Saturday 30 May 2009

Composition - canon, creative photography

For those impatient enough: if you are to buy one book that would teach you photography - this should be the one. This book has survived seven editions and it has enough information to make your head hurt. Needless to say, this book does not offer a silver bullet that would make you Ansel Adams, but it has enough information to build a solid technical foundation upon which you could leverage your creativity.Make no mistake: this book is first and foremost about film photography. While there is a somewhat obligatory chapter on digital photography, it is hardly more than a very brief introduction. The rest of the book implies film photography (needless to say, that information on exposure and lens is generally applicable to both film and digital photography techniques).Furthermore, the book is seriously geared toward black and white photography. There is plenty of information about the color process but it feels complementary to the narration.On the negative side, there are only a couple things to note:- Having so many precise instructions, this book ought to have an appendix containing all data in one place (from reciprocity failure correction numbers, to N+2 development time increase, to film processing checklists). It is a shame, the book doesn't have such a reference chapter.- The price of the latest edition is way too steep. While I am far from suggesting sacrificing quality for lower price (as unfortunately so many other books do), I still think that the price has risen way too high compared to older editions.All in all, it is an excellent basic reference. It is unlikely to be the only book on your shelf, but it will definitely be an extremely useful one while you are mastering advanced photography. Bottom line: buy this book now. Photography (with MyPhotographyKit Student Access Code Card) (10th Edition)

This is a great book for amateurs who want to understand how photography works. The textbook format is well laid out and organized. It has chapters that cover everything from how the camera works and different lens characteristics to developing and criticizing your own work. I don't think it will be much use for experienced and pro photographers but it might come in handy to freshen up on your photo knowledge.

When in college, I took a photography course from a well known and respected photographer in the Bay Area. This was the textbook we were to purchase. I have since turned to photography full time. I look to this book for little things from time to time and I am glad it is there. It is like a little mentor. I recommend it to all people I speak with who say that they would like to know more about photography. It is a great book. One you will use over and over again. One that will not grow dust on its' cover.

As a college teacher I have used this book for two decades and watched it's price go up and up. Obviously, I think it is a good book. However, the camel's back has finally broken at the current 74 (!) dollar paperback price. I cannot justify asking intro students to pay this much.I will find a suitable, less expensive alternative. The price difference will be best spent on film.

This is a definite "must have" for the serious amateur. Whether you're just getting serious in photography and are looking for a crash course, or have been at it awhile and want to learn some of the more technical aspects, this is the book for you.Some of the things covered include cameras, lenses, exposure, film, and darkroom. The index is well done and makes using this book as a reference easy; there are lots of good photos that illustrate what's being explained. (What would be the point in buying a photography book without lots of photos, after all??)This is the book that got me started, and I can't imagine not having it. My only complaint, if I have to have one, is that I can't seem to keep it on my shelf -- all my friends are always wanting to borrow it!

This book has been around for a while, in many different printings. Every time I see it in a used bookstore I buy it, so I will have it on hand to give to the next person who asks me about photography.This book has everything you need to know about photography, from discussing the various types of cameras to lighting and metering techniques to how to develop and print your own film. It is well organized and easy to understand. It is written so a beginner will have no trouble with it, but with enough information to get you to a pretty advanced stage. What more could you ask for?

This book at one time was a must have resource, but more and more it is becoming "long in the tooth" in the digital world. Sure some material is still valid to both digital and film photography, but the books value as a resource does not live up to the lofty price tag for a new addition.

I had originally owned the 6th Edition as a course book. Recently a photography group in which I participate decided to do a focus discussion on the book. I purchased the 8th edition and found very minimal differences between the 8th and 6th. Save yourself money and don't bother with the 9th and latest version as you can get bargains on older versions in which the major differences may be which photos are used as demonstrations of a point.

If you really really can only buy one book, get this. Somehow it cost only US$30 here in Singapore. There's no better book on general photography than this for any amount of money.The book generalised photography and yet does not skimp on any topics, there's just enough for one to know about any form of photography and that's the good thing about it. It links all aspects of photography together and makes one appreciates other forms of photography not previously explored.It helps to get specialised books to further enhance specific topics, like John Shaw's Profrssional Field Techniques, Landscape Photography; Jim Zuckerman Natural Light Photography; Another excellent book on general photo techniques is Lee Frost's A-Z of Creative Photography. There are many other great photography books that I keep, for reference and leisure reading. - Beginners Guide - Creative Photography - Composition - Canon'

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Composition - canon, creative photography beginners guide Composition - canon, creative photography