Okay, those of you that know my review style know that I do my very best to give each game the benefit of the doubt as well as an honest opinion. This game will be no exception to that process!
Back in the day, Duke Nukem revolutionized the first-person shooter genre for its creativity, its graphics, its hardcore nature, and its overall fun-factor. Yet this game, does not revolutionize the genre in any way...in fact, it might be a small step back.
Now with that being said, it IS a good game, don't get me wrong, however after twelve or so years of build-up, delays, and anticipation, I'm simply warning everyone to not "get there hopes up too high," because the end result may end up leaving some disappointed.
I'm not going to give away any spoilers at all, I'm just going to delve into what people should already know, and that is that the very first level you start off on is, in fact, the one you play in the demo. Note: If you pre-ordered the game, you received a code to play the demo, not to mention it was available for play at various conventions. Now, some of you might be asking yourself, have the graphics improved from those that were available in the demo, and the answer is...No. To put it into comparison, the character modules of some of the monsters/characters looks similar to Fallout 3/Fallout: New Vegas. I can understand a game like that having lessened graphics because it is simply massive (for the lack of a better word). However this game, from what I can tell so far, is not nearly as massive and to be quite honest, there is no excuse for why some of the graphics even resemble Playstation 2-esque qualities. However, to be fair, when I get more playing time in with this game, I'll update my review on the length (level selection and so on) later.
Now, if there is one thing we all know, (or should know), it's that graphics don't make a game, no, what makes a game is whether or not it is FUN or not. Now, with that being said, I must say that this game does have its moments. For example, the humor is definitely there. Like I said, I'm not gonna give anything away, especially any of the jokes, but trust me, those oldschool "one-liners" are back and just as great/cheesy as they were back in the 90s. Also, remember playing the old Duke Nukem games back in the day, and being proud/rewarded when you found a secret? Well so far, those secret areas can still be found in this installment of the franchise (which is definitely a plus in my eyes). In addition, the developers also have chosen to add vehicles into the game, which has the potential to be a nice touch, however in my personal opinion, the camera-work/controls for such vehicle segments could use a bit of improvement, though aside from that, it's a great addition! Despite being (for the most part) linear, there is a surprising amount of exploration that can be had within this game, and for that, I am very happy. No, don't expect a massive world like Fallout 3 (sorry to keep namedropping that game ha-ha), or anything of that nature, but the developers did leave room for some exploring throughout the levels as I stated, which is nice, however back-tracking through levels (unless you count a chapter select) is not included in this exploration process.
Puzzles are back as well, and that feeling of "being lost" that retro-gamers once felt can now be re-experienced (which is either a good thing or bad thing, depending on your style of gameplay you prefer). As far as I'm concerned, puzzles such as these are alright, just as long as they don't become tedious and ultimately result in a thrown controller (as some gamers often resort to :P). The assortment of weapons is pretty great, however the only complaint I have in this department, is that you are only allowed to carry two weapons (unless somewhere further through the game this changes, and if so, like I said earlier, I will update this review). So you need to choose wisely as to which two weapons you wish to play through on various portions of the game before picking up/adding a new one. The lineup of enemies is pretty awesome as well, some of the classic favorites have returned, as well as various new ones.
Multiplayer? Well I'll fill this section in later once I give it a try, but for now, I just wanted to get this initial review out to you all (the public). However trust me, expect an update within the next couple of days. Be gentle though, I was trying to get this review out early so buyer's could get an honest opinion of the game.
So for now, my impressions stand as follows:
Graphics: 3/5
Sound: 4/5
Controls: 3.5/5
Multiplayer: 3.5/5
Fun: 4/5
Overall: 4/5
At the very least, a rental is in order, just to see if you like the game or not. It may not be for some, it might be for others, however at the very least, if you consider yourself a Duke fan, you owe it to the franchise (and yourself) to rent it and try it out. As for buying/purchasing it? Well...personally, I would say go ahead, however for the majority of gamer's out there, this one definitely needs to be tried out before spending your hard-earned dollars on it.
As I mentioned, I'll return shortly to update this review, but for now, be gentle! '
UPDATE 6/15: Alright, so I've had some more time with the game's single player campaign now, and I can say that my rating stays the same. Surprisingly, I still haven't beaten the game, which actually comes as a shock to me, since many reviews complain about the length of the game. So in my opinion (for what it's worth), I actually have no complaints about the length. The levels available are also quite nice so far, and I've found myself challenged with some of the puzzles that the level design has offered me. If by chance you get stuck, or don't know where to go/what to do, we are fortunate to live in an age where we have all the answers at our fingertips (the internet), so just look for a walkthrough on YouTube or whatever website that is convenient for you, though for the most part, I doubt you'll need to resort to such actions.
