I have two Toyota Camrys. A 2004 SE and 2006 LE. Both have the same 4 cylinder engine. I have always been religious about checking the gas mileage on my cars at every fill up because this relays to me if anything has gone awry. The '04 had 115,000 miles and the '06 had 45,000 when I replaced the plugs. I replaced them mainly to see if it would help the fuel mileage; unfortunately for me, no difference. I'm sure they are good plugs as Bosch is well known for their high quality, however next time I will probably replace using the factory spark plugs. Bosch (4501) FGR8DQI Platinum IR Fusion Spark Plug, Pack of 1
I muat admit. I never did a tuneup on my 2002 Camry, I'm ashamed to say. time just got away from me. Then I noticed I was going to the pump far more often than I should. That forced me to think about a tuneup and replacing my plugs. Fortunately, I thought to spend the extra few dollars over the champions. No disrespect to them, but I just figured I'd put in the best since I was spending so much at the pump.
I put the these Bosch's in and boy oh boy!! I just had to check my consumption. I was averaging 32mpg after this tuneup procedure.
i'm satisfied. Never saw this type design before. Awesome!! worth every penny.
Six month ago I popped these in my vehicle and the car continues to run smoothly and like new. I can't say that they increase performance in a noticeable manner, but I can say they didn't decrease performance. I'm happy overall.
These have been running strong now for 30,000 miles. They start the car 1-crank faster and have not given me any trouble. Fuel economy is what it should be as well.
I will purchase these again when they are worn. Finally, a good spark plug from Bosch!
-- Update --
It's now been a few more years and I've accumulated 60,000 on the plugs with no issues whatsoever. The mileage has been great, fuel economy is normal, and car still cranks quickly. I am replacing them as a regular tune-up only. These are so good that I'm buying them again!
Although Lexus told me using their plugs, would stop my spark knock (which they didn't). The Bosch Platinum IR Fusion Spark Plug did the trick. Now my spark knock was upon take off from a dead stop and only lasted about a second. Do not know if these will help you if you constant spark knock (think you have larger problem).
Bought these hoping for better fuel efficiency. After much hyperbole, concluded that the really old spark plugs I was using delivered better milage regapped than these! What's that all about?
Car: 1992 Nissan Sentra
I know the first thing you will think is: you put them in the wrong car. Well, not according to Bosch. They worked, just fine. I just got the same or worse mileage when doing so.
3days and 350 miles on these and the VR6 Jetta has new life.Runing strong, full o pep.Code 411 has not returned after clearing code with new plugs. Have not studied mileage yet, but looking to increase for sure.
Expensive yes, but great peace of mind in having these.
I purchased Bosch spark plugs for both of our cars. After the intsallation the cars both had improved engine performance. When I took the spark plugs out of the box I saw the excellent quality amd workmanship that went into them. I would recommend this product to anyone thinking of tuning up their car or is in need of spark plugs. I also just installed Bosch wiper blades and they perform excellent and are well worth the higher price.'
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