Thursday 20 October 2011

Ovulation Test - conception, ovulation

I am glad to see Clearblue Fertility still on the market. We were having such a difficult time trying to get pregnant with our almost five year old son. The CLEARBLUE FERTILITY MONITOR made all the difference in the world - as I was using fertility meds. Clearblue Fertility Starter Kit

First things first (this is my disclaimer) I am NOT a doctor or in the medical profession AT ALL. My kids are 9 & 6, I have no intentions or having more children but I want to share the wealth because this product worked for me twice! I have always been an athletic woman who has had irregular cycles, with that said this product was suggested to me by a friend when we began trying for our first child. An ad for this product just came up on a site I was on and brought a smile to my face, pleased its still around. Follow the directions to the "T" and be patient and hopefully it will be a success for you as well.... GOOD LUCK!

I was ready to become pregnant with my first child, and a friend (who's 39) was pregnant with her 2nd child, and she recommended this to me. It worked! My day of ovualtion was NOT day 14, like al the books say it should be. Mine was day 17, or even 18. Four months after I started using it, I couldn't believe it- I'm pregnant for the first time! Follow the directions well, use it when it asks for a test. It's worth the price tag. - Pregnancy - Ttc - Conception - Ovulation'

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