In all honesty though, I can still say this game offers a decent experience that may not outshine other games on the market, but it holds its ground. Obvious improvements could have been made though, and hopefully in the next one (assuming they make one), they'll be more mindful of their errors and not "rush into it;" which sounds odd being that it took twelve or so years to release this game in the state that its in now. I look forward to what the future holds for this franchise, and hopefully people will give this one a try: just don't go in with high expectations.
Update 6/16: Alright, I've spent yet even more time with the single-player campaign, and I just want to make a couple more notes. I noticed many reviews complain about the load times. Yes, they are persistent and somewhat of an annoyance. These load times not only occur between levels, but also after dying (for the most part, as certain deaths like driving a vehicle in a lake results in an instant respawn). True, this is a problem for most players, and hopefully in the next game (assuming they make one), they'll address this issue and really pull for quicker load-times. However, it is what it is, and there really isn't anything WE can do about it (aside from just choosing not to play the game at all :P).
Also, elaborating a bit on my mentioning of level exploration, I really consider it an absolute treat to walk around a level and take a gander at every single detail of the objects around an environment (I love doing that stuff). Little things that most people might overlook, like labels on foods, boxes, and other various objects throughout a level. I even noticed a fully-functional crossword puzzle on one of the objects within the (small spoiler) Duke Burger level. I'd strongly recommend taking the time to venture around and really take-in the environments that the developers have laid out for us, as you'd really be doing a disservice to yourself in not doing so. At least this proves that SOME thought went into the game. My favorite little "Easter egg" of sorts was going into one of the bathroom areas, and finding writing on the wall that said "867-5309." This is of course a song that was made in the 80s, and I couldn't help but grin when I discovered this. Anyway, I won't give away anymore, but these little secrets and things are definitely out there; ya just gotta' find them! :)
Alright, as promised, here are my first impressions of the multiplayer of this game. First off, I love the selections of maps and so on that are made available, even one called "Hollywood" which is the opening level from Duke Nukem 3D (if you pay attention), except it's been turned into a slum; why they did this, I don't really know, but still, it's a fine addition. The weapon scheme is the same as in single player in that you can only carry a max of two weapons to switch off with. The weapons spawn out at various portions of the map, and it's up to you to make sure its safe and clear enough to grab one without being killed! I hosted a server for a while and played a few games, I also played on other people's servers and as far as I can tell, there has been no lag issues at all (keep in mind, this is from my own personal experience, and lag issues may vary from person-to-person). Anyway, perhaps the toughest part about the multiplayer (for me at least) is the aiming; which is also a concern in the single player as well and often feels like I'm having to "spray-and-pray." However if you're a seasoned first-person shooter player, this might not be an issue after getting use to how the game plays out/feels. Overall, the game modes are fairly enjoyable (especially a good ole round of "Capture the Babe" which is a spinoff of "Capture the Flag"), and as long as teamwork is everyone's concern, battles should make for some intense and entertaining moments! The only thing that turns me off is that there are no trophies/achievements for the multiplayer, only in-game unlockables. For some, this is perfect, but this was also the case for Uncharted 2 (well...aside from the 2 trophies it awarded you for simply trying multiplayer), and the reason why I never really got into that portion of that game; though that's another story entirely! However, if you aren't a trophy-hungry gamer like I am, and simply looking for a decent online multiplayer shooting experience, then sure, I'd recommend it. However, keep in mind, this is no CoD, Warhawk, Battlefield, MAG, or Resistance...this is Duke Nukem. Which reminds me, yes, just to clarify, the maximum player count for matches is 8 people. So if you're the type that loves to get involved in massive battles, then I suggest you give MAG a try. Though all-in-all, the multiplayer offered in this game is enjoyable, not great, not awesome, not spectacular, and not poor, not bad, and not terrible; just enjoyable.
So with all that being said, my scores remain the same (although I'll add a score for multiplayer now), and I would still strongly encourage (to anyone) at least giving this game a try at a friend's house, or a rent. Who knows, you may just find a gaming experience that you'll find quite entertaining, or you may not care for it at all, turn it in, and move on to the next game. Either way, these are all just MY opinions on the game, and whether we like it or not, Duke Nukem has returned!
I hope all of this helps. Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comments! :)
Duke Nukem Forever'
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