Saturday 5 June 2010

Low-cut Socks

The older I get the more I realize it's better to spend a little more and get a good product that will last longer than pay half price for an inferior product that you'll have to replace time and time again. I never wear shoes in the house and I'm not a slipper kinda guy, so I've been wearing these socks every day. They haven't started to thin out. There are no holes. Wash them and they're like new. Nice, tight fit as well. Never thought I could love a pair of socks. Puma Men's Low-Cut Runner Sport Socks 6-Pack - Size 10-13 - White with Red/Navy/Grey


Nice looking.

Very soft, even after washing.


Design seems to fray a little. It's not serious, it just ends up making the lettering look a little less distinct.


I would recommend these to anyone, and will probably buy more if mine ever wear out.'

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Low-cut Socks Low-cut Socks Low-cut Socks