I bought three new 32-inch LCD TVs in one week, and returned the first two because of faulty video inputs. The third TV I bought is this high-quality, Panasonic TC-L32X2 TV, which was just released in February 2010. My experience enabled me to compare three similar TVs, giving me good insight to write this review.
I initially bought two other 32-inch LCD TVs; a Vizio VO320E and a Sony BRAVIA BX 300 Series (model KDL-32BX300). I returned both of them because of identical video input problems. I connected two different brands of DVD players to each TV, and when I played DVDs, there were alternating horizontal stripes of discoloration on the screen, indicating a problem with the video inputs on the TVs. I returned both TVs to the retailer because both of these DVD players worked perfectly on two other TVs in my house, including a one-year-old Panasonic plasma.
Then I bought the Panasonic TC-L32X2 TV listed here. After the initial setup, the first thing I tested was the video output from a DVD player, and was relieved to find that the video was crisp and clear, with no stripes of discoloration like on the other two TVs. Then I flipped through the channels from a direct cable TV input (no cable box), and the TV output was excellent as well, and definitely better than the other two TVs that I had to return. Also, the build of the TV was noticeably of higher quality than the other two TVs. The remote has plenty of features, and is not cheap (like the ones that came with other two TVs).
This Panasonic TC-L32X2 TV comes with one cable TV input, one set of component video inputs (red/blue/green video and red/white audio), two sets of composite video inputs (red/white/yellow), three HDMI inputs, a PC input, an iPod dock with connector cable and rear input, an SD camera card input, and a Dolby digital audio output.
Panasonic TC-L32X2 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV with iPod DockI bought this TV so that I could have a TV and stereo in one, instead of having to purchase both. Honestly, the feature I was most excited about was the iPod dock, and everything else was just gravy. After a few weeks of owning the TV, though, I can so with absolutely no reservations that this is a superb set.
The ipod dock was a very important feature to me, and the reason I chose this set over others. I have not been disappointed in it yet. It has a very easy-to-navigate menu, and the sound quality is excellent, even when played at lower volumes. The fact that it can play the videos that I have stored on the ipod is a bonus, as well. The picture isn't HD-quality when playing video from the ipod, but it's certainly passable enough to sit down and watch a movie that way. Plus, it's great to use a remote to control an ipod - very cool, in my opinion.
The picture quality itself is nothing short of fantastic. Although it is "only" 720p, I would say that it rivals/bests many pricier sets with 1080p. The image has never been anything short of amazing, and I say this with it only hooked up to an antenna! My father, who loves televisions and high definition, couldn't stop staring and exclaiming over the image quality.
My Nintendo Wii games look great on the TV - very bright, bold colors, and never a hint of striping or bleeding, as in some other TVs. The integrated SD card reader has already come in handy a few times, and the pictures look stunning when blown up. The remote, also, is a big plus - it has everything very clearly marked, and makes navigating the TV and menus even easier.
I am incredibly happy with my choice, and have already recommended this set to a number of friends. Especially for the price, this quality can't be beat!
I absolutely love this televison. At such a low price I did not expect too much but it arrived within only two days (that's with the free shipping too!) and was amazing! The only complaints I have are that the base collects dust very easily, and also when assembling make sure you have a very long thin screwdriver or else it'll be quite a battle putting this thing together. Other than that, I love this tv and set up was a breeze!
I have no major complains about this TV, just praise in general. It is ergonomically pleasing, its remote control and operations are extremely friendly (as with most other Panasonic products I buy). The image produced in HD is really good. Initially the sound was much different to what I was used to in regular TV's but eventually I got used to it. If I would have the necessary space I'd have bought a set of speakers and base, as this would surely make a huge improvement in sound.
For what it costs is a great deal.
After 18 years with a 25" RCA tube TV, I finally stepped up to HD. After three months of watching (and complaining about) the inconsistent picture quality of a previous HDTV purchase (Sylvania LC320SLX 32-Inch 720p LCD HDTV), it's a real pleasure to watch a quality TV with correct color reproduction and black levels that aren't overwhelming.
Great picture out of the box, even from extreme angles; so far I've only upped the brightness. When I get some time, I'll use Video Essentials to set everything correctly. My wife claimed that the previous TV looked fine to her, but after just two days with this TV she commented, "The picture is really clear." She was watching "Sex and the City" on Showtime HD and remarked that she could now see all the details in one of Carrie's jackets, when before she thought it was all black. She also commented on the incredible detail in A Bug's Life on DVD. (Watching all my son's Pixar DVDs has become an absolute joy.)
For me the test was Breaking Bad on AMCHD, and although the show's palette tends toward dark and greenish, it's far better than the Sylvania I replaced. After having watched an episode of Cougar Town, however, I'm beginning to believe that broadcast TV is a crapshoot in terms of proper color balance. DVDs are far more consistent. Speaking of which, I want to revisit a lot of my favorite movies now that I can watch them on a bigger, wider, clearer screen than I've ever had before. (Update 6/26/10: I just hooked up a new JVC XVBP11 Blu-ray Player and the detail and clarity is just stunning. You can often find me standing slack-jawed in the middle of the living room. Every day I love my TV a little more.)
My wife absolutely loves the iPod dock and the ability to control the iPod with the TV remote; I'd love it if my album artwork showed up on the screen. Sound levels from the built-in speakers seem anemic, but since this TV will eventually go into the bedroom, I'll live with it. Oddly, output levels seem OK when using the cable box, but very low when using the Blu-ray player (each uses its own HDMI input). That brings me to my one major beef about the set: Although it has three HDMI inputs and various other component/composite inputs, it has no external RCA output (only optical and Viera Link, whatever that is), so I can't hook it up to either my non-optical receiver or my wireless headphone transmitter.
Overall, though, I'm very happy with this purchase, and will definitely consider a Panasonic Viera for our next (bigger, higher-resolution) HDTV. What blows my mind is that this TV cost about the same as my 25" RCA did back in 1992. For what it's worth, I took the RCA to Goodwill; as far as I know it's still alive and kicking.
Update 7/31/10: I discovered the hard way that there are no USB inputs. We have a Flip Video camera and I would really like to hook it to the TV so we can watch our videos, but there's no USB port (well, it wasn't important until now). I tried running it through the Blu-ray player, but that was a no-go. And I can't use my iPod because Flip videos won't play on it. Grr.
Update 1/1/11: Fifteen or so minutes after turning the TV on, the sound would distort, like a static-y echo. (See video.) Turning the TV off and on or changing the input fixed it, but it got to be so annoying that today I called Panasonic for service. They seemed to know exactly what I was talking about and said they'll be sending an SD card with a firmware update. As soon as I got off the phone, I downloaded the firmware update from their website and installed it per the instructions. Still happy with my TV; not very happy with Panasonic support: I never got the promised SD card.
Update 4/14/11: In early March I purchased a Panasonic VIERA TC-P42S30 42-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV and put this unit (and my Apple TV 2) in the bedroom (about a 10-foot viewing distance); this TV still gets more use than the plasma. Because I didn't have time to skip through all the chapters of Video Essentials, I used the test patterns from the Sony Blu-ray of Moon to adjust the brightness, color and tint. (I also set the sharpness to 0.) I didn't touch the back light or contrast settings (which were +5 and -5 from Standard, respectively). Everything looks fantastic. - Hdtv - Viera - 32 Inch - Panasonic'
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