Thursday 18 September 2008

Lithium Battery - c3, lithium battery

I first became aware of this light when a repairman left one at my home during a service call. His was pretty beaten up with duct tape holding parts of it together. When we returned the light to the company we discovered that this item was the favorite flashlight of the service people of that company. They had a corner of the shop set aside as a repository for batteries charged, charging and discharged. Of course, the batteries are used for other Craftsman tools as well. Later on I purchased a tool combo package and included was one of these fluorescent flashlights. Initially, I didn't hold this item with much regard. I have received tool combo packs before and considered the included flashlight as a gimmick. An added "tool" to give the impression that the package has more value than it really had. Previous tool "combo" flashlights quickly became ignored and pitched. But as I stared to use this item its qualities started to make an impression upon me and it is now my favorite flashlight. First, it is light in weight. A real bonus when you're climbing up stairs holding other tools and materials to get to some work space. I use the hook on top quite a lot and it folds away nicely when I don't need it. You can light up a large area by hanging it up on something and it produces a wide arc of light. The light is not overly bright which I have found to be useful. I will often illuminate an attic or crawlspace with this light and then focus in on a workspace with a compact LED flashlight. The whitish fluorescent light adds a different tint to illuminated objects. I will often find trouble spots faster using this flashlight than others do whom are using a tighter-beam light. Oh, and on several occasions when I have been at a remote location and have exhausted a power tool's battery. Well I'll have a spare battery close at hand to finish a chore. Which saved me the time to go back for a freshly charged battery. As suggested in the title I use Li-ion batteries almost exclusively with this tool. When the wife bought a cordless line trimmer she upgraded to the Li-ion style of battery. There is one (maybe two) problem/s with that. Her's is a compact Li-ion and when it is installed in the light it will provide several hours of illumination but it's shorter base means the tool does not sit flat on a surface. Apparently the tool was designed to use the taller-cased standard 19.2V Sears battery. But it has not been much of hindrance to me. And the other "problem" about using "her" battery. Well most of you will be able to figure that one out. In the effort to provide a comprehensive review, I have to remark on the item's durability. I have convinced most of the guys at the shop use these lights. And even a few in the garage. There have been incidents when these lights have fallen from good heights. They will usually break from a fall over 12 feet and a "Mag lite style" flashlight usually won't. What is interesting is that when we have one die they have always been replaced by the exact same model. I'm not sure they are worth $20. But I you have extra 19.2V batteries around the house or you pick one up in a combo pack then give it a try. I figure you will soon find reason to like yours too. Craftsman C3 19.2 volt Fluorescent Light - 19 2 Volt - Lithium-ion - C3 - Lithium Battery'

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Lithium Battery - c3, lithium battery c3 Lithium Battery - c3, lithium battery