If you are considering picking this game up do not wait as it is more of a modern masterpiece then a game. From the start you can tell there is a lot going on and nothing can prepare you for what will unfold in a dark but vibrant setting filled with a looming feel that things are always not as they seem.
Like I good book that you cannot put down I found myself forcing myself to stop playing instead of feeling that I had played enough so if you have concerns that this title will not live up to the original Deus Ex, you can lay them to rest. The story couldn't have stayed truer to the Deus Ex series and Square-Enix/Eidos Montreal have done what no publisher is willing to do these days and that is to make an amazing PC game.
So if Ubisoft, EA (Especially BioWare with ME3 on the horizon), Activision/Blizzard, Rockstar, 2kGames, Bethesda or other major publishers are paying attention look at what Square-Enix has done here and see how it is that you make a game for the PC.
When you release your next PC game, look at Deus Ex Human Revolution on the PC:
49.99 with 10% off on pre-order
No install limits, internet connection required, phoning home or any other anti-consumer DRM
On Steam and Retail stores
Not a console port
No Games for Windows Live or Origin etc.
Runs at first launch with no issues
If it doesn't meet these points just don't bother releasing the PC version because Square-Enix, Valve and dozens of Indie developers will continue making games many others, including myself want and will gladly spend my money on those games instead.
Deus Ex Human Revolution - Augmented EditionThis game is beautiful. Granted not perfect, but it would be unrealistic to expect much more from a game of this magnitude. The technical constraints, I can only imagine, were numerous. The story is fantastic, extremely engaging, and to anyone with at least a grade 5 level of intelligence, enormously relevant in today's society. The gameplay is tight - despite occasional AI glitches - and thoroughly immersive. The sheer amount of options at your disposal when customizing your character is astounding. I found myself taking forever to choose where I would use my praxis points, as almost every decision you make in Human Revolution has a direct impact in your experience - in other words, it's fantastic. Rarely have I found myself so drawn into a world, a game, the way I have with Human Revolution. If you're a fan of engaging stories, intense action and Rpgs in general, then do yourself a favor and buy this game.
Eidos Montreal faced a daunting and almost unthinkable task - creating a sequel to the original Deus Ex that wouldn't fall short and disappoint like Invisible War. Like many fans of the original game I anxiously awaited to see if Eidos would deliver on their promise or fall flat on their face. I even built a new computer specifically so I could play Deus Ex: Human Revolution when it was released. Finally, the moment of truth arrived and just after 2 am I finished downloading the patch from Steam and away I went. Before I realized what time it was the sun was rising and I was not even close to be sleepy so I continued playing well into the morning finally taking a break in the early afternoon. The game is phenomenal and Eidos has produced one of the best games of recent memory.
The original Deus Ex fell into what the early Star Trek and Star Wars franchises faced, a limitation of the technology at the time the product was released. I still love playing the original to this day; it is one of my favorite games. It is a game that one can enjoy over and over simply because of the choices presented to the player in how they choose to accomplish the goals set forth in the game. Unfortunately, after playing Human Revolution, the original now feels like the old Star Trek and when I do return to playing the game it will remind of what could be while I am playing what was available for the time.
I feel one of the strong points of Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a return to the gritty cyberpunk setting of the original game. In contrast, Invisible War presented a very different atmosphere about that sorely detracted from the game. Invisible War also suffered from a lack of length and being way too easy. With Human Revolution there is a return to the gritty steampunk setting that many have described as being set in the fashion of Blade Runner, an assertation I don't disagree with. I can only hope Eidos continues on with making more games as it will be tough to play the original after the masterpiece they have put forth.
For fans of the original game you will notice many easter eggs from characters such as Bob Page to companies such as Versalife. at the same time Human Revolution takes us deeper down the rabbit hole with the shroud of mystery surrounding Adam Jensen. If you hack one of the computers at Picus you will see a couple of familiar, and important characters, who show up in the original. the very first code you receive, 0451, which is the code to Sarif's elevator is also one of the first codes you recieve in the original, which goes to the comsat building by the helipad outside of UNATCO headquarters.
Some people have complained at times the game felt too much like a maze when you are in the city hubs completing missions and side quests. A quote in the mystery scene after the credits role I found to be particularly illuminating. It occurs when one character says, "When Ariadne led Theseus" which made me think of Inception by Christopher Nolan. As you are aware mazes play an important part of Inception. Another important concept is the idea that an architect (Eidos) creates a dreamworld (the game) and then the dreamer (the player) fills it with their subconscious. in this instance Eidos has presented us with a game but it is up to us to fill up with and bring it to life in a way that directly reflects upon what is in each of us who play the game. Could Eidos have been influenced by Inception, possibly, but I just thought that was an interesting thought.
Overall this is an excellent game that should be enjoyed for quite some time until they come out with the next installment.'
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