Thursday 26 November 2009

Plastic Folder - plastic folder

My kids always have to have very specific types and colors of folders. They are difficult to find even before school starts when supplies are plentiful and are near impossible to get mid-year. Here I got the configuration I needed (pockets and brads) in a durable poly and was able to get the color she was missing - red. Even though they're a little pricey I think it's still cheaper than driving to 6 different stores to try to find them locally. Five Star Advance Stay-Put Folder, Green (72111)

I have always used paper/cardboard folders up until I found these, well I used other cheap plastic folders. All in all my every folder last about a week til I got these, these last me a year through highschool, I never cleaned them out, and didn't even rid get destroyed nothing to me it is a miracle folder.

I love these types of folders! Instead of carrying around a bulky 3 ring binder, I just use one of these instead. Strong and durable! They last for a couple years too without breaking. I just bought a purple one to replace the one I've been using for about two years.

so much better than using the folders that are made of paper or cardboard and definitely know that this folder will last for years. if it breaks or gets stretched out i would totally but another one of these folders - Plastic Folder'

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Plastic Folder - plastic folder plastic folder Plastic Folder - plastic folder