Tuesday 25 August 2009

Wood Working - nail gun, brad nailers

Have used over 6 months building a number of cabinets and other projects. Sets different size brad nails perfect every time under variable air pressures 50 to 100 lbs in both hard and soft woods. Highly recommend for price points. Hitachi NT32AE2 5/8-to-1-1/4-Inch by 18-Gauge Brad Nailer

The Hitachi 1-1/4 brad nailer is a great tool for attaching moldings. It was able to neatly counter-sink brads into solid oak. It's a bit louder than other nailers, but once you see the results, you wont care. My set came with instructions, warranty card and safety glasses. There was no oil or brads included. - Nail Gun - Brad Nailers - Hitachi Brad Nailer - Hitachi'

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Wood Working - nail gun, brad nailers hitachi Wood Working - nail gun, brad nailers