I assume that anyone spending $10-20K for an M9 system (camera and a few lenses) will do their own homework, so I won't insult anyone with comments about the quality of this camera or the pictures it takes. All I'll say is that in the right hands it is capable of producing stunning images. But at the same time, it isn't for everyone.
I have pretty much the full Nikon pro suite, but it's not about one brand being better than the other - both take fine photographs. There are many things my D3 can do that the M9 can't, and vice-versa. The M9 is a different tool, useful for different situations. Whether it's the camera for you depends on whether you encounter those M9 "sweet spot" situations often enough to make it worthwhile.
The M9 is best when you're working in a slow and methodical way, carefully composing, adjusting every setting, leaving nothing to chance. If you're the type of photographer who keeps his auto-focus lenses on "manual" most of the time, rarely letting the camera make important exposure decisions, then Leica might appeal to you. You probably also use your favorite prime lens more than any zoom.
For me, the form factor is a big part of it. The M9 isn't all that much bigger than (say) one of the bigger point-and-shoots - but this is no point and shoot in terms of picture quality. Carrying something around my neck that's well under half the weight and bulk of a Nikon D3 with 24-70 lens, while not sacrificing an ounce of image quality, is important to me.
If you're on the fence, I'd encourage you to rent one for several days to experience the Leica mystique firsthand. You'll either fall in love, or you'll be unimpressed and save yourself several thousand dollars.
Leica M9 18MP Digital Range Finder Camera (Black, Body Only)I am not an easy grader, and am a perfectionist. A perfectionist forced to compromise.
I give Leica M9 a solid 8 out of 10; maybe 8.5 out of 10. Certainly not higher.
Some dumb compromises in Leica M9: e.g. cheap screen. Why not sapphire screen like M8.2? Leica claims they wanted to meet a specific price target. Come on, the person who pays $7,000 for the body alone, will pay a couple of hundred dollars more for a better screen. Since I have no respect for such short comings, I prefer to rate Leica lower rather than higher. Now, bear in mind - i heart Leica tremendously.
So far I have had a few leica M6 cameras, M7, R something, M8.2 and now M9. Multiple lenses. Oh, also the lovely D-Lux 4.
M9 is by far the best leica camera I have had. In fact, the best digital camera I have owned. It has its quirks. But leica owners tend to be a quirky bunch too (and I mean that with utmost respect).
First, i have to tell you that it took me roughly seven months to receive my leica. While I was waiting, and getting impatient, bought a Nikon D700, multiple lenses, and then a D3S. It is a bit embarrasing and difficult to travel with the Nikons. Too loud and draw too much attention to themselves, everyone thinking I am a professional photographer. I hate that as I am just a humble street photographer. It is the speed of D700 and D3S that I miss in my Leica M9.
Leica M9 body feels great. Like a beautiful mechanical watch. I bought the grey one. Frankly the faux leather on it, feels a bit too ice-y cold, and a bit cheap. Maybe if i were to do it over, i would have gotten the black body. Maybe not....everyone has those!
The battery life is short. You need an extra battery with you for a long day trip with lots of shooting.
So easy to use the camera. Menu items down to bare essentials. The camera is light, easy to carry, does not draw any attention to itself or to you, unless people in the know see that and envy you.
My biggest problem with Leica cameras and the M9 is that I like to take lots of candid street shots. Like on a recent trip to San Francisco I witnessed an arrest in the tenderloin area (what on earth was I doing in one of the worst streets in the country? well...they have amazing Thai restaurants there).... I could have taken 20 nice pictures with my D3S. With Leica I did 20 shots, and one or two came fine but not great. Even my D-Lux 4 is better in that sense. Mainly because of the lack of auto-focus. Some swear by leica hyperfocal focusing. Well, they are ahead of me for sure.
So if you have the time, and only care about taking pictures of not moving subjects, then Leica is great. So grandma shots should be fine. If you want to take pictures of your child or grand kid running at the speed of light or even an old tire-less VW, then pull out your iphone.
Exaggeration aside, you will not regret buying Leica M9, unless they come with 9.2 immediately after your purchase. You will forget the high price tag. The colors are lively, the black and whites are gorgeous and you do not break your back by carrying a heavy camera.
Leica is a great camera but is not enough as your only camera. You need a D-Lux 5 or a nikon/canon type as well....I am happy for you that you do not have to wait as long as I did to receive yours. Many camera shops seem to have them in stock now. A friend of mine bought his on Amazon and received it within one day from his order. Not bad.
Best wishes to you whatever camera you go with.
By the time I could afford a Leica, film was on its way out. I learned how to take photos on a Rollei 35S, and shot for nearly two decades with a Nikon FM2. Developed my own B&W prints. Then I had kids. No more chemicals, no more dark room. When the M8 came out, I looked into it but it seemed to have too many problems (not full sensor, weird IR problems...)
I waited for the M9. Then I waited for it to be available. And waited. And waited.
I have to say this camera rediscovered to joy of photography. Manual focus, manual controls. And the glass is really something else to behold. The images this camera produces, especially in low light, are fantastic. I would encourage anyone who is interested to go to Flickr and check out the M9 group to see the photos.
This camera is not for everybody. But I think anyone thinking about spending as much money on a camera outfit (body + lenses) as a Hyundai probably knows what he or she is getting into. I am only here to attest (as an actual user and owner for nearly a year) that this camera delivers on everything it promises. - Compact - Photography - Full Frame - Rangefinder'
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