One star is all it gets and not worth one star even. I was very disappointed in this Altus step board. The board had no support for even a low impact step routine. I didn't try a high impact routine due to the center of board not being rigid enough and I was too scared to try. Don't be fooled with this step board with claims of being a gym quality board because it is not in the least. Be warned of this board, I saw couple of bad reviews but I over rode the reviews and thought they were being too critical but I regret I wasted my time with this purchase and returned it immediately. THIS IS NOT A GYM QUALITY STEP BOARD, its more like a gym board after several years of use.This board is indorsed by Cathe Fredrick & has her CD included. I am very surprised at this because I consider her a pioneer step instructor. I am not sure if Amazon sent me used one which I don't think they would do such a thing but either way, this board sucked. Altus Athletic Altus Cardio Club Step with 4-Risers
I've added a new toy to my collection. :)
This is the step manufactured for fitness instructor Cathe Friedrich. The positive is the step platform is very sturdy and does not bend in when I use it with or without risers. It does have the "Cathe" logo on the side of the platform. The negative is that when using this step on a hard floor without any risers, it will slide and move alot when exercising to a step DVD. I guess the 4 round rubber placements under the platform are not good quality. With a pair of risers added, it slighty moves during exercise. I am positive this step stays put on a carpeted floor. MY solution to the problem with the sliding/moving on the hard floor was that I simply took out my yoga mat and placed my step and risers on top. That stopped the slipping and moving of the step.
This step package is targeted towards intermediate or advanced exercisers since the colorful box it came in states that by the title on the box. However, this step is also for beginners after minusing the workout DVD that comes with this step. Beginners can test and judge their own fitness level by trying it on the platform alone(4 inch level) or by adding 1 pair of risers to make it at 6 inches, then 8 inches adding the last pair.
The DVD that comes with the step is called "Low Max." The DVD is considered to be advanced according to the "Collage Video" website. For beginners, the DVD's I would recommend are Cathe's "Basic Step & Body Fusion" OR "Low Impact Step + Total Body Sculpting."
10-minute Clips of all these DVD's can be seen on Cathe's website OR Youtube. As many know, Cathe has MANY exercise DVD's.
Oh, and the box says the maximum weight is 350 lbs., not 300 like the description on Amazon says today. Even Cathe's website says this step is for 350 lbs. maximum.
I wasn't sure if i should order this because of the bad reviews but i think its great. It sets up easily nothing to snap,screw,or install. You just choose your height and your set to go! I give it four stars and not five because obviously for the money its not going to be perfect, but it is close enough! I love using it and am glad i purchased it.
I love this stepper. The color is complimentary in my living room. It is long enough lay down like a weight bench. There has been a bit of bubbling with the rubber top. The DVD gave various options and I worked up a sweat. My only issue is that the routine on the DVD was somewhat intricate and you need sufficient space to follow them all.
My husband and I were looking for some aerobics equipment. We've got a small apartment and a young toddler, so we needed something compact without moving parts that could pinch small fingers. After looking at different steps, we chose this one.
As far as cons go, the biggest one is that the black foam isn't applied evenly. This isn't a huge deal by any means, but to the discerning eye, it is noticable. This also means that there's a few tiny little air pockets under there. I understand it's probably a bit difficult to evenly apply a large piece of thin foam, but when it's done wrong, it does make for a minor cosmetic issue.
Another con is the DVD. Watching it gives some good ideas for different steps to try, but following allong, especially at the beginner level, is difficult, just because they go fast without a ton of explanation. The music also reminds me of cheesy 80's workout videos. I'm not into routines and am more interested in just stepping, so I nixed the DVD, found some videos of different techniques on YouTube, and just step to some of my favorite songs instead. So if you could take or leave the DVD, I would say this is a minor con. If you are really interested in having a DVD, Cathe Friedrich does have some videos on YouTube that will allow you to check out her style before buying. It's great for some, but probably not everyone's style.
Another small con -- I use it on carpet, so though I do feel stable, it doesn't always feel 100% solid as if I were using it one a harder surface. No biggie, I still feel safe, and it doesn't wobble or anything like that. This might bug some people, though, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
Now for the pros -- it is very fun, as well as easy to put together. It is also a great size for my needs -- enough stepping surface to try a variety of steps, but it doesn't feel like it clutters my small living room. I also like the color. Though I don't have a ton of grey and black in my apartment, it doesn't clash with my decor quite like the teal and purple ones would. It's also rated fo higher weights than some of the others, so if that's a concern, this one is likely a good choice.
Also, when I'm not using it, my young daughter loves to use it to stack her blocks, line up her stuffed animals, roll toy cars across, crawl on, or do whetever. She thinks it's her special table. Though I know this is not a toy, it is nice knowing that it is safe to have with little ones around.'
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