At one time, I was a research scientist who studied both biochemistry and physiology in graduate school. Now, I work in the psychology area with an emphasis on integrating psychology, the world's wisdom traditions and the mind-body connection. I am well read in a variety of subject areas, I read ravenously in general and I've reviewed a lot of books on Amazon. Therefore, when I say this is a GREAT book and that I had difficulty putting it down, this is not faint praise. I actually do believe this should be a bestseller!
The core of this book is the study of four cultures who have a history of producing long-lived people. Specifically, it looks at the Abkhasia of the Caucasus, the Vilcabamba or Ecuador, the Hunza and the centenarians of Japan. It also discusses the China Study in some detail, which was the largest anti-cancer provention study ever undertaken. In short, the books discusses what these cultures have in common and provides informed opinions about the reasons they experience such long longetivity.
The whole book is punctuated by interesting facts by authoratative individuals, organizations and other studies. This lends credibiility to the author's argument for eating more whole grains, less calories, increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, going organic and leading an activity life that includes walking, regular exercise of other types and meaningful relationships.
One of the more beautiful and poignant premises of the book is that ALL of the cultures mentioned above revere older members of the society and a positive attitude toward aging that is lacking in our society. Mr. Robbins also repeatedly mentions the importance of close relationships and leading a meaningful life. In fact, he cites some sources that suggest that is a more determenent of health that even smoking and other bad habits.
What makes this book especially good is that it compares and contrasts our cultures values, attitudes toward the aged, perspectives on aging and dietary habits with other cultures where senility, heart disease and lingering chronic illness is virtually absent. It makes a strong argument for a vegetarian or near vegeterian diet, but not in a dogmatic way that is offensive. I also think it is a social useful commentary because it asks the right questions about whether we are caring for, honoring and fully leveraging all the valuable things that older people have to offer. In fact, he directly points a finger at how Western culture often disowns and disempowers older individuals and gives examples of this from the media, movies, etc. In our society, it isn't OK to age and seems to have an affect on how we age.
I have read a number of books on aging and the aging brain by some recognized authorities in the field and what seems to be emerging from their work is that we tend to age in the way we expect to age. It also appears that healthy relationships are a KEY component to aging gracefully, which is directly in opposition to current culture trends of increasing isolation, compartmentalization, etc.
Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 focus on the following areas: 1) Food; 2) The Body-Mind Connection; 3) The importance of love; and 4) the Human Spirit. These sections take the concepts that were developed in section one and look at the larger implications to the society and individual living within it.
If you are looking for a credible book on aging gracefully with dignity, hope and a chance for a healthy life, you will enjoy this. If you are interested in the influence of culture and beliefs on health, you will find this book an indispensable and informative read. I wholeheartedly recommend this fine and credible book to anyone looking to understand how we age, how we can maintain our health throughout the aging process and the cultural forces that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns.
Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived PeoplesOVERALL: A must read for all homo sapiens who want to live a happy life, not just a healthy one.
* Quite rational and measured. Robbins constantly tempers his enthusiasm for the four healthy cultures he examines. He refrains from idealizing them, which strengthens his argument. He doesn't gush over their way of life and points out their shortcomings (e.g., lack of refrigeration, dirt floors, poor telecommunications, etc...).
* Adds two components that he didn't mention much in his previous books: exercise and love. He's always focused on diet, but now he spends more time talking about the importance of exercise and creating a loving community.
* He's less dogmatic about being a vegan. He admits that the longest lived people in the world (the Okinawans) eat fish regularly. His concerns are how fish have more mercury than ever and that we've over-fished our waters.
* Well researched and documented. As usual, Robbins cites his sources for those who want to dig deeper. He's professional.
CON: His argument that the gaps between rich and poor is the predictor of a nation's health is weak. I would have liked to see more evidence of that.
CONCLUSION: I love this book and recommend it to anyone. I've read 3 of his books and this is the best so far. It's balanced and persuasive. He's matured and become quite wise.
I laughed when I read the editorial review from Booklist, that begins with the words: "Robbins has moved on from his career as a successful ice-cream manufacturer..." Obviously, that reviewer hasn't actually read Healthy at 100.
I have, however, and I am exceedingly grateful for all I've learned, and even more for the experiences I have had while reading, and as a result of reading, this extraordinary book. In the days since I finished it, I've felt uplifted in every cell of my body. I also shared it with an older friend, who read it. She then gathered her children, friends, and grandchildren around her so that we could talk together about aging. My friend spoke of what she is grateful for in my life, and all that she is looking forward to in her later years. We talked about our images of aging, where they come from, and whether or not they serve our optimum health potential. None of this would have happened without Robbins' fabulous new book.
Prior to reading Healthy at 100, like most Americans I had adopted a pretty negative view of aging. But as a result of the exquisite blend of heartful wisdom and rational clarity in Robbins' superbly written book, I now have a positive and beautiful vision of what my wisdom years can entail, and the steps I can take not only to live long but to live well. He describes exactly the steps we can take not only to increase our life spans, but also to increase our health spans.
I have read a great number of books on health and healing, on diet and exercise, and on the healing powers of love and positive attitudes. I've never read a book as full of truth, as deeply grounded in the joys and struggles of life, as real and authentic, as Healthy at 100. And I've never read a book ultimately as hopeful, as genuinely uplifting, as honoring of who we are and who we can be.
Robbins has written many outstanding best-sellers before, but this may well be his best ever. If you want to read a mature writer at the culmination of his craft, get Healthy at 100. If you want to live a healthier life, more centered in your optimum health potential, and more in touch with what really gives you life, read this book. I am going to buy copies for everyone I know who is aging, and I don't mean just the older people in my life. As Robbins points out, aging doesn't begin at 65. We are all aging, every day, and this is the book for those who want to do it well, who want each stage of their life to be fulfilling, creative and vital.
Dean Ornish calls this book "a masterpiece." Marianne Williamson calls Robbins "one of the most important voices in America today." I couldn't agree more. - Vegetarian - Diet - Healthy Eating - Nutrition'
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