I'm surprised that this game has reviews that are only 3 stars, it is a great party game. It is a blast to play and had all of us laughing. This is not a game for 12 year olds, I would strongly recommend it for people over 18, however. I love that it can be played in only a half hour, I want to scream when other trivia games go over the two hour mark. I thought many of the trivia questions were clever. Bottom line, of the group of four of us, everyone thought this game was awesome. Smart Ass
This is a straight forward trivia game, and unlike trivial pursuit, each game lasts 30 minutes tops (with 4 players). We have an 18 year old who found most of the questions were beyond her, but our 21 year old did fine with it. I definitely wouldn't recommend it for younger teens unless you team them up with an adult to help. We had a lot of fun with it, and when if you lose, play again- most of the games were over in 15-20 minutes.
Smart "Alec", as we have dubbed it in light of the fact that there are kids around us, is actually pretty fun. It is a trivia game that allows you more than one clue. This game is great for the trivia game player that needs more clues to guess the word.
Smart A-- has a box of cards and each card has ten clues on it that go from very vague to very specific. As the reader reads the clues everyone else tries to guess the word being described. Don't jump the gun though because you only get ONE guess! A clue may start out as: "a place in the northern hemisphere" and get down to "an island near San Francisco" with all the clues in between helping to describe the word.
It was very fun, and with the different categories it kept the game fresh. If they could only change the title.
We played this with 20+ year-olds through those in their 60's and had a lot of fun. Because questions ranged from very recent topics to more classical history-type questions, all ages were able to answer questions and be a part of the game. Also, given the progressive nature of the questions, we rarely had a round with a question that went unanswered. This is a game for individuals, not teams, and you can have from 2-8 people play. Since we'd spent much of the weekend playing team-oriented games, this was also a nice change. Highly recommend.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that this game was developed in England and many of the questions have to do with England and are written from a British point of view. That's not a criticism, nor does it make the game any less fun, but it's a fact. The game is a creative version of a Twenty Questions type trivia game and we had a blast playing it for FIVE HOURS straight.
I purchased SmartA** as a Christmas present for my boyfriend, and we played it Christmas night and had a blast. I think that kids can play this game, and that it is very educational. My 9-yr old son, and two teenage nephews played with us, and everyone was able to answer some/all of the questions. My son was able to answer questions with fewer clues than the adults! I would definitely suggest this game....so much fun!!
This game can be played quickly. When I played with 2 other adults (all of us in our 50's), we felt that some of the questions were poorly written (they start in first person "I" and then go to third person, "it") and that some had strange context (do kids age 12 really have to be asked, "What am I" and have the answer be "condom"?). Maybe we're a bit too conservative but none of us felt that we'd like to play the game with a 12 year old and have the "condom question" be asked!
So we're four late twenties "grown-ups" that have recently started holding a regular game night in attempts to spend less money socializing. It's been great fun, and this game has quickly became a favorite in the rotation. Love that everyone is involved at every turn, so there's no down time where you feel like you're waiting. But the real stand-out for me is how QUICK it is. For people who enjoy trivia games (which we do) this is a unique and desirable feature. Awesome when you can't commit to a full trivial pursuit game. We usually play twice and it takes less than forty minutes. My only quibble, is that the "shiny" factor of the cards is so intense that they're REALLY slippery. Makes the decks fall over constantly. But overall, money very well spent.
I bought this for my 12yr old, and besides having to set aside some cards because they are things he has never heard of, it is a blast to play. Quick game, takes maybe 20-30 min at the most. We end up playing 3 times in a row to see who really is the Smart A@@!! I recommend it for anyone with middle school age kids, may be to hard for younger kids, and as an adult I find it amazing at the things I do not know! If you like playing games with the kids, and like playing quick games rather then being stuck for hours playing, this is it! There are enough cards as well that the 20 times we have played, we have not gone through them all yet! There are a few cards that would not be child appropriate, like there is one in there that the answer is Viagra, and the clues are more adult then what I would have thought, but other then that we love it!
We bought this game for a family vacation and played it several times with ages 8-70. We made some consessions for the two youngest kids so that they received two answers instead of one. They did well with things they are learning in school..explorers, states, inventions, authors. It did get very competitive and there was lots of screaming and laughing. I recommend this for playing with lots of people since there is no writing answers and it goes quickly. We all learned a lot on different subjects. We also loved "Say Anything", "Loaded Questions" and "Buzzword" with the same group of people. Some answers to loaded questions and say anything started getting a little graphic and vulgar but it just made the games funnier.'
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