Sunday 8 February 2009

Crystal River - flyfishing, fly fishing

I have yet to find a better spinner for taking trout. I was hoping that the sizes of the lures were bigger. The smaller size is too light if you are planning on fishing some deeper pools or faster moving water. Panther Martin Best of the Best Red Hook Spinner Fishing Lure Kit, Pack of 6

These are simply the BEST spinning lures I have ever used. These things make fish strike in any weather, any water, any time. I've caught trout, bass, carp, catfish, whitefish, and walleye on these little babys. I'll never stop using worms, but for the money, you can't beat a green Panther!

These spinners are much better than any roostertails or any other lures i have used. I tried for hours using the roostertail and within 15 min of using the larger panther marten yellow spinner w/ red dots i had caught 5 fish (1 brown, 4 rainbows) ranging from 10 in to 18 in. I highly recommend this to any avid trout fishermen, the trout just cant get enough! - Flyfishing - Fly Fishing - Trout - Crankbait'

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Crystal River - flyfishing, fly fishing crankbait Crystal River - flyfishing, fly fishing