This DVD by renowned yoga instructor Barbara Benagh is similar in format to her previous DVD, Yoga for Stress Relief. However, whereas the latter offers practices for different conditions (back pain, headaches, digestive issues, etc.), in the AM/PM DVD, Barbara offers practices designed for morning or evening. These practices, which are slow-moving and quite gentle overall, range in length from 15 to 45 minutes, making it easy to fit yoga into even your busiest days. Barbara frequently uses props: in addition to a yoga mat, I would recommend that you have at least one blanket on hand (preferably 2-3), with pillows and an eye bag being optional.
A breakdown of the DVD is listed below. The headings are the items found on the main menu, and the bullets indicate submenu items (the times for each practice are given as they appear on-screen). I've included brief notes describing each of the practices.
Discussion of Meditation by HH The Dalai Lama
AM Routines
*Get Up and Go (15m)--a wonderful flow of upper back openers, including down dog, quarter dog, and cobra
*Sun Salutation Centering (15m)--a single slow lunge salutation combined with seated forward bends
*Breath Work (30m)--a gentle, all-lying/seated practice that includes twists, supported poses, and seated meditation; my favorite!
*Gentle Wake Up (35m)--consists almost entirely of reclined postures plus two seated twists; would be a nice evening practice
*Extended Morning (45m)--a more active practice that begins on the floor but then moves to standing for side stretch, tree, triangle, side angle, and warrior 1; returns to the floor for relaxing poses
*Wake Up the Spine (35m)--begins with the above sun salutation, moves through the same standing series as Ext Morning, and finishes on the floor with reclined poses, seated forward bends, and twists
PM Routines
*Short Rest (10m)--this brief practice offers a reclined twist, pursed lip breathing, and legs-up-the-wall pose
*Breath Work (20m)--starts with a shoulder stretch and seated twist, then moves on to seated meditation, breath work, and savasana
*Unwinding Muscle Tension (30m)--this nice practice features a variety of twisting postures in reclined, seated, and standing positions
*Good Nights Sleep (25m)--another simple practice with crocodile pose, pursed lip breathing, seated meditation, and reclined postures
*Energizing Evening (40m)--this more active practice opens with the above sun salutation followed by a wide-legged standing hamstring twist, then alternates between seated poses (half lord of the fishes, open half lotus) and reclined postures (reclined leg stretch, modified bridge, reclined twist), finishing with legs-up-the-wall
As in her previous videos, Barbara is practicing alone against the backdrop of a beautiful beach at Half Moon Bay Resort in Antigua. This DVD does feature some of the same posture sequences as in Barbara's prior Yoga for Stress Relief, but the footage appears to be new. Also, because all of the programs are generally gentle and relaxing, I find the AM vs. PM practices fairly interchangeable for day or night. Overall, this is an excellent yoga DVD well-suited to a wide range of practitioners, from those fairly new to yoga to more experienced yoginis like myself--definitely recommended. AM/PM Yoga for Beginners
This DVD has been a life saver! I have a some family issues and stress at work that have literally caused me to loose sleep and be tense throughout the day. I have tried sleeping pills, but I don't like the side effects. This DVD has helped me get a good night sleep again. It's so simple but effective. I only wish I tried this years ago and I could get all those hours of sleep back. I have begun doing the morning workouts as well and my overall calm during the day has been greatly enhanced. I am giving this DVD to several people for X-mas!
I really appreciate this DVD. I have 2 kids and a full-time job. At the end of the evening I really need to decompress and this DVD helps a lot. There are so many workouts that I can always find something that fits into my schedule and works for me. A definite recommendation.
I've bought many fitness and yoga DVDs and I find that this is the one that I use the most often because it is really effective.
The AM section really helps when I've got a stiff back or just at stretching me out and getting me ready for the day.
The PM has been really helpful in getting me ready for a very good sleep and unwind at the end of the day.
This is a very useful DVD. It's accessible for beginners and also beneficial for people that have done yoga for some time. Great for anyone looking for focused, effective and easy to follow routines.
This DVD is the best I've seen for beginners. There are a number of routines from which to choose and Barbara Benagh describes each move so well. It is extremely easy to follow, yet still will do all that a beginner, or even someone more experienced, would hope for.
This DVD is wonderful with a wide range of routines designed for the morning and evening.
Even with a busy schedule I am finding myself using this DVD at least every other day and have try to do at least one of the shorter practices once a day. On good days I manage to get a morning and night workout in and feel the difference.
If you are short on time I would suggest figuring out which is more of an issue, waking up or sleeping and target that to start because the DVD helps get you started or sleep properly and either one does make the day better.
There are 6 AM Routines - Get Up and Go, Sun Salutation Centering, Breath Work, Gentle Wake Up, Extended Morning, Wake Up the Spine, with range from 15 minutes to 45 minutes or so and 5 PM Routines, Short Rest, Breath Work, Unwinding Muscle Tension, Good Nights Sleep and Energizing Evening which range from 10 to 40 minutes. The routines cover more relaxing (less active) workouts and others that are more active. There is something for everything and everyone and the beach is stunning.
Definitely recommended. - Yoga For Beginners - Beginner Yoga Dvd - Yoga Dvd - Beginners Yoga Dvd'
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