I'm not afraid to spend money on a good tool if it helps me do a better job, saves me time, and saves be from a sore arm at the end of the week from pounding thousands of nails. This nail gun is easily one of the more expensive in my garage. While finishing, framing, coil-siding, & coil-roofing nailers seemed to be a given I hesitated on buying a cap nailer thinking I wouldn't mind pounding a few caps in by hand. I found a good deal on a used 1st generation Hitachi Plasti-Cap NV50AP nailer and never regretted it!!! I have to say the balance of the 1st & 2d generation tools are awkward. You have to fight the cap magazine to keep the tool level on your surface. It looks like the cap magazine was added to the side of an existing tool design which throws the balance off. The tool wants to roll over on its side while it's in your hand. I recently purchased one of the 3rd generation NV50AP3 nailers and this is definitely the tool to buy. It weighs significantly less and the nail and cap magazines are better designed to minimize the overall profile of the gun while maintaining almost perfect balance. I have put several thousand cap nails through both of these guns and my comment on jams and mis-feeds is simple... take care not to damage or bend your nails and cap rolls and you shouldn't have any problems. I have only used the Hitachi brand caps/nails and can't comment on the generic brands out there. If you have a coil of nails that looks like someone stepped on it or tossed in the tool trailer under a pile of who knows what you're going to have problems. Anyone with coil nails should know this but I've seen some people who just don't understand why they have so many mis-feeds and blame the gun. Even if you only think you will use this tool one time BUY IT and sell it off when you're finished. You'll save lots of time, have a much easier time nailing down that felt or house wrap in the wind (been there) and your arm won't hate you. Hitachi NV50AP3 1-1/4-Inch to 2-Inch Cap Nailer
I can't imagine what kind of problems the other gentleman had but my experience with this nailer is great. I have done a lot of nailing with this machine and it does a great job. You can't compare with hand nailing because you can't do the same kind of job by hand much less as fast. I have another contractor associate that has used mine with great success. Either I just got an especially good unit or maybe the other gentleman got a bad one. Also there are a lot of tools that require a little bit of skill to get the proper use out of them.
Bought this gun and four boxes of nails/caps for my roofing crew, ended up being the biggest piece of junk I have ever had the privilege to use. I adjusted psi. the way I was holding the gun, single fire/multi fire, and various other things but the gun would constantly blow through caps or feed out anywhere from 2 to a dozen caps at a time, very rarely did it work. I even traded it in for an identical one and it did the same thing. Ended up waiting for the shipment of Bostitch cap nailers to come in and switched over. For half the price and after about 5000 caps only a handful of jams, the Bostitch is by far the better gun for your money. The downfall for the Hitachi is the roll cap feed design, Bostitch got it right with its tube cap feed design.
Purchased this item as a gift for my son. Never operated properly. Misfires nails thru cap and caps won't feed properly. After the "Hitachi Brand" nails and caps didn't work, he even bought a box of off brand to try, but had the same experience. Brand new gun has never fired a nail in a roof. The hours he wasted trying this product, he could of hand nailed the whole job.
After that Amazon wouldn't let me return it because I bought it as a gift and didn't give it to my son for over a month. Amazon said I was past the return period. Thanks Amazon-A quality company. We won't be purchasing another item from Amazon. Never had a problem returning an item that did't work at any other company. They were always glad to assist me. Thanks again Amazon.'
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