Based on the salespeople at the apple store, this is the only product that apple techs use to clean screens on computers, ipads, ipods. This works great and is ammonia and alcohol free--which according to apple will damage screens. DO NOT use windex!!!
It took me awhile to figure out to buy this--I don't know why it didn't occur to me to ask apple what they used. It took me a year and a very filthy macbook pro. This product easily cleaned the screen as well as the aluminum macbook pro body. It also works on the IPAD (which gets dirty screens very quickly) as well as ipods.
There are many screen cleaning kits made by this same company. The solution is the same--it is just in different size bottles. This particular package also has "wet wipes"--travel packs---which are especially great for the IPAD. For my computer it is easy enough to clean it at home. But I take my Ipad everywhere and those little travel packs fit in my purse--they are the size of "wet wipes".
From apple salespeople---spray the cloth rather than the screen as it is better to have a little of the IKlear rather than the direct contact from the spray. Klear Screen iKlear Complete Cleaning Kit
OMG this stuff is great!! I was so afraid because I read a review about NOT using alcohol (rubbing alcohol) on the MBP screen AFTER I used it on my computer screen!! I was so scared that I ruined my nearly $3000 computer! I just bought this computer in July and I was thinking to myself-oh geez. I flipped up. I mean, the alcohol smudge would NOT go away! It plagued me everyday. So I IMMEDIATELY bought this stuff and O-M-G, it cleaned off all the dirt, dust, oils (from grubby fingers on my screen) AND (drum roll please) the ALCOHOL on my screen!! I was like, are you serious!? My computer looks so new!!
Personally, I LURVE this stuff and I'm going to use it as prescribed (once a week). I can't live without it. I'm going to use it to clean EVERYTHING LOL! I've already used it to clean off my extremely dirty IMac screen and OMG it looks brand new too!
I recommend this product for ANYONE who has an Apple product. It is a must. Honestly. I am being brutally honest. As far as what chemicals are in this, I don't really care because I was not trying to screw up again and use anything OTHER than this stuff on my screen. No water, no alcohol, no nothing, other than iKlear. I don't even know if water can wipe away alcohol. Oh well, to each his own.
Just buy iKlear. It includes so much stuff (the complete kit does). I only used the big blue cloth and the small bottle of solution. Great stuff. You will be amazed. ^_^
OH, and if it helps anyone, I have a anti-glare screen on my MBP and a glossy screen on my iMac. The product does work on both screens and aluminum. It says it works on displays and acrylic too.
Seems like they made it more complex than it needs to be. They give you a travel and an "at home" version of each product, but don't separate them out in the box. Instructions have me use less cleaner than I needed to clean the screen and I ended up wiping it down three times. Otherwise, a fine product.
Colleagues had told me that iKlear was the best product for cleaning Laptop/PDA/Smartphone screens (even though I had the temerity to use it on non-Apple products).
And indeed, the cleaning fluid and the cleaning cloths appear to work well. However, I almost killed myself getting the package open, and while it looks like if it had been designed properly, the package could serve as a good storage container for the kit contents, it can't. You have to destroy the package to get it open, and so it doesn't "snap shut". So i need to find a new container for all of the wipes, the two bottles of fluid, and the cleaning cloths.
An annoyance, I admit - but I neither like having to risk cutting myself to open a product, nor being unable to close it easily for regular use.
If you are looking for a screen/device cleaner that won't damage screens/components/etc, look no further. iKlear is the best product made for this purpose. Laptop screens, iPhone screens, dirty keyboards, there is nothing this stuff can't handle. Unfortunately, it was just reported that Apple has decided not to continue selling this product in the Apple Retail stores. Don't let this bother you! While it is a shame it will be harder to find, you still want this stuff for your gear. I have been a user for the past 3+ years and can tell you that there may be other products out there, but nothing works like this does. Clean a dirty keyboard in seconds, rather than minutes. Keep your laptop screen free of fingerprints. And this kit comes with a bevy of cleaning cloths, including the new, anti-bacterial cloth, to help eradicate germs. It has been said that your cell phone is one of the most bacteria-laden things you carry because it is rarely (if ever) properly cleaned. No more! Use the new cloth and rest easy.
Customer service is also fantastic. These people stand behind their product and are easy to deal with. Hopefully the loss of the Apple retail channel won't hurt sales too much. Get it on Amazon for less!
I love this stuff. I haven't bought this kit in a long time, because I switched to the bigger bottle of iKlear a while ago with a big pack of microfiber cloths that I bought. Still, this kit is a great start and works well on our iPhones, iPad, iPod touch, our laptops, and our televisions.
I still have a couple of the pre-moistened towelettes that came from this kit in my laptop bag in case of emergencies.
Quick note - do not spray the cleaner directly onto an electronic device - it can drip down inside. Instead, spray the cleaner onto the cloth enough so that the cloth is a little damp and then wipe it on the device. I usually wet one corner of the cloth and go over the whole thing twice with the wet part and then go over it with a dry corner once or twice. Sometimes if my four year old daughter has left some really sticky bit (pancake syrup plus bacon grease for instance,) on the screen it takes a tiny bit of scrubbing, but not much. - Accessories - Screen Cleaner - Macbook Cleaner - Ipod'
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