Up to date and really helpful info that will make your transition to New Zealand easier. It's not a book that you have to read cover to cover. Just read the sections that pertain to you and skip what you don't need. Very detailed information about each major city along with neighborhood info. Good for those who are relocating without visiting the country first (I would not advise that). Overall a very useful book to read before and refer back to again and again. Moon Living Abroad in New Zealand
I can honestly say that it does answer all of the questions I had. It answers those questions that I was poking around on the internet trying to find. I really enjoy the in-depth regional information and people/cultural info. As well as the property/real estate information (I'm in real estate, appraiser/valuer). Very much enjoyed the North American perspective, too. Living Abroad in New Zealand is a must read for those interested in living, or even just traveling to the country.
The author left her life in Canada to make her home in New Zealand, and others can follow in her footsteps with this fine key on how to rent or buy a home, move there, and handle employment, education and health care. From the best places to live to navigating the culture and understanding New Zealand laws, Living Abroad in New Zealand is a winning title.
I ordered this book after doing research online for several days. I learned a lot online but the information was scattered around various websites and difficult to manage. This book is perfect and it relieved a lot of my planning stress.
Best of all, I passed the book onto my husband and after a little bit of nagging, he started flipping through the book and found things interesting to him. Then, he started "teaching" me about moving to New Zealand and we can now have discussions about the best way to do certain things. Finally! Thank you!
This book is a great resource for anyone planning to move to New Zealand (or visit long-term). It's clear that the author did a lot of research and every aspect of the move is explained in detail, complete with advice and tips. I would suggest buying this book, then searching online for more specific information if you need it. Although I did lots of online research before I got the book, I was still able to learn new things.
I'll be reading it again when I'm on the plane!
The book, "Living Abroad in New Zealand" is especially important to me, and I gladly give it a raving review, not just because some of my pictures are featured in the book, or because I lived for two wonderful years in New Zealand, but because Michelle gives so much detail and information about living, working, and enjoying the country, that I really wished I would have read this book three years ago before I made the trip. It was quite fun for me to be reading a travel and information guide after already having lived and worked in New Zealand for two years.
I enjoyed reading a number of interesting facts about the country that I did not already know, and the technical process of obtaining visas, permits, and residency is very important for people planning to make the move to such a beautiful country. This book is packed with relevant information and gives background on subjects that most travel guides do not cover, making it the ideal companion piece to any New Zealand travle guide.
I enjoyed "living Abroad In New Zealand" very informative as accurate, having family and friends
that live in New Zealand I wanted to prepare my self for whats to come.
Thank you I look forward to my adventure and reading more books by Michelle Waitzman! - Living Abroad - Residency - Travel - Guidebooks'
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