I picked this up a week ago at a Game Stop, I really like it so far. It's for sure the best of the PSMove shooting peripherals I have ever seen or used, mainly because of the fact the Move actually plugs in to a mini USB on the Sharpshooter remapping the "hard to reach" buttons to easy to reach location, it all works very well for what it is.
I have tested as many games as I could, Killzone 3, awesome once I tuned it in to my personal preferences, it did take me a while to get all the sensitivities right. One thing I noticed was that the adjustable stock got in the way often during turning, in fact I would remove it all together if I could and I may one day if it really bothers me, I just don't want to have to take it apart.
Dead Space Extraction works amazing with the Sharpshooter, it feels really good, no complaints for that game, well maybe except for the weight, if starts to feel a bit heavy after a while, but that's to be said for all games using the Sharpshooter I guess.
Works well as you would expect for The Shoot and, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, they are a bit more basic though.
I Haven't tried MAG or RE5(as I don't have them) but I'm sure it's fine, and probably works better then any other Move housing.
One thing they should have added was a mini USB port some place on the gun, so you could charge the Move as you play, also I might rap some hockey tape around the handle, it seems a bit weak and may feel more comfortable if I do.
And now for my biggest complaint of all, I'm sure it will be on every ones mind in future reviews. When the move vibrates it rattles the Sharpshooter like crazy, at first I thought it wasn't plugged in right. Nope it's loose'ish in the housing, I can disable the vibration function in controller options. It's ridiculous I really shouldn't have to turn off the vibe to accommodate for the Sharpshooter. I solved it for now but putting foam and double sided tape under the move cap of the Sharpshooter, it works and you don't see it.
Oh and it comes with 3 different sets of stickers to stick on the Sharpshooter, depending on your preference.
Killzone 3 Helgast
Killzone 3 ISA
Update 02/28/11
After using the Sharpshooter for a little while (daily) I found no other issues at all, and I'm learning to like the ajustable stock, But I still wish you could remove it sometimes.
Also I FINALLY found some good KZ3 settings.
I'm using (in multiplayer) '0'/'0' dead zone, '0' sensitivity and '30' turn speed You may want to turn up the turn speed once you get used to it, if feels as close as I could get it to the Dual Shock 3
PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter** att: lazy people, scroll to the bottom for a Pros/Cons breakdown :) **
I've used this through two full campaigns of Killzone 3 ("Already?!" yep.)
The gun itself is made of a high-quality ABS plastic. There is no creaking or bending of any kind. It's a really well-constructed accessory, externally. There is a little bit of stock wobble but it goes unnoticed during play. The Move controller fits snug and tightly in it's housing. It's vibration function can be felt strongly throughout the controller without buzzing or rattling, which is surprising. In terms of build, the one thing I wish they'd improved is the navigation controller foregrip. It doesn't fit in as snuggly as the Move controller, so there is a tiny bit of movement and play there.
Playing through the first time in 3D with the SharpShooter while on my feet provided a level of immerson that I've never experienced before. And it is absolutely, without a doubt, an "experience." For me personally, it made the campaign a lot more satisfying. It's one of the most fun gaming moments I've ever had, I can't say enough about it.
That's not to say the experience was perfect. Having used the Move and Nav controller extensively in MAG, RE5, and then the KZ3 beta, I'll say using the system with the SharpShooter is actually a whole different animal. It took me a few hours to get used to this new kind of play in terms of targeting and navigation of the levels, though certainly not a fault of the controller, of course. It took quite a while to calibrate the sharpshooter initally and adjust the settings to where I felt they were perfect (I've found that my SharpShooter settings are much different than my regular Move settings). And still it takes 2-4 tries to calibrate to get it right. It's only a minute or two, but it's something that takes seconds with just the Move and Nav. But once it's dialed in, it's accuracy in unparalleled (but that's due the move controller itself).
There are a couple of other things that irked me during the game. The main issue for me is that after some cutsenes, I would have to recalibrate the controller. I get to a cutsene and, when going back in play mode, my reticle would be off. Just an inch or so, but enough to be annoying. This happened twice during both my 1st and 2nd play-throughs at different times. I've just sat through an incredible action-packed cinema and I'm ready to get back in their and kick some [donkey] only to have to stop and recalibrate. It's not enought to ruin the whole deal, but it's understandably a little frustrating when it happens.
Secondly, and this is probably just me, I think the pump-action reload function is a little too sensitive. You only need to move it back 1/3 if the way before it engages the reload animation. There were times when I'd be in a heavy fire fight and I'm trying to return fire to an enemy when I'd accidently trigger the reload animation and get lit up and killed. Since I much prefer to slap the button on the magazine to reload, It'd be nice if you could turn that function off.
Despite some of the minor flaws it may have, the SharpShooter made the campaign a much richer and rewarding affair. I can say that I'll only used the SharpShooter during campaign replays.
Now, I'm a strong supporter of the Move for competitive multiplayer. For me it's a much better way to play. It's accuracy is phenomenal. It greatly outperforms the DualShock, in my opinion. I haven't played much of KZ3 multiplayer yet, but when the Beta ended, my K/D ratio was over 2:1 with anywhere from 40-60 kills per warzone match. I love it. Having said that, the SharpShooter is more than a little impractical for competitive online play. Using it to play against Veteran or Elite difficulty AI "bots" in the campaign is one thing, but using it to navigate new maps against human players is something completely different. Though once I familiarize myself with the new maps' geography, I'll give it another try.
So quick break down:
** Too lazy to read the whole review? PROS / CONS: **
* Very well contructed.
* Incredibly accurate.
* Helps provide previously unexperienced levels of immersion.
* Tons of fun to play with.
* Works well with MAG. (though pump-action & magazine reload buttons don't work)
* Works okay with Resident Evil 5.
* Works great with Dead Space Extraction.
* Can take a couple minutes to calibrate perfectly
* May need recalibration during game.
* Nav Controller foregrip makes it easy to accidentally reload.
* Impractical for multiplayer. - Ps3 Accessory - Playstation Move - Playstation 3 - First Person Shooter'
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