I recently bought into the Bosch Pocket Series tools with a PS21. I was beyond impressed at the power packed into that size and enjoyed using the tool - I went around looking for excuses to pull it out. The power was more than adequate for any handyman/DIY job (short of building a deck. It would do it, but I'd still use an impact driver, and/or corded or 18v+ for something like that) But many such tasks require some drilling. I have some drill bits with the 1/4 in hex shank that the PS21 accepts, but I find there is a bit of a wobble, the bits just aren't held as wells as a chuck that tightens down. So I picked up the PS31 to take over when the job requires precision drilling. It's basically the same specs as the PS21 - complete with 265 in/lbs of torque, 2 speeds, LED light and an adjustable clutch - but has the 3/8 in keyless chuck for more drilling versatility. It's a little bit longer and only slightly heavier, but will accept a much greater range of bits. One of the other really great things about this tool, after also adding the impact driver (PS40) to the set, is that it has a built in battery gauge on the tool that the others lack. I admit I've pulled batteries out at the onset of a job, or even out of the other tools mid-job, and inserted them for a quick second into the PS31 just to check the charge. Despite it's similarities to the PS21, I'm glad to have both and would have a hard time parting with either. It's great to finally have such useable power behind such a compact lightweight body. Bosch PS31-2A 12-Volt Max 3/8-Inch Drill/Driver
This compact drill is very well made and a big improvement in its class. The increase in power (which is noticeable when you fire it up), with the compact size is very very nice! (its about the size of the original Bosch PS20-2A). I dont regret the purchase at all. Its very well balanced, the new batteries are more powerful (even noticeably so for my original PS20, which is a nice plus; too bad they dont have an XC battery pack similar to milwaukee for the extra runtime). Here are my pros and cons:
--very compact 3/8" chucked drill
--good quality
--good balance and feel in hand
--very powerful
--very easy to use
--better battery packs
--LED gauge is great (its about time!)
--kinda pricey
--shipped case is still not that great (same soft case but with a more rigid top and bottom (though the euro version is a stackable
hard case called a L-boxx which Bosch will be selling later in the year this september in a new kit...Thanks for that Bosch, its not like you couldnt do that from the start???).
--still wish the tool could be more of an all metal build, though it is still pretty durable as-is.
In conclusion, i think if you buy this you will never regret it!
This is a nice little drill/driver, but, like many others, I found that the chuck (and chucked bit) have runout (wobble) well in excess of what should be acceptable to a company like Bosch. As someone else noted, this is marketed as a professional tool, not a hobbyist drill or Harbor Freight cheapy, but the wobbly chuck is really unacceptable.
The other thing that is unacceptable is that Amazon will not allow a return of a defective tool for credit or exchange. Shame.
Bought this drill from that big box store. Compared with Milwaukee M12 drill driver, this Bosch is more compact, has more torque in the spec, looks and feels better. Everything looks built with high quality. The drill has very good power and speed. The LED light is 50% blocked by the chuck, but it is still better than nothing. Battery changes within 30 minutes. It comes with a soft case, it will be great if it is LBOXX like the european ones.
However, after used it for a little more then 2 months, the chuck suddenly started wobble, at the same time it becomes difficult to switch from 1st to 2nd gear, the gear box generates noise. The noise can be gone if try to switch the gear again, but the wobbling is still there. It is good that the store's return policy allows to return in 90 days, I returned it.
To me, it is still has the best size, power, great looking 12V Max drill available. But too bad mine stopped working.
This is a light weight drill. The battery seems to last long enougth for most of my installations. The recharging time is about 30 minutes. However after about a month of use, the drill clutch slips and makes a terrible noise. I used Bosch customer no service where they are suppose to respont in 24 hours but a month latter I am still waiting to hear from them. I am now using my drill as a paper weight.
Chalk me up as another person who failed to heed the warnings. In my stupidity i thought the notorious chuck wobble was only present on some of these drills since a fair amount of reviews were positive. Well. My drill arrived with more chuck wobble than the old $40 Black & Decker it was replacing. So checked out the demo units at the local hardware stores and they all suffered the same problem, and speaking to a rep on the Bosch helpline confirmed that the wobble is "by design" and that nothing can be done about it. I believe this statement to be true; from what I can tell its the axis on which the chuck is mounted that suffers from excessive play, so not even replacing the chuck (which is so-so) would take care of it. Furthermore, the gear switch must only be operated while the drill is RUNNING without load. If operated with the drill off, it will tend to stick in an in-between position, causing a screeching sound and stripped gears as the drill is started up.
I really wanted to like this unit due to its great form factor and specs, but poor quality & design trumps that and should not be accepted. Not in an el-cheapo drill and certainly not in a $100+ Bosch unit. The unit is going back to Amazon, I guess to be pawned of to the next fool who ignores the reviews :( At least the return was easy. - Drills - Cordless Drills - 12v - Bosch'
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