Sunday 31 January 2010

Preschooler Activities - crafts, activities

I found this book to be very easy, it contains many crafts that you can do with little supplies, does not take a lot of time, and the kids love it. Also I found the singing and games to be useful for any mother who is trying to find her preschool or early elementary child something to do while they are at home.

Also the singing and games are great family activities.

A great value for the money. Sing! Play! Create!: Hands-on Learning for 3- to 7-year-olds (Little Hands Books)

I am a Pre-K teacher and have used this book so much in the classroom! I especially like it because it is very organized, has illustrations to go along with the theme. It has poems, fun facts, games, fingerplays and songs to go along with each theme! I highly recommend this book to any teacher, home schooler or mom who wants to get creative and keep your child busy!

I love this book! My 20 month old has done many of the crafts and songs in it (with help of course) and loves it. If she sees it we have to "sing and paint" (so sometimes it gets hidden...) but the crafts are really basic and easy to do in one session at home.

Simple instructions, great layout, good pictures, and I like the songs and stories that go with each craft

One of my favorite craft books. Songs, homemade games, and simple activities are included. The crafts are all that require nothing fancy and can be accomplished by all the kids (nothing too complicated, with just a few steps) so no one gets frustrated at the end of the afternoon. The whole book revolves around animals or insects.

This book provides activities, songs, and crafts that are all related in a theme or concept. For example, we made cardboard tube binoculars and then pretended we were in a boat and sang "Row, Row, Row your Boat" while we looked for mermaid, sharks, turtles and lost puppies. My daughter still asks to "go in the boat".

I am buying this book because my daughter has checked this one out from the library so many times that I think we should own it! It comes in handy for easy crafts with a lot of the same materials required (hooray for simplistic supplies) and my daughter even loves the cute little songs/rhymes you can sing that go along with your craft. She's already made 7 items and has many more bookmarked that she'd like to do! And I could easily see her repeating crafts later on as her art skills develop. For instance, when I was watching my nieces who are 6 & 8 yrs old -- they had a great time making the same craft that my 4 year old was making. Of course you could tell who made what, but they all enjoyed the activity very much! --- They learn to read directions, gather materials, make compromises when you might not have everything and that leads to even more creativity discovering what can work instead. Sounds like a small sprinkling of life lessons to me! And all that for making a caterpillar out of toilet paper rolls?!? You betch'ya ;) - Crafts - Activities - Family Activities - Preschooler Activities'

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Preschooler Activities - crafts, activities crafts Preschooler Activities - crafts, activities