Thursday 30 September 2010

Step Platforms

The 6-inch step is perfect for just stepping up and down while watching tv or doing a few minutes of cardio in between weight sets, especially if you have a small space and need to stow your exercise equipment when not in use.

This step is made by the same company that makes the gym-version STEPs. I found the larger gym-version step a little too big and cumbersome (all those risers). The smaller hi-step version was way too small for step-ups. This in-between step was just the right size for a basic step-up/step-over workout. When used a single platform, I think it is the sturdiest of the bunch, with no shifting. It fits under a coffee table or bed when you're done using it. I was also surprised to open the box and find the product labelled "Proudly made in the USA." Bonus.

For those who need exact dimensions and other details, the step area on top is 22 x 11 1/2in. This seems like the perfect size for step-ups, with comfortable room on either side while stepping so you don't feel like you're going to slip off. The base of the step, which is a little larger than the stepping area itself, measures 26 x 15 1/2in. And I can confirm the height is 6 inches from floor to top. In the picture, the step looks almost navy blue, but in person, the color was a medium blue, like the top of the hi-step ([...]).

On carpet, it is stable and doesn't budge. It has two rubber feet at each corner, and grips nicely on flat surfaces, too. It's light, but very sturdy, and doesn't feel like it's bending or dipping when you step on it. Recommended maximum weight capacity is 250.

I bought this product through Amazon for under forty dollars with free shipping and received it within 3 days. Yes, most plastic things I buy are cheaper; but for a piece of exercise equipment that will last decades, won't break or require repairs, is of good quality, is made in the USA, and arrives on my doorstep with little effort on my part, it seemed reasonable and I am happy with the purchase. The Step Blue 6-Inch Fitness Step'

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Step Platforms Step Platforms Step Platforms