I purchased this item a few weeks ago. First time when I put it on I realized that because you start sweating quite quickly, the pants start sticking to your skin and any wrong body movement can cause the pants to split. So, I came out with my own solution for the sticky pants. I am wearing underneath another pair of Everlast yoga pants, good enough to absorb the sweat and not make the sauna pants stick to your skin. It works great. I even sweat when I am just watching TV. This suit is not made for very hard work out, but you can easily walk or jog or even do your house chores in it. No sudden squats though, if you need to sit down pull the pants up a little bit. It says 'one size fits all'. I am size 8 and I think it can easily fit up to size 12 or perhaps even a 14. Everlast for Her Sauna Suit (One Size Fits All)
Prior to purchasing this sauna suit, I read about people having problems with the pants tearing. I haven't had a problem with that at all. It could have to do with the "one-size-fits-all" - how's that supposed to work? We're all different sizes. I'm a size 4, but I've been other sizes. I think it could probably fit up to a size 8 comfortably.
Well, what I thought would be a nice investment in a sauna suit turned into money down the drain. Or maybe I missed the warning-"Don't do squats in this suit". Yes, I did a few squats in it and POW the whole back of my pants blew out. The suit is sort of air tight, so it fills up with air and when you bend down, you either get balloon pants or a blow out like I did. The good news is that it worked like a dream the first night I used it but it was hard to clean. You have to turn it inside out and wipe it down with a towel, then soap and water, and a towel again. If you are in a hury this suit will never do.
I read the other reviews about the fact that the pants split so easily, but I did not take the advice. I am a size 8. When I put on the pants, I thought these are huge and I have nothing to worry about. I walked on my treadmill and really sweat. I was thinking that I must have really burned up a ton of calories. I was wearing a pair of cotton exercise pants under the sauna pants and so I did not notice that the entire back was torn open. I did not bend or make any sudden movements. I can't understand if this is a known problem, why can't Everlast make something that actually last. I would rather spend more money and be able to use the product over and over. Unfortunately this sauna suit is already headed for a landfill. It really bothers me that it will last in the landfill for years and that it was on my body for one hour.
This suit is fantastic. I've had it a while using the dance simulation games and I sweat so much the dance pads become slippery so I have to stop. I haven't had an issue with tearing and I guess the only one's who have that problem are those who do sudden movements or stretches that would cause an obvious tear being that this material is like a 12-ply garbage bag.
I was so excited to start using my sauna suit I couldn't wait. I lost water of 2 lbs in 2wks after for wears. Love this suit!
I have one observation...the more sweat/liquid in the suit the more it leaks, liquid thens to dip from the wrist area. I recommend wearing T-shirt to help absorb some of the sweat.
Am a 180 6ft all I got to say is I haven't ship back a product so fast in my life! As soon as I open the package I have my doubts but soon my doubts were confirmed, The Fabric fells cheap and I was afraid I was going to tear it, I re-package it and sent it back and ordered another from a trustier source I think this should be called a medium size sauna suite
It was ok for me in that it helped me to lose water weight very quickly in one or two hours but then I would gain in all back in 2-3 days as I drunk fluids. To me this is wasteful in money and time. I don't know what benefit a person could get from losing water weight for one or two days. It gives you a false achievement in my book.
The suit says one size fits all but it didn't fit in fact I suppose it was one size fits petite. I know I'm chunky however one size fits all is what it should be if not please indicate one size fits most. - Weight Loss - Fitness - Sauna The Pounds Off - Sweat'
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