Not to long ago I moved into a new home. I used the forearm forklift many times. I found it was ideal for moving big items, for example my 65" projection tv, which weighs roughly 350lbs. Without the forearm forklift it took 4 men to move, with the forearm forklift it took 2! The only downside to this product is using it to go up or downstairs with big items. It is not easy almost scary, I found it to be safer to not use the straps then pick them up after the steps. Above All Forearm Forklift Lifting and Moving Straps, Orange
I try to filter out the hype that sometimes ends up in reviews on this site - but the reviews on this product seemed to have a bit of truth to them so I ordered them. I am very impressed; these really do help out.
One of the biggest challenges I often have when working around the house is moving large items by myself. My wife is always willing to try and help but her will is sometimes larger than her muscles.
Now, these make it much easier for us. Last weekend, we used these to move a washer and dryer from one end of the basement to the other. No problem at all. Before using these, I would have struggled to get this done but these straps made it very easy for her to help me and we got the job done quickly and probably much more safely. It was so easy I was almost laughing.
Enough said... these lived up the hype. I'm very glad to own them.
The forearm forklifts work very well for lifting heavy things (washers, dryers, couches, etc) on flat surfaces. When you try to go up stairs, the person on the bottom has an easy job, and the person going up at the top should probably have arms like Rocky. For going up stairs with LARGE objects, I actually have a product called "Shoulder Dolly".
Forearm Forklifts are quicker for flat surfaces, but for going up stairs, you need something that goes over your shoulders.
I am quite suspicious of these 'As Seen on TV' type items. However, after finding some good reviews on this site and others and the desperate need for a miracle to get heavy furniture and boxes from a ground floor to a second floor unit (no elevators), I decided to purchase these through Amazon.
***What it does well:***
I have to say that after some test runs before the move, I was really impressed with how much easier carrying heavy items was. Please note that I have weak and noodley arms so this was truly amazing. Getting items from the apartment to the truck and generally carrying items over-ground (no stairs/large steps up or down) was much much easier and saved a lot of back strain.
***Tips on using it:***
You do have to make sure that the strap is all the way up your forearm by your elbow and that your hands are up against the item for it to work properly. You may also need to switch which arm holes you are using depending on the size of the item and your height (and the height of the second carrier). Do a couple test lifts before you commit to going the full distance to make sure you're all adjusted. These are designed to be used by two-lifters working together; don't expect to be able to use these solo.
***What it didn't do well:***
We could not figure out how to get this to work on stairs at all. This was my major fear in purchasing it and ultimately we could not get them to work for this task. This does work with less-steep stairs and ramps but not steeper stairs such as those between building floors.
I am very happy with how much the straps helped us move furniture over ground when they did not fit on a dolly. This did save a lot of energy and pain over manually carrying the items. However, I was disappointed with the product's inability to assist with stairs which were the major concern with the move. Due to it's dependable but limited functionality, I've rated the Forearm Forklift Lifting Straps as 'Average' at three stars.
First, Lets look at the design and why it works. The straps have 3 arm holes on each end. This design allows people of different heights to hold up their end without the awkward height difference. I am much shorter then my husband, but the straps fixed this.
When you slip the straps underneath the object, you are using the power of your legs instead of arms to lift. We bought these in March for our move, and are using these still to move furniture around.
Even for more then $20, its still a value. We certainly do not use it everyday, however they take up so little room to store, we can easily dig them out and use it.
Great for Bulky items that are hard to hold. Heavy items are still heavy, but better. It also alleviates someone carrying the "Heavy" end, as you can position the item so that it splits the weight between two.
The straps are also pretty heavy duty and do not seem worn. For the price, what do you have to lose?
When a hand truck won't work or isn't available, these lifting straps may do the trick. The straps are well made and reasonably comfortable, since the weight is carried on the loop over the forearm. The straps are especially helpful when moving large items through doorways, and have saved me some pinched fingers.
They are especially useful to have on hand when the people doing the moving aren't of equal strength or size. The bright orange color makes them easy to find, too.
We used the Forearm Forklift this past week to move to another house. We own a lot of large furniture and the Forearm Forklift really came in handy especially for moving bulky, awkward items. This was especially true for matresses, a china hutch, couches, bookcases, etc. If the item you are moving doesn't have strong legs or give (e.g., a mattress) it really is best to crisscross the straps underneath the item to make sure you keep your grip on it.
It was nice to have the Foream Forklift in addition to a dolly as there are many items that one can't move easily with a dolly (upright or piano). We won't move again without these and will be buying them for any friends who will be moving. - Moving - Straps - Moving Straps - Forearm Forklift'
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