Have never been a big meat-eater, but cut back even more a few months ago. I began supplementing my diet with more beans/legumes, but was not feeling nutritionally satisfied, and realized I was not getting enough protein. Did a little research, and discovered that hemp was ideal for meeting protein requirements, and according several articles I read, it has many other nutritional and health benefits as well. I purchased the Nutiva hemp protein powder in conjunction with the Better Than Milk "Rice" (to avoid over use of soy). According to directions for both products, I mix 4 tablespoons hemp protein and 2 tablespoons of BTM, in water. It mixes easily in a regular plastic shaker, and I don't even have to use the "de-clumping" attachment that fits inside the shaker. It's just Shake-N-Go! This combination has been the perfect way to start my day. I was concerned about the taste, as some reviews I have read rated the taste of hemp very low. I can't speak for other brands, but the finely ground Nutiva hemp powder has a mild nutty flavor, and I LOVE IT. From what I've read, hemp does not contain oligosaccharides (which commonly causes "gastric distress" with soy proteins), and I have not experienced any bloating with the hemp and rice milk combo. I am happy to start my day with something both nutritious and delicious, and thank goodness I don't have to use the electric blender (one less thing to wash). Also, the Amazon price on the Nutiva Hemp Protein and the Better Than Milk Rice can't be beat, and both qualify for free shipping. FANTASTIC!!! Nutiva Bulk Organic Hemp Protein & Fiber Powder, 3 Pound Bag
SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO GET HEMP POWDER AND HEMP SEEDS MIXED UP. THEY ARE BOTH GREAT PRODUCTS, PUT THE POWDER IS WHAT YOU WANT FOR SMOOTHIES AND SUCH. THE HEMP SEEDS ARE FOR SPRINKLING ON SALADS AND SUCH!!!! This is a great product, have used every day for last 3 years. Since it is raw and in it's natural state, you body has to do "no work" to process and digest it, thus that energy is used to do other things (like staw awake at work). Yes the amount of protein is 11 grams per serving, but since it is raw and in its natural state, the body will assimilate more of it that many protein sources with 2 or 3 times as much protein. The more nutrition in any food, the less your body needs to be happy. I do about 20 grams per serving since I'm near 200 pounds. But forget about the concept of grams of protein per serving, think more in terms of how much of a protein your body can process and assimilate from the protein source. I have proved this theory by eating a chicken breast one day, and drinking a hump smoothie at the same time another day and noticing that after the chicken I get hungrier faster, which implies the chicken has less nutrients in it. 50 grams of beef or chicken will not give your body as much protein as hemp. One point to remember is hemp is not something you can mix with water or milk by itself and expect a good taste. It has a muddy and mirky look and taste and an un-appealing green color it. However my smoothies are great because I add frozen banana, gives it an "Ice creamy taste", frozen blueberries (turns my smoothies an appealing grape-purple color) and strawberries, cacao nibs, and also instead of water, I always keep some cold herbal fruit flavored tea in the fridge and use that, gives it a fruity taste that permeates the smoothie. Very often they are so good, I smack my lips wanna go make another. Jamba Juice ain't got nothin' on me! Don't mean to get long-winded, but this is one of the healthiest foods in the world, and when you eat healthy, get great physicals, and never feel tired, you wanna spread the word with so much mis-information out here. By the by, been using for 3 years everyday and have passed to 2 drug tests for 2 jobs.
Oh and I have to respond to another reviewer named "Not Me" on his comments in relation to mine pertaining to "Chicken vs. Hemp". We both gave the product 5 stars but had some disagreement on the best protein. He threw out a lot info on the components of protein, but I am very in tune with my body, and I can say for sure that a hemp base smoothie gives my body type more nutrition than a chicken breast and I get positive energy effects after my smoothie and not the dropp-off like after I eat meat. I'm not saying hemp has the best amino acid profile, so I supplement my protein intake daily from other sources, especially organic free range eggs. He mentions soy as a great protein, but he is not aware that excessive soy is bad for women, and the benefits of soy is mainly in fermented soy products. So, I guess we can go back and forth, but my review was for the person who is trying to get started in finding better products, that person is probably not at the point of analyzing the amino acid profile of a smoothie. I'll say again that I know for fact through experience and experimentation that a hemp based smoothie gives me more nutrition that chicken of beef. Not sure how a stranger on the web can tell me it doesn't. But we are all trying to learn, and I am experimenting with supplementing my Hemp protein with Brazil Nut protein and some others, BUT DEFINITELY NOT WHEY OR SOY. There are many opinions in health just as in politics and sports, the key get is to just get started, enjoy researching products, enjoy positive effects of good products, get in tune with yourself, and your body will tell you what is right or wrong.
I have been using Nutiva Hemp Protein for about a year now in my hot cereal and smoothies. (I use stevia and Agave Syrup to sweeten, also avail on Amazon.) I like it, esp for the awesome nutritional profile! The flavor and texture may take some getting used to for some people, but well wrth it for the health benefit! And the best price I have found so far is right here on Amazon.
I love hemp, I would give this 5 stars but I think I like the seeds more than the powder, but I'll use it either way. I don't eat meat and with everyone putting so much pressure on getting protein I decided to up dose especially now that I am running and working out more my muscles will really need more to build on. The great thing about Hemp protein is it bonds well with amminos which are the building block for muscle and to top it off Hemp provides Omega 3 & 6. Even if you aren't vegan, raw or whatever I would recommend adding it to your regular diet! - Protein - Organic - Hemp - Raw Food'
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