Thursday 15 September 2011

Fertility Tests - fertility tests, fertility

We have been using the OvaCue with both oral and vaginal monitors and tracking software for maybe 8-9 years. We are Catholic and do natural family planning but wanted a back-up since I am getting older and anticipating menopause. We can not say enough about the benefit of this product. It is a simple tool to help determine fertility as that is what it is designed for, so if it can help you determine when you are fertile it is very helpful for avoiding pregnancy as well...

The key is to follow the directions, especially the morning saliva reading. That reading helps determine that your body is preparing to ovulate. The vaginal sensor then confirms ovulation. I don't see why anyone would not purchase both parts to the monitor, they are both necessary. There is also tracking software available that lets you upload from the handheld to the PC. A wonderful $25 option we would not do without. It is a fairly sensitive little piece of equipment. It has to be!

As far as accuracy and use:

It is nearly impossible for an electronic device to be accurate if it doesn't have data to crunch! This is actual science that doctors are very familiar with. Thus the first cycle could be inaccurate because the program is looking for a pattern of high and low to determine fertility. A few months of data and the device is VERY accurate. Using NFP I am very aware of my cycle to begin with so the OvaCue is just my double-check, but I can still say that even with occassionally irregular cycles it is still very accurate. Ovacue Fertility Monitor w/ Vaginal Sensor Ovacue Fertility Monitor w Vaginal Sensor

Hi, I just wanted to tell anyone who is thinking of buying an OvaCue to absolutely go head and do it! This product is excellent and REALLY works. I had been trying to get pregnant with baby #2 (Daughter born in July '03) since April '05. I had tried everything...Fertility Tea, Ovulex, Vitex, etc...anything currently on the market, I had tried...But it was with the OvaCue that I finally found success...after many devestating months of not conceieving, I finally decided to rent the Cue II (an older model of the OvaCue). I had read about it on an internet forum back in April '05 and had put the info somewhere deep in the depths of my memory, assuming it would only take me a few months to get pregnant again. After using various other products for 1 year with no success, I began renting the Cue II...I loved the Cue II, and the rental program was excellant! I used it going on 4 months, charting both vaginal and oral readings and found it very simple to use.

For the first time I felt that I finally was in control. I was 30, my cycle is typically 26 days and is very regular, and I just couldn't figure out how in the world I wasn't getting pregnant...finally, I went to my annual OBGYN appt and was casually talking to my doctor about trying to conceive, and I mentioned that I was renting the Cue II and still had 2 more months before the rental period would end. At this point I was still really learning how to chart and how to read the graphs. I was perfectly happy and I sincerely felt as though the Cue II was an answer to a countless number of prayers.

My doctor suggested I 'trade up' and purchase the newer version of The Cue II, the OvaCue, that shows you via readings (words) when your most fertile time is, when you are at highest fertility, and it confirms ovulation. My doctor believed the Cue II to be an excellent product but suggested, if I could afford it, the OvaCue--It was excellent because it eliminated the human error aspect of charting, I agreed. I called Linda at Zetek and she took care of the 'trading up' procedure and only had me pay the difference for the OvaCue and within the same week I had rec'd the new monitor and it was all mine. Zetek even paid for the return of my Cue II. I had the OvaCue for aproximately two cycles before I ever really got into using it again, after so many months of trying without pregnancy, I was pretty down, but in August '06 I finally began using both the oral and vaginal sensors faithfully again, and I saw something for the first time since trying to conceive that actually gave me REAL hope...the OvaCue confirmed my ovulation on day 10 (yes, day 10...I had always just assumed it to be day 12 or 14) and it said my hightest fertility day was day 12...I about fell over.

There I was 17 months later and I was ovulating Day 10, that was just so early in my cycle, I had never even considered the possibilty that I ovulated early... But I am happy to say, that after using the OvaCue for 1 month, I became pregnant.

I can not tell you how wonderful this product is!!!! I truly belive that if I hadn't purchased the OvaCue I may still be trying to get pregnant...Seeing in actual text, actual words what is going on in your cycle is the most excellent thing about the OvaCue, there are not symbols or misleading lines, they are words, direct and to the point, and I thank Zetek for making such a great product. I have no doubt that the Cue II would have gotten me there, but I am so glad the technology got better and that the OvaCue got me there faster.

I am a success story and still can hardly believe it! I am currently using the OvaCue to help me acheive pregnancy again. My son was born in May of '07. His brother born is March '09 And we are trying for Child #4 using the OvaCue. This is my first cycle using the OvaCue again, my Cue Peak was found on Cycle Day 5 and my Max fertility Day is Day 12. It's so exciting.

And Now they have an even newer version of the OvaCue, with an actual color coded calendar to visually see your fertile days....I am thinking I just may have to 'trade up' again for the more advanced model. Their Customer Service is fantastic!

If you are teetering, let me push you a little in the right direction...I know the pain of not getting pregnant, my friends getting pregnant all around me their first month trying, I know how skeptical I was...but give OvaCue a chance and I will bet your miracle will happen before you know it!

It took me 16 months without using the OvaCue and I had no success, and it took me 1 month with the OvaCue to get pregnant...there is no better testimonial than that. And I hope for the same sucess again this time around. This product works, if used correctly with both's a bit pricey, but well worth the cost...

My fingers are crossed that baby #4 is another girl!


OvaCue Fertility Monitor

Ovacue Fertility Monitor w Vaginal Sensor

Good Luck!!! - Fertility Tests - Ovulation - Natural Family Planning - Fertility'

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