Thursday 23 October 2008

Arabic Music - bellydance, turkey

I did not know about tribal fusion dance until recently, when I took up an interest in traditional belly dance music, such as doumbec. What I discovered was this rich sub-culture with incredible music. These dancers are truly creative, and the music they picked for this CD is obviously their favorites. Thank you all, this rocks! Evolution: Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Music

This CD is by far the best compilation of ATS/fusion music!!!! Every song is great!!!! I am a ATS belly dance teacher in a small town in Colorado, and I don't have access to new music that I can listen to. So I really rely on who's on the front and who's reviewed it. Whoever rated this CD before me was very accurate. Very usable for classes and choreography. Thanks to all who contributed. - Belly Dance - Turkey - Bellydance - Middle East'

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Arabic Music - bellydance, turkey bellydance Arabic Music - bellydance, turkey