Tuesday 10 November 2009

School Supply Storage Boxes - locker shelf, locker storage

This magnetic mirror is perfectly designed for the typical middle or high school locker. The magnet is strong enough to keep the mirror in place during door slamming. It's a bit more fun than some more mundane locker accessories! Also, a nice complement to the mirror is the Magnetic Motion Sensor Locker Lamp White w/ Purple Dots. Magnetic Fashion Mirror White w/ Lime Green Dots

A lot of magnetic mirrors designed for school lockers are flimsy and leave something to be desired.

The Locker Lookz mirror has a solid molding around the mirror and the magnetic back is lined. As with the dry erase board , the magnets are very strong and attach securely to the locker door. - Locker Storage - Locker Shelf - Locker Organizer - Back To School'

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School Supply Storage Boxes - locker shelf, locker storage locker storage School Supply Storage Boxes - locker shelf, locker storage