Tuesday 3 February 2009

Recommended - recommended

This heater should be used with a ground fault

device. Very shocking if it becomes defective.

One I had, three years old, shorted out. I found

out why the horeses weren't drinking out of this

particular water tank when I stuck my finger into the

water!!! Farm Innovators Submergible Cast Aluminum "Around The Farm" Utility De-Icer Model C-500, 500-Watt

By the time I researched and found this bird bath defroster the winter in Philadelphia had pretty much finished doing its worst. However, I was able to get a fair enough picture from the few below freezing nights we have had here. This heater did a very good job of keeping the entire bird bath liquid, while my other bird bath, with a lesser type of defroster, was barely able to keep a two inch circle around itself free of ice. This deicer may be a bit pricey, but it works very well. - Recommended'

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