Overall, this is a pretty nice cradle. I've owned a BlackBerry 9700 for almost a year now and I wish I would have known how useful the charging pod is when I bought the phone.
There's aren't any bells and whistles on this pod, but it does it's job very, very well. The back of the pod has a Micro-USB port to plug in and existing power adapter, and the pod charges the phone using the side contacts on the bottom of the phone. Although this configuration does NOT allow any type of data transfer or sync functionality, it makes it exceedingly easy to drop in the phone for charging.
The pod has a really nice weight to it, and it doesn't shift around too easily on the desk. I highly recommend this charging pod for any BB 9700 or 9780 owner.
TAKE NOTE: Even when connected via USB cable, this pod CANNOT perform any type of data transfer with the phone. The pod is designed for CHARGING ONLY!
BLACKBERRY 35-0157-01-RM BlackBerry Bold 9700 Charging PodThere's not much more to say other than it's really great.
You'll always know where you blackberry is when it's charging, no more fussing with wires, and it looks good too.
I purchased two; one for myself and one for a business associate - they love their's too.
This product is very nice. Is small, light and very cool. You connect your regular ac charger to it and never needs to use the usb connector in your blackberry. To charge your blackberry, you only need to put it in the base. The bb logo is in the back (why?) and have a great white light on top so you know is very well connected.
When you put the BB in the base, you will notice is charging right away because the clock appears in the screen of the blackberry. I believe all BB models must have pins for this type of charge.
The charging Pod works fine, but looks used, you can see plenty of scratches on the top, however the chrome finish is intact. I think amazon.com sent me a used item when the described condition was NEW! I hope this won't happen again since I think amazon.com is a very good choice for online shopping.
El modulo de carga trabaja bien, pero luce usado, se pueden observar muchas rayas en la parte superior, sin embargo la parte cromada está intacta. Pienso que amazon.com me envió un articulo usado cuando la descripción indicaba que era NUEVO!
Espero que esto no vuelva a suceder ya que pienso que amazon.com es una opción muy buena a la hora de comprar en línea.
What can i say..? it works!!!!
Pros: It cheap and reliable and it sure dam looks good, would help a lot in minimizing the damage done with socket charger.
Cons: NONE!!!!
OVER ALL: best product out there...!!! would definitely recommend to anyone.. and I'm planning to buy another one.. :) GREAT PRODUCT
Perfect charger for leave at work.
It's very comfortable to just put your phone on it and the cell starts to re-charge the battery by it self, without any need of plug any cable to it.
It works perfect with my Blackberry Bold 9700 .
Very Useful,Easy to charge don't have to use the usb to find the plug..
but now i have to find the right placement when i place the phone onto the charging pod.
I don't get why the White Led is design on the back so when i place my phone onto it the phone blocks out the white led.
Shouldn't the design be in th front? So it shows when the phone is fully charged?
but oh well its better then looking around for the usb cord everynight to charge my phone.
It doesn't get much easier than this...drop the phone in the charger and you're all done. The phone goes right into bedside mode and starts charging. I find it much easier than plugging the phone into the micro USB port on the side of the phone. - Blackberry Bold Charger - Blackberry - 9700 Dock - Charging Pod'
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Blackberry Bold Charger - blackberry, 9700 dock
9700 dock Blackberry Bold Charger - blackberry, 9700 dock