Monday 23 March 2009

Beauty And The Beast - ron perlman, tv series

As a huge fan of the show, I am truly disappointed. I gave my DVD sets to another fan in anticipation of the full series set, but it just wasn't worth it.

The interactive trivia feature is fun for about ten minutes. The questions were ultimately pretty easy and could have been written by some disinterested intern who just skimmed over episodes. It was kind of bumpy and not very engaging.

The original love letters are nothing new, but I too was shocked when some strange man started reading the new love letters. I mean, what were they thinking? No fan of the show wants to hear some random guy reading Vincent's words. I immediately pressed Stop and have no interest in checking out the rest.

The experience reached an all-new low when I started reading the love letters and noticed two typos in one letter. I am an editor and look for these things, but I am pretty sure any person with a brain knows that solace is spelled with an "a" and not solice, like they spelled it. And "breath" instead of "breathe"? Come on! Again, who put this together?

It's obvious that Ron and Linda (or anybody close to the show) had nothing to do with this box set, which is disappointing. No love was put into this at all - the abominable picture of Vincent on the cover symbolizes all that is wrong with this box set. When I think of the features on other DVD sets, I feel ripped off and let down. Why can't we see deleted scenes, interviews, and other cool bonus features?

The fans of this show are really connected to it - the mailing lists, conferences, fan fiction, etc. are still going strong twenty-one years later and this box set is just a slap in the face. If you don't have all the seasons, get this because it's cheaper than buying them separately. But if you already have the seasons, don't bother with this. It will only disappoint you. Beauty and the Beast - The Complete Series

If you've already purchased the show's three seasons separately, don't bother with the boxed set, as it's a complete waste of money.

In addition to the strangely altered image of Vincent on the box, the "bonus" disc is insulting to long-time fans. "Newly Reconstructed Love Letters" is read by God-knows-who ... certainly not Ron Perlman. Ridiculous. If you bought the VHS tapes way back when, you already have the original love letters, which also appear on the bonus disc.

Besides the love letters, the only other two features are episodic promos for some first season episodes - and "Vincent's Quest" - an interactive trivia game. No interviews, no deleted scenes, no behind-the-scenes footage ... nothing to warrant spending $70 if you've already purchased all three seasons individually.

What a disappointment.

There few tv shows that can let your imagination fly high. This is one of them. This modern fairy tale made you believe that love in its pure form could still exist. Ron Perlman made a fantastic representation of Vincent (man-beast) that would risk everything to protect his beloved Catherine. Even at the end of the serie that Catherine (Linda Hamilton) died; the strength of the sorrow and grief that the beast character projects turns the most cynical person into a watery pot. Thanks to CBS and these wonderful actors to create such a beautiful characters.

I read the other reviews of this DVD set and I disagree that it is not worth the money. I dearly loved this show when it came out, so much so that I could not even bear to watch the last season after Catherine died. It is only now I can find the courage to watch the final season and still I cried.

I agree the cover is not the Vincent we loved, but as was the heart of this series, it is not what something is on the outside that is important, it's what's inside. And what I found inside is disk after disk of girlhood memories. When the show was on originally, my TV reception was terrible and so I could not even see all of the episodes or savior the scenes as I can now on DVD.

It was a beautiful show and none since have come close to matching the passion of it.

I was shocked at first when I heard the voice reading the "reconstructed love letters". My heart sank that it was not Vincent's voice. However when I listened to it again, I think that it is Ron Perlman's voice. In the original readings for the sound track, I have read that he wore the mask while reading the poetry so it would sound like him. This many years later, I doubt that was a possibility. Listen without anger and see if anyone agrees that this is Ron's voice, not as Vincent, but as he is today.

I first watched Beauty and the Beast around the age of five. I was instantly mesmerized by the magical Vincent and the world Below. I remember asking my Grandmother "does that place really exist under the ground?" It was all so whimsical, yet strangely believable. Even more so to a child.

As an adult, I was reminded about my beloved childhood show and really excited when I ordered the box set. With the first episode, the same feelings of awe and mystery instantly came back to me. The love story between the characters is so poetic and beautiful. I also love the "do good, belief in humanity" morality of the show. I thoroughly enjoyed all the episodes, the characters, the music, the poetry (the latter two convinced me into buying the soundtrack which I also LOVE). I definitely recommend this show that has captured me from the age of five to twenty-seven.

Ps- The love letters are a nice edition, although I hear this isn't a new concept to this version of the box set. The re-constructed love letters are lessened by their non-Vincent narrator.

As an aging, white, heteosexual, incurably romamtic male who has been watching TV since the late 1950s, I think BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was the best show ever - with a caveat of the first two seasons only. For all you "BEASTIES" out there, the logical cover would have been the painting at the end of WHEN THE BLUE BIRD SINGS from season two. (By the way - does anyone know where I can get a print of that painting?)If you folks remember when we could only get Season # 1 on VHS, some of them had Vincent's lost Love Letters to Catherine. I suspect they put those in. Despite being read by Ron Pearlman, they were tripe. The CD was wonderful. - Linda Hamilton - Tv Series - Ron Perlman - Romance'

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Beauty And The Beast - ron perlman, tv series romance Beauty And The Beast - ron perlman, tv series