the house. Find one, light candles, go to bed, and read. I used to fret and fume over the electricity snapping out. No more.

In case the LED lights go out, I bought two replacement bulbs. I also own three other styles of book lights, but Xtra Flex 2 LED Book Light,Silver is the best of all. It has double LED lights, but only one is necessary. I need bright light to really see to read and this product meets my demand. Plus, the graceful curve of the neck and the sophistication of the silver make this an attractive product. It also comes in lime, purple, and bold blue. Take the clip at the bottom, snap it onto the back cover of the book and several pages for stability, click on the light, once or twice for your brightness, and enter that other world.

New technology has led to the book or craft light that will be the end to all others.

Its incredibly bright--with no shadows--, lights both pages (no shadows), is by far the brightest light (maybe double), spots only onto the book (the room remains dark), completely flexable shaft so you can direct the light exactly on what you want, AND lasts 40 hours on 3 AAA batterys!

Like comparing a Corvette to a tricycle! See to beleive.

I have to say that the Might Bright XtraFlex 2 is a wondefully bright light. If I position it correctly, it easily lights both pages for comfortable reading. It's so easy to adjust that there is never a problem getting the light where you want it. The price is great!

The problem arises when you turn the page or shift your own position. This light has a clip that does not secure well to the book. No matter how many pages you clip it to, it will swivel around and tip to the side. I get weary of righting it time and again. The clip is too bulky and I found myself missing the Itty Bitty Booklight that slips so nicely onto a back hard cover or a few pages of a soft cover, and then stays put. That is the only problem, but it's a substantial one when you're trying to read, thus the 3 stars. Right now, I'm hoping for a merger of the Itty Bitty and Might Bright. Perfect light and perfect clip! - Best Book Light - Led Light - Reading Light - Mighty Bright'

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Kindle Reading Light - mighty bright, reading light led light Kindle Reading Light - mighty bright, reading light