Saturday 3 January 2009

Best Fishing Line

This line is excellent--and I have seen and heard others complain about bird nesting and losing lures--99% of those issues are user error! You have to be careful spooling your line--keep a steady amount of pressure on the line and keep the pressure point at at least the 1st eye of your rod away while spooling. As for losing lures, almost everyone I know who used braided line loses a few--because we don't tie braided line knots and this stuff will un-knot itself in 1 or 2 casts--and that again is our fault, not the line.

It may take a little more care to prep te line on your reels, but it is well worth it if you fish in and around a lot of structure. I fish for big bass with ultra-light tackle and generally the reel or the rod gives out before this line on those fish.

Read the directions carefully, spool you r line with consistency and learn some new knots and you will have no trouble with any of the issues people are listing on here. Spiderwire Stealth Braid 300-Yard Spool (Moss Green, Pound/Diameter 30/8)

Used properly, this line really performs well. If you are using a coffee grinder, make sure you dont overfill the spool and make it a point to slightly "underfill" it. I have also got into the habit of pulling the line tight with my free hand after I close my bail to avoid knots in the spool. I have found that what most people call "wind knots" start as a loop in the spool when the line goes slack after a completed cast. The only time I have had knots just appear in this line is when I overfill or completely fill the spool.

I bought this line a few weeks ago and was amazed at how easily i felt fish bite and it has worked just great, cast really well!!I did get knots but realised i didn't spool correctly once i redid it had no problems would recommend it anytime.

I've been using this stuff for a couple of years now and am very happy with how well it works. I've used several other types of line and looked at a couple of different braids, I think this is the best. Had to learn some new knots since what works well in mono doesn't necessarily work well braided. San Diego jam knot seems to work well for me. Had one problem where the line was slipping on the reel. Seemed like the drag wouldn't tighten up and I was able to pull line off of the reel without much resistance. A little black tape on my arbor knot and all was well.And just in case you care it's made right here in the USA. Something I wish Amazon would declare on the stuff they sell.'

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