I have owned and played each game before on different platforms and have since sold them or they wore out. I was pleased to find this set of two of PC's best games IMO. I currently own a Desktop with Windows Vista 64 home installed. I had trouble installing Deus Ex and wondered if it was a bad copy. I found help while searching the web. My PC was getting stuck on the Video Zip file, the Audio zip file, and the Maps zip file. I forget the proper names for them but you can get passed this by starting up the Windows Task manager, look at the processes and stop each process as they have trouble. I'm thinking it is the Video.exe zip, Audio.exe zip and the Maps.exe zip. After that, the game will finish installing and you should have no more trouble. I'm enjoying playing these titles all over again. I gave the product 5 stars due to the fact that I've played it before and know what to expect. If you're new you'll more than likely be disappointed by the graphics and audio. I would recommend this title to anyone who has played it before. When this came out this was considered top notch graphics and the in depth role playing and character development was unsurpassed! Deus Ex Complete
Deus Ex: Invisible War loads and plays fine in Win 7. But original Deus Ex (the game I bought this disk for) loads fine into Win 7, but looks for the DVD when launching, and doesn't find it. I've moved the DVD to various external drives as well as the internal DVD drive in my laptop...the game doesn't find it when launching. It's probably something that can be overcome by a tweak somewhere, but darned if I know what needs to be tweaked. So good luck to you if you choose to risk purchasing this for original Deus Ex. Doesn't work for me.
I've had both of these games for a while now. Of all the games I've played, these are two of my favorites. In both of them, you can take a head on shooting gallery approach, or you can take a stelthy approach, or a mixture of both. Personally, I take a steathy approach, it conseves resorces. A mixture would be a little more exciting, but the head on approach is more likely to get you killed than not. The options in these games are vast and each has multiple endings with quite different results.
Most of the fans of these games actually prefer the origional game because it requires a lot more envolvement in finding clues, access codes, etc... The first game does sort of lock you into a particular path about mid-way through, but it's got a great story-line to get you through it. There are some points in the game where stealth is the ONLY option until you get rearmed. There are some side missions that aren't exactly required, but they fill in some details for the story-line that clearify what's happening.
In the second game "Invisable War" It's like 50 years or so after the origional game. It is based on a particular outcome from the first game, but has a lot more choices as you progress through the game. I tend to play my way through as nutral as I can until the final sequence. Then I pick the faction I wish to back and eliminate the rest. The end results are all facinating and vastly different.
I highly recomend these games! And if you like these you'll defenatly want the third installment coming out soon. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The third installment actually takes place before the origional game, but I understand it's going to be a great deal more extensive with a more dynamic story-line based directly on your actions, and choices in confersations. You can pre-order through Amazon.com or some other sites depending on the pre-order options you want. Check out Deus Ex: Human Revolution Also check out their site at [....]/
If you like these, you'll probably like the Thief series, also by Eidos. THIEF Collection (The Dark Project, The Metal Age II, and Deadly Shadows III)'
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