I've played quite a few City Interactive games and have found them to be average or slightly above, keeping in mind that they are low budget games using the tried-and-true Jupiter EX engine. I found Code of Honor 3 to be a bit dull.
As with most City Interactive FPS games, you're not going to find any ground breaking innovation, but you will be getting a game that is within the current generation of technologies, using the same basic engine as FEAR and FEAR 2. These games are not new releases of 1990s technologies and it's obvious that a significant amount of time went into creating and detailing the setting. Where the game fails to impress is the fact that there is basically nothing new to expect as you progress through the game. As with other City Interactive games, there are no level bosses or difficult challenges waiting for you ahead. There is no ramping up of the difficulty as you become acclimated to the controls and weapons.
If you have played and enjoyed other City Interactive shooters, then you'll find this to be more of the same (which is not necessarily a slam). I didn't like it as much as other games of theirs, but I would be willing to give it three stars if it were selling for something closer to $10-12.
The game runs well on my Vista x64 machine with no patches. I turned up all the graphics settings, with no problems on my machine (3GHz core 2 duo, 4 GB ram, dual SLI-linked 8800GTS 512 GPUs). I do have to admit that City Interactive games are largely trouble free and rarely seem to need any patches. I'm a fan of City Interactive as a supplier of cheap run-and-gun games, but this is not their best effort.
Sorry for not offering more detail, but I have already been playing other games in the two weeks since I finished this game and they tend to run together in my mind. If I were to go into detail, I'm afraid I might get them confused. Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures
I have played the first 2 C of H and this one combines the action and adventure and puts them in a wide variety of environments. Love the new weapons but in some scenes the screens are very dark and when I put nightvision on there is a glare. Overall I like the action for the price.
This is a great FPS. A bit difficult in spots, but, once you logically find an object you are seeking, it is definitely a fun game.
WARNING: Playing this game can cause computer time warps!
I sat down to play for about 15 minutes, and somehow lost over 4 hours.
Seriously, it is a fantastic compliment to Code of Honor 1 and 2. Different main character, but very enjoyable, all the same.
I recommend this game highly to anyone who likes to shoot the sh** out of just about everyone (and a few objects) that you find in front of you, or lurking behind things.
I played the first Code of Honor and was impressed by its length of play time and artistic vision in depicting the outdoors landscape of an African continent. This game is well below par compared to that one, its short and a lot of the game is played in darkness, which means you have to use night vision - which gives a green tint to the world and looks bad, its a shame because otherwise the graphics are nice, but with the green tint coating your vision it takes away from the graphics. The game should have had more day time levels instead of most of them being set in the dark night time.
The voice acting of the villains is also horrible, and took away from the story of the game. They left open the possibility of another sequel at the end, but hopefully it will be a higher level of quality than this one. - Fps'
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