This is a great game in its own right, with 24-player online matches, fully destructible environments, and a full range of land, sea, and air vehicles in very large maps. All of these things are very impressive for a console, but may be nothing too exciting for fans of the older Battlefield games on the PC.
It may take a little while just to get used to the game, but it can be a lot of fun once you get into it. The game overall isn't as clean or realistic as Call of Duty 4, but you really have to keep in mind that they're trying to bring a lot more to the table, whereas COD4 focused on perfecting a few key aspects of the gameplay. Those are two really different approaches to game development, and so it's really not fair to compare the two directly.
With that said, however, the controls and aiming don't feel nearly as sharp or responsive as they should, and this can get frustrating when you're trying to frantically maneuver your vehicle out of harm's way or land a shot on the guy in the tiny window across the village.
It'll be a little while before you pick up on the full range of things you can actually do in the game (tagging enemy vehicles with tracer rounds so that your buddy can lock onto it with a rocket launcher, for instance, or deploying smoke from your tank to cover your retreat). That's when things really get fun (and you stop dying as much). Online matches tend to descend into chaos rather quickly, but if you find some friends to play with and stick together, the cooperative aspects of the gameplay really shine through and can make for a very rewarding experience.
In conclusion, there are a few areas for improvement, but it's a very good multiplayer game in its own right, and it's definitely worth checking out (especially if you're new to the series). Battlefield: Bad Company
I think this game is better than any of the COD games. No infinite enemies spawning, not as linear, great graphics, big environment and most everything blows up. Co-Op would be a big plus with all the vehicles, etc..I am going Live because of this game.
Battlefield Bad Company is a FPS for the XBOX 360, This is an open world combat game similar to Medal of Honor Airborne and Frontlines Fuels of War. But most people feel that it must be compared to Call Of Duty 4, which of course is the best FPS on the 360.
Playing the single player campaign in Bad Company has you fighting alongside a squad of three AI (artifical intelligence). Unfortunately, your AI sqaudmates are practically brain dead! They will stand out in the open and not shoot back at the enemies. The enemy AI are shooting hailstorms of bullets at you but seldomly attack the AI squadmates on your team. This shoddy programming takes away from the realism and makes the game feel cheesy and low budget.
Since your sqaudmates are useless, that you will have to take it upon yourself to get into the combat and mission objectives. Many of the missions have intense firefights and are pretty straight foreward. The maps are very massive and open for the most part. This open world combat lets you devise your own plan of attack which is an excellent experience in itself. There are plenty of weapon pickups and checkpoints which automatically save your progress. If you get killed, you just respawn from the last checkpoint you passed.
The levels use streaming technology which means no loading times when going from one part of the map to the next. The levels also are persistant which means that whatever destruction you caused or enemies you killed; they remain the same and DO NOT reset after you get killed. The best thing about Bad Company is the destructiblility. Trees, containers, vehicles, and walls can be destroyed. The graphics and sound effects do a good job of conveying the chaos from this destruction.
There are two game mode type for multiplayer online. The mode called, "Gold Rush" allows up to (12) players on each team. The defending team protects the gold crates, while the attacking team tries to destroy them by either planting a charge on the crates or simply shooting at them till they blow up. Gold Rush, is so much fun that it should be renamed to "Head Rush".
Recently the game's developer, made Conquest mode available as a free download. Conquest plays like a cross between capture the flag and territories. It uses four pre-existing maps that have been modified to fit its style of gameplay. It is a nice addition to the overall package.
Here's a small taste of what you should expect to see during the matches:
Mortars shower from above, attack choppers dominate from the air, battle tanks destroy by ground, artillary strikes are awesome, air strikes have lethal precision. All the while lots of small skirmishes are taking place-Specialists running around with their silenced smg, Demolitionist blasting with their shotguns, Snipers killing from afar, Support providing suppressive fire and Assualt soldiers aggressively attacking everyone.
Despite some of its flaws, the chaotic battles, destructive environments, and amazing sound effects make Battlefield Bad Company an enjoyable experience for FPS fans. It is not a perfect game by any means and it probably won't topple COD4, but Bad Company certainly is one of the best open world combat games available for the XBOX 360.
+open world combat
+destructible environments
+massive levels
+excellent map designs
+ragdoll physics
+jaw dropping sound effects
+excellent controls
+excellent vehicles
+balanced weapons
+intense firefights
+conquest mode added recently
-brain dead AI in single player mode
-It does not win over COD4
I've never played this game online, but I can say without hesitation that the single player campaign is one of the funnest I have ever played. The sound effects are top notch (there really aren't enough good things to be said for this part of the game), the graphics are beautifully rendered (as are the havoc and destruction you'll create), and the storyline and characters are all humorous and engaging. If you're interested in arcade-type first person shooters that emphasize thrills over realism then this is absolutely the game for you. - Video Games - Battlefield - Multiplayer - Bad Company'
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