I should start out by saying that I am a physical therapist working in a skilled nursing facility. I recently had a patient that had a hard time with the nurses bell, so I decided to try these out.
I love how easy these are to use - turn the on switch and push the yellow button to talk. The clarity is great (although I have only used these in shorter distances- about 350 feet or less). The battery life has been good as well. And, while I hate to admit it, my little boy got a hold of these and dropped them several times before I got to him with no ill effects on the walkie talkie.
I would definetly get these again, for kids and grown ups alike. LEGO Walkie Talkies
My 5 year old really wanted a set of Walkie Talkies, a friend of ours researched and bought these for there son and raved about them when I asked. My son has had them for 3 months now and loves playing with them. They have very good reception and sounds quality. We live on 3/4 of an acre and he can be inside while dad is outside being 'spied' on. These are SO much better than what I remember walkie talkies being just 20 years ago. (Man I sound old!)
My 6 year old son got these for Christmas. Her also got a different set and these (Playmobil ones) are by far the best. They are easy to use, and the reception is great. I read that many walkie talkies are not good because you can't understand what the other person says. These do not have that problem, they work very well. My son loves them, and I am buying a set for his friend who loves them as well.
After extensive research online I decided on this particular model for my 5 year old grandkid. About to put it in my cart, I checked the reviews on Amazon and lo and behold: thanks to the reviewer who alerted me to the fact that Toys R Us had it for half the price charged here. I checked their website and found that it was, indeed, available in the TRU store right up the block. I ran right over and found the LAST ONE.
Amazon, as the other reviewer stated: shame on you!
My 9 year old wanted these so badly, they were sold out everywhere and I finally managed to get ahold of them here. They were fun for about a week and then went the way of many a toy, just sitting collecting dust. Not the best toy walki talkies out there, the reception is about 1/2 of what they claim. The legos are stickers and peal off easy. If I had it to do over I think i would have purchased something better as far as reception and less focus on what they look like.
I just ordered two sets of these one as a gift 2 days ago and 1 today for my self. My friends children have these and I observed them playing with them. They seemed to work very well, and where quite clear even at a distance of over a block. The nice thing about these is they only have one channel and one knob for on/off and volume so they are easy to operate for younger children. Of course if someone else has a Lego Walkie Talkie close by, that could be a problem with only one channel.
I decided to order these as a gift for my Grandchildren, but Amazons price was sky high. Toys-r-Us and Wal-mart was half the price but they where out of stock. I waited and Amazons price came down drastically 2 days ago, so I bought them for my grandchildren.
Today I checked and Amazons price went down even more, even less than Toys-R-Us or Wal-Mart. I decided to buy a set for my wife an I to use when we go to a mall or big box store. We often get separated and have a hard time finding each other again. I am hoping by using these they will solve that problem.
These are the highest rated of all the toy Walkie Talkies on Amazon so I'm assuming they are the best. Merry Christmas to All.
CAUTION ***** In the last 2 weeks I have seen Amazons Price on this as high as $42 and as low as $19.54. Today alone I have seen the price change 3 times.
It was $39 earlier than went to $19.54 " where fortunately I bought it " and now 2 hours later it's $ 37.77. --- AMAZON get your act together.
Update 12/29 ::; Looks like the price finally stabilized at $24 for the last 4 days after Christmas.::: PS; I tried the ones I ordered and they work great for a toy. My wife and I went into a large Super Wal-Mart and we where able to communicate with each other fairly well although there was some static. I would assume this came from the florescent lighting or the refrigeration units. These should be more than sufficient for younger children.
I bought these for my 8 and 6 year old sons. We've tried others but could hear nothing but static. These are great. Easy to use, crystal clear reception. They even work great when one child is outside and the other is inside. Totally worth the money!!! - Kids - 2-way Radio - Walkie Talkies - Kids Gift'
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