Tuesday 30 June 2009

Fitness - cheap, weight loss

I bought this sauna suit about 2 weeks ago. i admit i have lost 10 pounds walking 1/4 mile a day every day. Well today the whole botom ripped open no not a hole the whole thing. so now all i have left is the top. i am ordering another from another company. But i do recommend if you get this suit and you are a XL then get a XXL.

Nic Sunny Health & Fitness Sauna Suit

I tried exercising in it and tore. I have had several similar suits and it happens tro all of them. If you are going to exercise it it you will be better off spending a bit more money and getting a nylon based suit. - Weight Loss - Cheap - Sauna The Pounds Off - Sweat'

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Fitness - cheap, weight loss cheap Fitness - cheap, weight loss