I really like all the features of this Swiss Army Knife. It was affordable and really has a lot of useful tools. Some tools not mentioned above packed into this knife include:
Needle (near the corkscrew)
Micro Small Screwdriver within the corkscrew
metal saw
wood saw
These things come in really handy in the tackle box or glove compartment in the car. They also really work well hiking/backpacking/camping or unpacking or whenever a quicktool is needed.
A great knife at a great value with a great warranty. Victorinox Swiss Army Champion Plus Pocket Knife
The Victorinox Swiss Champ Plus is a very well designed multi-tool. The more you carry it, the more it will endear itself to you by proving it's worth in the field as well as in the workplace or at home. At first glance some of the tools may seem superfluous, but in the long run you may very well use some of these tools even though you originally never imagined yourself being in a position that requires them. Fit and finish are first rate, as is always the case with Victorinox products. It amazes me that Victorinox is able to offer this tool at such a fantastic price while still manufacturing in Switzerland.
This tool is basically the same as the Victorinox Swiss Champ, minus the pliers. Losing the pliers gives you a tool with a considerably smaller profile which is therefore more pocketable, and as such I consider this more of a trade-off then a negative. If you plan to carry in a toolbox or glove compartment, you might very well choose the regular 'Victorinox Champ', while the 'Champ Plus' will be better suited to people who prefer to carry a tool on their person at all times.
Speaking of weight and size, this is at the very limit of what I would consider pocketable. It *will* fit in your pocket, but the weight may bother you depending on the type of slacks you wear. For dressy trousers in particular there may be some concern, less so with jeans or more casual trousers such as Dockers. A belt sheath is another method of carry that can alleviate concerns of the tool feeling too heavy in your pocket, but of course the trade off is a belt sheath is a bit of an eye sore in business or dress environments. Overall the size and weight is still smaller then a Leatherman Wave or other similar plier based multi-tools, so it is definitely small enough to carry on you if you are so inclined to do so.
Recommended Highly:
Every guy should have one of these on his person or close by, and you *will* be the hero and 'save the day' numerous times in your life as the months and years roll by. Take it with you to work, take it with you on dates, take it camping, take it everywhere you go (except the airport, unfortunately). Ounce for ounce, the Victorinox Champ Plus packs a huge punch. The Victorinox Champ Plus may very well become your best friend. Just give it a chance and carry it on you for 30 days, and you might wonder how you ever got along without one.
-Value for the money
-Fit and Finish
-Encourages ingenuity and problem solving
-Useful and numerous assortment of tools in a small package
-Workplace/people friendly (not as likely anyone will accuse you of carrying a weapon versus a dedicated knife)
-Lifetime Warranty
-Size and weight are at the upper limit of what I consider comfortable 'pocket size'
-No one hand opening or locking blades
-No included belt sheath for those who prefer that over keychain or pocket carry
*Other multi-tool and Swiss Army Knife recommendations that you should consider:
Victorinox Farmer (if you prefer a more spartan approach)
Victonrinox Executive (very slim and lightweight)
Victorinox Explorer plus (good compromise between size and versatility)
Victorinox Compact plus (one layer smaller then the Explorer, but with similar tool selection)
Victornix Manager (for keychain carry)
Leatherman Charge TTi (if you need pliers, one hand opening and/or locking blades)
I like this particular Swiss army knife because it has a bit more than the standard knife. As a botanist and biology teacher, the hand lens has been used many a time to examine detail on a moss or beetle. The saw is great for camping, as well as collecting specimens. Additionally, you have all the basic handy gadgets you need on a knife: screwdrivers, scissors, nail file, tweezers, etc, as well as your basic, essential knife blade. I've had one of these for over 25 years, and have used it on five continents and for a hundred picnics. My only complaint is that as a lefty, food/muck can get lodged in the grooves of the handle when you use the blade (e.g. cheese, bread crumbs, etc). I use the toothpick to clean it up, but a hassle nonetheless.
Swiss Army Champion Plus which is not as good as the plain Swiss Army Swiss Champ Pocket Knife but is priced at $17 less. I had previously purchased the Swiss Army Champion Pocket Knife which has a pair of minipliers that work as well as the usual hemostats for fishing. That is the only difference that I can see between the two models. Given that gold handled hemostats are available for under $5 at most fishing stores that would make this the better buy but this is not the top of the line that the name implies. So 4 stars for this Swiss Army Swiss Champ Plus and 5 stars for the Swiss Army Swiss Champ Pocket Knife.
I always wondered what the hook thing is for on the other side of the knife from most of the other blades. After a little research I found it is for carrying stringed packages or grocery bags and really converts the knife into a comfortable carrying handle instead of having it feel like you're losing a finger at a knuckle.
I have a thing for the real Swiss army knives and decent multi-tools, and this Victorinox Swiss Army Champion Plus Pocket Knife is the one that sits in my camera bag, ready to go at all times. It's perhaps one of the best all-around tools that a pro or amateur photographer could look for as far as versatility goes.
There have been many times that this well-designed tool has come in handy in the field, and on a number of occasions it's been the one single item that has made the difference in a good day when shooting photos in the woods or wilderness. This knife isn't overly large, and even though it has a number of tools, it's quite manageable. The design has been proven over the years, and it's quite well thought out. Every single tool here has proven to be usable and easy to access once it has been used for awhile.
I'm not going to go through all of the tools that this handy Champion Plus Pocket Knife has, but read the specs and use your imagination. The large and small blades do just what is expected. The ruler is marked in inches & centimeters, and is located on the fish scaler/hook disgorger tool. There's a small multipurpose hook tool on the reverse of the knife that's quite handy for carrying heavy plastic grocery bags (twist and loop them), keeping them from cutting into your fingers. Works fine with clothes on a hanger as well.
[Note: see the photo with notes that I've posted here for a graphic breakdown of these tools and blades.]
Not well noted is the fact that it comes with a handy small micro screwdriver that's stowed within the corkscrew, so don't lose it. The tweezers are quite handy (for removing splinters or holding small parts) and these, along with the toothpick and ball point pen refill, can be picked up as spare parts from Victorinox if and when needed.
Some might prefer the Victorinox Swiss Army Swiss Champ Pocket Knife because it has pliers, but I prefer the larger needlenose pliers in a regular multi-tool such as the lightweight Leatherman Kick Pocket Multi-Tool or the Gerber Suspension Butterfly Opening Multi-Plier for really getting the job done. If either of those seem too large, there's always the super compact Gerber Clutch Mini Pliers Tool, which can be carried in a pocket at all times.
- Excellent value for the money
- Made from high quality Swiss stainless steel
- Excellent assortment of tools, all in one small package
- Has a lifetime Warranty
- Blades don't lock, so be careful!
It should be noted again that all of the blades and tools are crafted from stainless steel, and it's still made entirely in Switzerland... and it has a lifetime warranty from a company that know how to back it up.
Tip: if you get one of these, spend about fifteen minutes familiarizing yourself with it, opening and closing all of the tools, and "exercising" them. Gently spray some WD-40 with the red nozzle tip into each of the joints so that they'll move freely in the field when you need them. Doing this will make it pay off with years of service for you.
This Victorinox Swiss Army Champion Plus lives up to its name. It's a great tool, an excellent value, and a splendid gift for just about anyone. - Victorinox - Swiss Army - Multi-tool - Pocket Knife'
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