Like the other reviewers have said up to this point this is a great book. As the cover say it is Plain and Simple. So if you're looking for something that will teach you Microsoft Office inside out then you should look to another book. This book will help you to get a basic understanding of how to use each of the Office Professional 2010 applications. There is more emphasis placed on Word, Excel and power-point than the rest. The other programs Outlook, Publisher, One-note, Access and just a general overview of how the programs work together compose the lesser portion of the book. I think that it gives and adequate coverage of the applications.
I Enjoy the very colorful pages that it has. It helps to make the learning go by faster. Basically the book is screen shots bullet points showing you exactly how to do things. If you are new to any of the programs you could get this book and it will help you have a good enough knowledge to increase your productivity. I have never used outlook before and this worked it out beautifully. I got my emails all set up and and my schedule all good. This program has wonderful organization helps and it looks beautiful too.
Very colorful, pictures and great labeling.
Simple well thought-out explanations on how to do basic, commonly used tasks in all the Microsoft office professional edition.
Good index and table of contents helps user to quickly locate what they want when they want.
Overall book flow is great.
Book can be read from start to finish or picked up in selected locations so that the user can understand virtually any part without reading what has came before it.
Great price for what you get.
Possibly too brief of an overview for some of the programs. If you are wanting a lot of details then this book may not be right for you.
If you're looking for a Plain and Simple guide to Microsoft Office look no further, but if you're wanting more details for a certain program then I would suggest looking for another book. Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple
Like the other books in the "Plain and Simple" series, this book gives straight forward instructions about how to accomplish various tasks in Microsoft Office. While I am an experienced user of Microsoft Office, this book still has given me several new ideas about how to use the program suite. It does an excellent job of introducing new features in Office 2010.
As always, the "Plain and Simple" books do not use a lot of jargon, but get down to the subject in a clear concise way.
First I am not a fan of quick and easy computer books simply because I outgrow them in just a few days. That said I will also say that this book is easy to read the illustrations are easy to see and there is a host of more information in this book than in most easy type books.
It is a book for beginners to the somewhat more advanced type of people. Each chapter is easy to read and understand, just be sure to be sitting at the computer so you can go through the exercises in this book.
This book was perfect for showing me very quickly how Windows 7 works after I came in both Office 2001 and also from Vista to Windows 7. And there are more difference that I realized. This book got me up and running in just one day and saved me quite a lot of time.
Great book and it is worth the money I paid for it!
For anyone looking to learn Microsoft Office in the easiest way possible, you cannot go wrong with this book. Printed in beautiful FULL COLOR, this book will show all newbies the ins and outs of using Microsoft Office so you can be creating amazing results in no time at all!!
The writing is tight, the pictures jump out at the page, and this is amazing. I simply cannot believe how much you get for so little money. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, OneNote and more, it's all here.
Is this book for power users that want to learn how to do everything and anything in these apps? No, but that's not the target demographic here. If you want a book that will show you the basics and do it in an easy to learn way, look no further!!
This book is very informative, yet not overly complex for one to understand. The basics of the Microsoft 2010 programs are velly well explained and the illustrations make it easy and fun to learn even the more complex ideas. One of the best software books that I have ever read, and would highly recomend it to any beginner as well as the more advanced student who wants to learn and apply Miscrosoft 2010 programs.
I borrowed this book at my public library and liked it so much at the current price on amazon that I bought my own copy. Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple enhances the suite. The built-in and online Help systems and the many online help forums available for Office 2010 are great resources for figuring out the minutiae of the software, but this manual gives you the essential overview that you miss unless you spend a lot of relatively inefficient time exploring the "Getting Started" section of the built-in Help system, something I rarely do.
Shows you how to use the programs in your Office 2010 suite and demonstrates features you didn't even know you wanted until the book highlighted them for you. Shows you how the programs in your suite interact with one another. There's a reason it's designed as a suite, but some folks never move beyond using limited features and programs in isolation. Has lots of tips and tricks to speed your work and make your Office 2010 output grab the viewer's eye.
Has labeled color illustrations showing exactly how to quickly locate and execute the command sequence being discussed, as you can see from amazon's illustrations from the book. I hate it when other software instructions tell me to click this or click that, when the main problem is that I can't find what I'm supposed to click in the software. Extremely aggravating! That doesn't happen with this book,
Pitched at just the right level. Doesn't talk down to the reader and assume someone new to computers or Windows, but also doesn't assume Office expertise. Avoids the annoying, distracting humor(??) of some other third-party software help manuals. Has a detailed Index in the back. Has wide pages so the book stays open to the page you want without being held down so you can see a page while using a keyboard or mouse.
It's not comprehensive. I see another review here from another user who gave this book one star primarily because it didn't tell him how to do the one particular thing he wanted help with. I understand why that's a CON for him, but really, it's not for me, because such a comprehensive manual would have to be much more expensive and the size of the Manhattan Yellow Pages or a multi-volume set, and it would be much less approachable for readers seeking an overview. That's what the Help systems built in to the software and the online forums do better. You can also buy single volume Plain & Simple manuals for many individual programs in the Office suite that go into more detail if you use that program heavily and prefer books to online Help. (I haven't seen the Microsoft Word 2010 Plain & Simple book, but I bet our unhappy reviewer's question was answered there.)
Overall, highly recommended. - Word - Microsoft - Office 2010 - Excel'
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