I just viewed my first 4 days of pictures and it works as advertised. Pretty decent picture quality and it easily covered a food plot out to the 80 yards that I needed. The software works well and was easy to use. The only downside I see to this type of camera vs. a trail camera is that you have to spend a little time watching the movie/pictures to identify when/if the deer come in. However, I am seeing a lot of deer that would have never triggered a trail camera. Is is neat how it basically makes a movie of the day so you can see the deer's patterns. Primos Truth DPS 'Deer Positioning System Trail and Game Camera
The Amazon page on this camera advertises that customers who bought this camera also bought a SanDisk SD or SDHC flash memory card. In doing research prior to ordering one of these cameras, I found mention in an archerytalk forum that in contacting Primos about a problem with the camera, the person leaving the post said that he was told by Primos that SanDisk cards won't work [reliably] in the camera. The camera was tested by Primos using cards by both Patriot and Lexar, and they worked fine. SanDisk is no doubt a fine product, but not in this camera, and the impression I got was that the problem is with the camera, and not the SanDisk cards. Needless to say, I ordered a Patriot SDHC card with my camera.
In general I just have not had a lot of luck with a couple of other sensor activated cameras. I bought this one a few weeks back because of the price point - and figuring what the heck to try something different.
I have been pleasantly surprised with this one. The batteries are lasting a long time. It has been compatible with a couple of different SD cards I have used. It is taking pictures. The software works decently enough. It is a very compact size. It has a format card option which is great for me to clear the card when I install it.
Additional Specs:
1.3MP, 1280x1024, 5, 10, 20, and 30 second modes, with 2 (5, 10 sec) mid day modes. In 5 second mode 4AA batteries to last 7 days, or 8AA for 14 days. 16GB SD card in 5 second mode to last 8 days and take 8,640 pics per day estimate.
Files saved with JPX extension but Windows 7 will display them. Probably just standard JPG files. Why they chose that extension is beyond me. Windows Movie Maker complains. The software is really a Java app that downloads the most recent version from the Primos website and probably keeps itself updated. It was easy enough to use, seemed a little off performance-wise but nothing to balk about.
Overall I like it. It is small and runs off AA batteries. One thing is the resolution though, it really needs a 3MP shot for you to do much zooming. Where I had a little fox move from about 50 yards to 25 yards from the camera, I really could not zoom in enough to say for sure it was a fox. I believe closely inspecting game at a distance is not going to work out too well and I might get frustrated with it. Keeping in mind you might be missing any nocturnal feeding activity - you have to make that call as this one is only daytime. The file extensions kept me from trying to drop the pictures into Windows Movie Maker, but hey, the At A Glance software probably works out better anyways and works with pics from other sources as well.
Primos makes a quality product though, and I expect that this guy will be out scouting for me for some time to come.
According to the FAQ sheet on Primo's website, the DPS is designed to operate between 1/2 hr before sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset. However, the camera will turn itself on well after first light in the morning, usually 1 hour after legal hunting hours here in Maine, which means the camera misses one of the peak periods for game movement in the areas I hunt. The Primos customer service staff had no advice for me. In the evening the camera operates fine. The "At A Glance" software works okay and the battery life is average in warm weather. Unfortunately I can't recommend a time lapse camera that turns on as late as this one does.
I have been using this product for 2 weeks in the field, and I am satisfied.It took +20K pictures, filling a 16 GB card, without problems, and the pictures quality was OK.The software to review and scan the pictures works fine too.I would recommend a 32GB card for extended use in the field, as in the 10 seconds interval with mid day skip in 14 days a 16 GB card was almost full, so a 32 GB should allow for a month in the field. I believe the batteries would allow for it too.So far so good, and at that price I am fully satisfied.One final thing. There is no safety box specific for this camer,a but I have tried it with a safety box for the Spypoint FLA and it works, so If you plan to put it in a crowded area maybe a safety box made for another trail camera will, work, as you only need that the objective is not covered, as this camera has no infrared sensors and no flash. - Trail Camera - Hunting'
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