The Starter Bundle makes it quick and easy for those who already have a PS3 to get an idea of what Move is about. Depending on what you already have on your PS3 and of what/how you are planning to play, all you may need could be just the Move controller and nothing else or you may want to order some additional controllers instead of this bundle.
If you don't have a PS3, then the PlayStation 3 320GB System with PlayStation Move Bundle should be the way to go.
Briefly, this is what you get in with this bundle and I will make it very short because there's a lot of info. at the Amazon page:
* Move controller, of course
* PlayStation Eye camera (must have for the Move to work)
* Sports Champions (Ping Pong is simply awesome, some of the games play much better with a second controller)
* A disc with Demos which should be available at the PSN store as well
Depending on how you are planning to play your games, this is what you don't get but may end up buying eventually:
- One more additional Move Controller (some games will either require two controllers or will play better with two)
- Navigation Controller(s) (you can use the DualShock in your left hand but it feels weird)
- One or more extra USB wires if you don't have enough already to charge your new controller(s) OR
- Dedicated charger, especially if you have more than one Move controller and/or Navigation controller(s)
The Motion Controller and the PS Eye are the minimum needed to bring 'Move' to a any PS3 console. No exceptions. If you already have a PS Eye then the controller alone is the only purchase necessary. On the other hand, to fully enjoy certain games, you may want TWO Move Controllers. This starter bundle makes sense if you don't have the Eye already and you are into the type of games that Sports Champions has. You could still get it and then sell the Eye if you already have one. The same goes for the Sports Champions. It comes sealed so you can sell it as 'new' and recover some funds in the process.
The Wikipedia has a very thorough review of the technology inside the controller - impressive. It's probably worth going there to get an idea of what's under the hood.
From a user's point of view, the Move could be viewed as approximately the right side of the DualShock 3 where the motion tracking function is the R3 analog stick, R1 is the MOVE button and the R2 becomes the Move's T(rigger). You also get the 4 Square/Circle/X/Triangle, in a square (not 'diamond') formation, the PS button as well as the START and SELECT. So far, the most used buttons during gameplay were the MOVE and the T(rigger).
In addition, you get a wrist strap. At the opposite end of the microphone-shaped Move there's a USB Mini-B port for charging and another port that seems to be proprietary - must investigate.
The controller is quite substantial as far as both size and weight - I like that and liked its being shaped in a way that makes it easy to grab and hold. Very much like a microphone or a very thick magic wand; NOT a remote control.
Based on my experience so far, Move's ability to track your motions far surpasses anything that I'm aware of in the gaming universe. Every single movement, up/down, left/right, toward/away and wrist rotation are accurately captured and almost instantly reflected on the screen and so is acceleration that would usually translates as 'force' in games such as sword fights or ping pong. In addition, there is haptic (tactile/rumble) feedback, a little too weak in the games I played so far, making the gaming experience that much more realistic.
I am not writing a lot about the Eye camera because... it's just there and it's not the subject of this review. For as long as it can see you, it simply does its part so that you may enjoy your game.
Sports Champions consists of 6 separate events where you play through one of the available characters either against the other characters provided by the game or against another player - will need a second Move controller for that. As expected, there are levels of difficulties, medals and various bonuses.
PING PONG shows Move's nothing short of amazing ability to track its controllers position in 3D space and, better, even detect moves such as wrist rotation and to track acceleration as 'force' and do it in real time. Playing Ping Pong is challenging, fun, frustrating and addictive. My entire arm, from wrist all the way up to the neck hurts already and I'm not even done with the Bronze Medal challenge yet (almost there).
ARCHERY is probably second most popular, at least in our household. We like it because, unlike PING PONG, we don't sweat a lot while playing it. ARCHERY is also one of the 3 included games that make it quite clear that you will be much better off with TWO Motion Controllers. Some of the challenges look quite cheesy - shooting at floating money bags but we've spent some time playing it and it's likely that we are going to play some more in the future.
The GLADIATOR SWORD FIGHT game, even more than ARCHERY would benefit from TWO Motion Controllers - one for the sword/axe and a second for a shield. With one controller only, you must pull the trigger to raise and use your shield or use the sword otherwise. Yes, Sony gave us BUTTONS but the game is ten times more realistic when you actually push your shield forward the way you would actually do it in real life rather than pull the trigger to raise the shield and, at the same time push the Move button while making a 'push' motion.
BOCCE... ever played it? I have a couple of times. Plays well with one controller but it can be a little boring. Good simulation.
FRISBEE GOLF is not bad. Actually played it in real life on the course we have at the nearby state park. It's a little slow but it's good relaxation after you sweat yourself out on PING PONG or GLADIATOR.
VOLLEYBALL, again, can be so much better with two Motion Controllers. Also, be careful if you play in a room with low ceilings or anything that hangs from the ceiling like a ceiling fan or a priceless crystal candelabrum.
Considering that Sports Champions is an early game, my expectations were not that high but, surprisingly, Ping Pong exceeded my expectations. I've been playing real Ping Pong ever since I was 11 or 12 so I probably know what I'm talking about and the Move version of Ping Pong is GOOD. As for the others... sword fight, not so good. Archery was okay, Bocce was so-so, Frisbee Golf not too bad.
For the games I've played so far, this is NOT a couch experience. On the Sports events I was sweating after a few minutes and my Move arm is now hurting from the wrist all the way up to the neck.
It's 5 stars for the technical merit, ease of setup and for the overall experience. Hopefully, lots of good games will be coming quickly.
PlayStation Move Starter Bundle'
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