From the picture, you might expect something with a motor, but it actually just vibrates and the vibration causes it to rotate. The vibration is enough for it to rotate and stir thin-to-medium liquids. If the liquid gets too thick, it just stops and sits in the pot. It makes a racket doing so, though, and the pot itself can also move as a result.
It's kind of useful to keep soups and some sauces from boiling over, so I think it's OK given the price. Still, the device would be much more useful if it actually used a rotary motor to stir.
Stir Crazy As Seen On TVWe were able to try to use this item the other night while cooking sauteed mushrooms, I expected it would be able to handle it since they were tiny mushrooms and the sauce was still very thin, but the product wouldn't move, hopefully we will still be able to use it with a rue or gravy in the future but I'm definately dissappointmed, I was hoping it'd have a little more muscle.
What a disappointment!! I was so excited to be able to use this for reductions that require constant stirring so I did not have to stand over the pot all the time. Well, the bottom line is it did not work, under any condition I could reasonably create for it. Besides it should serve my environment, is that not what a tool is for?
The way I see it is you need to have a very thin liquid with little to no solids, you must have the pot or pan perfectly level, even boiling it's self hinders this thing. I know it has three vibration speeds(yes, vibration, that is all it does) but under every situation I put it in the slowest one was the only one that even came close to move to more than one spot, but still did not do what anyone would have purchased it for!!
If you choose to go ahead and buy one of these DO NOT toss the packaging like I did, I will bet you will just return it after the first attempt to use it. Because I am stuck with it this thing I gave it to my wife to see if it has a use for her. :-)
In real life, StirCrazy just sat there -- like a lump-- while a quart of milk for hot cocoa boiled over my range.
I changed the 4 AA batteries and sat StirCrazy into 7 pounds of cheese sauce, which I had hoped to pour over chips for a party. But the tool was dead, and no amount of slapping and tapping could revive it.
It is requires brand new batteries probably every week if you use it 1-2 hours a day. It uses batteries like crazy just like its name except it doesn't stir.
It just sits!
I returned it for a full refund.
Tried it in a teflon pot with cold water, and it seemed to work: moved around the whole pot, although more slowly than the sales videos show.
Next, tried stirring milk as the milk was being heated. Never knew until now how much thicker milk is than water: had to put the stirer on HIGH to get it to move around the whole pot; on low or medium, it just stayed in one place. But on High, it did work ... for about 5 minutes. Then, it just slowed down and stopped. Not broken, just petered out from all that hard work.
Well, maybe it can't handle the heat; after all, by now the milk's temperature was up to almost 150ยบ F. So, get it out of the kitchen, right?
Let it cool and tried it again in cold water. No joy: it didn't turn on except in High, and then was too weak to move around.
Tested the batteries. After all, they'd been used for a long time (5 minutes) and maybe needed to be replaced. Actually, they were down a bit, so I tried new batteries. Made no difference.
To put it another way, the other reviews were spot on.
1. stirs cold water very well, at least when you first get it.
2. very low price, so it's not worth returning. (Why is this a "pro" ? It's a "pro" for the manufacturer: who's gonna bother returning something that costs less than $6?)
3. easy to clean
4. provides almost an hour of entertainment, so on a per-minute basis, costs about the same as a ticket to a 2-hour movie.
1. does not work
This product does not work as shown on TV. The motor does not seem to be powerful enough.It only work For any meaningfull size qty like a cup of vegetables it does not have the juice to stir the vegetables - Automatic Stirrer - Robo Stir - I Love Gadgets And This Was Lots - Robostir'
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I Love Gadgets And This Was Lots Of Fun ... - robo stir, i love gadgets and this was lots
automatic stirrer I Love Gadgets And This Was Lots Of Fun ... - robo stir, i love gadgets and this was lots