Monday 7 September 2009

Fitness Dvd - fitness, fitness dvd

I really like this workout. In my 20's I used step aerobics to lose some weight and had the legs of my life. Fast forward 15 years later . . . I got away from workingout and I have gained weight. I bought this DVD because I hoped that it would ease me back into working out.

I first did the DVD yesterday. I thought the DVD was going to be below my fitness level. I walk every day and use the elliptical. I can't say that I push myself hard--I just do it and try to enjoy it. I also rotate in a Firm DVD. So, I thought I was in good shape--decent at least. So, I started the DVD and was exaggerating the moves intending on getting a good workout. I assumed this DVD was a little below my level. Well, I was wrong. A couple of times I had to march in place to catch my breath. I insisted that I was going to use my arms and that I was in good shape. Clearly, I am not--I about killed myself and should have dropped the arms at some point but refused. After the workout I felt exhausted--not in a good way--in a I am not going to do anything a while way.

Today I did the DVD without raising my arms above my head and got a good workout. I love the DVD. It is simple and straightforward. Exactly what I was looking for. I would have liked a more thorough stretch but I just do my own after the DVD. I like Debra. Again, she is straightforward. I do not like the Denise Austin type of rah rah DVD's--the first couple of times that rah rah is ok but after doing the DVD over and over again it is way too much and annoying.

With Debra, she just tells us what the next steps are, counts, etc. Nothing over the top just a good solid workout. Also, the people on her "team" or regular people. They aren't the perfectly toned size zero's that we see so often in other DVD's. I use to think that the perfectly toned people in other DVD's were inspiring but I found that these women inspired me more. I would want to take a break and march but I wouldn't let myself . . . I would say "Ok, Gina, if they can do it you have to be able to do it--toughen up--quit whining".

I think this is an intermediate DVD. I have the firm DVD's and feel that this got me sweating more and working harder. If it is too hard you can drop your arms like I did or use a shorter step. If you are not getting enough of a workout you can use a higher step.

There is a toning segment after the workout that I haven't done yet. It seems to be about 10 minutes. I watched it and forgot to time it. Just solid basic moves. If you are new to stepping there is an intro that will show you all of the moves and help you ease into stepping. Stepping is a great way to shape and tone your lower body. Stepping also gives you a more intense workout. I am looking forward to reshaping my body again and think this is just the ticket.

The workout is just under 40 minutes with a 4 minute warm up and a 3 minute cool down. The music isn't overwhelming--just right. I wish Debra would make more step DVD's to integrate with this one!

Gina Shapely Girl: Let's Get Stepping with Debra Mazda - Beginner Step Cardio Workout

What a great step workout! The choreography is deceptively simple, but really gets your heartrate up - easy footwork makes it a breeze to follow. Debra adds some fun arm/leg combos - and her cuing is excellent. The four women stepping with her show various easy/hard modifications (for example, lowest step height, no arms, highest step height, etc.). I've been stepping a while, and I found it very easy to add challenge by just exaggerating the movements or adding some plyo (leaping) where needed. A short but very effective toning section at the end is also excellent. I recommend this DVD very highly!

WOW! It is about time that someone made fitness for ALL women! I am so impressed and so moved to see Curvy and Shapely women working out and getting both fit and healthy! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how Debra emphasizes that Fitness and Health comes in all shapes and sizes! This woman not only talks the talk but walks the walk! I am so glad that us average sized (size 12 & 14) as well as Plus-Sized women have safe, effective, and motivating fitness DVDs that are quality and fun to use! It is a horrible myth that one cannot be healthy or fit if you are "over weight" or "over sized". Definitely not true!

This DVD offers basic choreography at a moderate pace. There are several modifications shown whether it be different step heights or no arm movements. I have only done Cathe Friedrich step in the past from both her beginner thru advanced titles and have to say that Cathe has now taken a backseat to Debra with regards to Step. No this is not as intense as Cathe, but that's the point! It's non-itimidating, motivating, and fairly easy on the joints; unlike Cathe. I have knee issues as well as joint problems with 1 hip and at age 27, I can't afford to beat my body up for the sheer purpose of vanity, in hopes of being "smaller one day". Healthy and fit are so much more important than size and that message is really hammered home with Debra. We don't have to suffer along in boring or long workouts with Cathe, Amy Bento, Jillian, ect to look and feel great! Fitness can be fun and now IS! There's a revolution going on within the fitness and health industry and Debra is helping to lead the way! I am so proud of myself and my size, it's about time that someone indulges us "Shapely Girls" with appropriate, beneficial, fun, safe, and effective fitness! I own all 4 Shapely Workouts and look forward to Debra releasing more! Get this DVD, it is well worth the money! The movements are non-complicated, easy on the body, the music is fab, and EVERY women big or small can do it! Fitness no longer has to kill you to be effective, Thank God and Thank you Debra!

I also want to add that she uses Top 40 music and no two songs are repeated amongst her 4 DVDs. If you are an Advanced Exreciser you would find this workout great for a light to mderate workout, something to compensate for more demanding cardio routines like Cathe Friedrich or Amy Bento. If you are a faithful Leslie Sansone fan, tis one is more intense than any Leslie DVD IMHO, including her 5 Mile Walks. You can get a moderate, yet energizing workout with no risers, but add 1-2 sets of risers and be prepared for a step sweatfest! I personally am so tired of Leslie's same boring workouts, with the same boring movements, with little to no "umph". Debra's DVDs are amazing and I recommend this and the other 3 whole-heartedly to anyone! I love her and her workouts. I am praying that Debra releases another Step workout!! - Fitness Dvd - Fitness - Step Aerobics - Aerobics'

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